Forgiveness (Red Hood/Jason Todd x Jealous!Reader)

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"I hate you, Jason!" You yelled.

Just recently, you had found out Jason Todd had been flirting with other girls. And, you did not like it. You were the jealous type and Jason was the non committed type. He liked relationships, but they never stuck. He was cocky, sarcastic, and an a-hole. But, for once, he held a steady relationship. And it was with you.

"It was just flirting, (Y/N)," he acted like nothing happened.

"How can you say that? You're my boyfriend. You can't just go and flirt with girls. That counts as cheating!"

"It does not," he flashed a smile, trying to lighten the mood. "And, besides, I didn't mean it. I was drunk."

"Most relationships end with alcohol. Just so you know," your hands were on your hips, an angry expression on your face. Jason gave out a groan, and you knew he was trying to make you make up with him as he began to walk towards you.

"Don't you dare step another foot," you narrowed your eyes at him.

"But, (Y/N)-- "

"I know what you're trying to do, it won't work."

Jason's head went back as he gave out a small laugh, he knew you'd soon get over this and he thought you acting tough was cute and, somewhat, funny.

Jason gave a small smirk before taking another step closer, he was now four steps away.

"Jason, I swear. If you-- "

Three steps closer.

"Damn it, Jason! Don't you listen?" You started to step back, only for him to step closer. This continued until you finally hit a wall.

'How cliché,' you thought.

Jason was so close to you that you felt his body heat. As much as you wanted to touch him, kiss him, feel his warmth, you couldn't. He would best you again, and it would go on forever.

"I still hate you," you frowned as he lifted your chin with his finger.

"I love you, (Y/N)," he said, and it had surprised you. "I may not be the best boyfriend ever, but I try. You know what I've been trough, and I'm surprised you actually stuck with me. You don't know how grateful I am for that. I know you've been through a lot too. Ex-boyfriends and all, cheaters, abusers, the worst.

And, I know you get jealous, a lot. And it actually makes me happy, that you don't want me with anybody else. I'm like that too, I've just never showed it because you're mine," he pressed his lips on yours and your stomach had butterflies and did flips. You'd never heard Jason say things like that, you thought he never would. But, he came through, he showed his love for you.

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