Please, Understand (Batman/Bruce Wayne x Reader)

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  (Y/N) angrily shuts her car door, heading to Bruce Wayne's front door at Wayne Manor. She was furious. What he had done was beyond ridiculous. Her hands are in tight fists as she bangs in his door.


  "Hi, Alfred. Where's Bruce?" She interrupts Bruce's butler, who is more like a friend, as she crosses her arms over her chest.

  "In the lounge. May I ask why you're so upset?"

  "Because Bruce is the biggest a-hole ever!" She yells after passing Alfred on her way to Bruce. Her shoes make a loud tapping sound against the marble floor at her fast speed. Her arms are tense, and her jaw is clenched.

  "(Y/N), I could hear you from a mile away," Bruce says to her, smirking at her as well. Once she gets close enough, she gives him a sharp slap which makes his head turn. "What was– ?!"

  "You little– You know what you did! You deserve every bad thing coming your way, I hope you rot in hell," she curses and screams at Bruce, who is shocked at her outburst.

  "(Y/N), calm down. What is this about?"

  "Are you honestly that stupid? You told Hal not to go out with me!" This is true, but it also included the whole Justice League. Bruce liked (Y/N), and even though almost all the guys in JL liked her too, Batman had set some rules.

  "It's not that–"

  "Don't you dare say not that bad."

  Bruce only smiles and shrugs. (Y/N) groans and continues to yell at him.

  "You make me sick," she turns to walk away but Bruce grabs one of her wrists. When she turns to face him, her face is even more angry than before.

  "You really don't know why I did it?"

  "Other than you're just a complete dirtbag, no Bruce," she shakes her head, annoyed by him.

  "What was I supposed to do?! Let the girl I like date other guys?" His arms stretch out, while raising his voice. His height makes him almost tower over (Y/N), so she has to look up at him most times. Her face goes blank as soon as he stated he liked her. 

  "You like me?"

  "Why else would I do that, (Y/N)?"

  "No– You're not– You're lying," she turns to leave again, but like before, Bruce grabs her again. This time, she tries to pull away Bruce's grip is far too strong for her small body. "Agh, Let me– go!"

  She stops when her eyes lock with his dark blue ones. Bruce pulls (Y/N) closer to his body, making her go less tense. It's when he presses his lips to hers she finally calms down. She starts to kiss back when he lets go of her wrists, grabbing her hips instead. He pulls her in closer than before and (Y/N) gives out a small gasp.

  After a few moments of kissing, they finally pull away from each other and she finally realizes how she feels. Surprised, happy, and scared. Many emotions and mixed messages, she doesn't know how to deal with it.

  "I, um, have to go," she walks away from Bruce. He hears his front door shut and her car start up and drive out of his gravel driveway.

  She leaves Bruce in a confused state. She had just been angry at him, but then she also had just been kissing him. If only she understood. If only she understood how much Bruce truly loved her and why he does the things he does; to protect her.

  "Please, let me talk to you. Please, let me tell you. Please, understand."


This was weirdly short, but I thought the idea was cool. And that gif has been finally used. I used the Ben Affleck version of Batman in this.

Cool, cool?

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