Sick (Scarecrow/Jonathan Crane x Reader)

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"(Y/N), I cannot lay here all day, doing nothing. I must get back to work," Jonathan tried to get up from the bed you had made him lay on.

Unfortunately, Jonathan had gotten sick, and refused to try to get better. So you made him. You told him he wasn't allowed to leave the bed, or even the bedroom. You grabbed everything for him: medicine, books, food, or water. But, it wasn't like you didn't want to. You loved to help Jonathan. And as much as he admired your help, he didn't want to sit and be sick all day. He wanted to work. But, thank again, you wouldn't allow it.

"Jonathan, how many times do I have to tell you? You're not leaving this room until you are cured," you smiled.

"I understand, but could you at least let me do my work in here?" He asked, a small pout on his face.


You didn't want to seem mean, you wanted to help. Jonathan would've done the same thing to you. That's what people in a relationship do, help each other.

Jonathan gave out a cough, then came a sneeze and you fed him his first dose of medicine for the day. Jonathan's nose had been runny, his face pale - more than usual, in this case. He had sinus headaches and it hurt for him to move his eyes.

"(Y/N)-- "

"No. Jonathan, the answer is always going to be no. I care for you, and I won't let you stay up doing your horrible physiatrist work. Arkham pushes you, and you push yourself. There's a reason why you don't get enough sleep, or eat healthy, or - "

"Okay, I get it. What's going to happen when you get sick?" He interrupted.

"It'll be the end of the world," you said bluntly, but laughing afterwards.

Jonathan gave you a skeptical look, but chuckled when you started to laugh. You were sarcastic, Jonathan loved that. He loved how you could make jokes out of everything and not be offended.

"(Y/N), I love you. If it were you sick, I'd do the same thing," Jonathan stated, kindness in his voice.

"I love you too Jonathan. And I thank you. You don't seem like a person to do that to the blind eye, but you are truly a sweetie pie," you pinched his cheek, in a joking way only to have Jonathan push your hand away and give you an upset look.

His nose was red, from running it too much and his hair was a mess. Though, you hadn't cared about the flaws that the sickness gave him. He was the most perfect man you could ever wish for. So what if he had his faults, but it wasn't like no one had any. Another sneeze and a nose blow was his response. You smiled at him, showing you care. He had already known that.

"Come lay with me," he requested, a hopeful look on his face. Jonathan had grown cold throughout this horrible sickness, and he wished to have you keep him warm. You climbed onto the bed, next to him, and wrapped an arm around him. Jonathan felt like an ice brick to you, but you would change that. Cuddling was the best cure for sickness, sadness, or even anger.

"Thank you," Jonathan spoke, wrapping one of his arms around you.

"No problem. Now, let's go to sleep," you smiled, hugging in him tighter.

Jonathan had fallen asleep almost instantly after you said your goodnights, only it wasn't night, the sun was still out. But the closed curtains and turned off light made it seem so.

Hopefully, Jonathan would get better. Then the both of you would have life back to normal.

He's such a cutie omg.

Photo: It's just a photo of Cillian. You can search it on Google.

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