Holiday Cliche (Scarecrow/Jonathan Crane x Reader)

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"C'mon, guys, the turkey is almost done!" You heard Harley Quinn yell with her high pitched voice.

No, you weren't a villain. Yes, you were friends with them and yes, you helped once in awhile but it was never a full-time thing.

And so, you were celebrating Christmas with them. They were like family to you, spending time with you. They actually cared about something that wasn't themselves and it was each other.

"Harley, why won't you get everyones plates ready?" Joker said. Of course, Harley had done what he said and got plates for everyone.

"Sure thing, Mr. J!" Harley was always happy. The only time she was sad was when Batman caught her or Joker was mad at her. But other than that, she was as happy as anyone could be.

She had set out plates on a table large enough for everyone, that was attending, to sit - twelve or thirteen people. There was you, Harley Quinn, The Joker, Penguin, Scarecrow, The Riddler, Hush, Firefly, Two-Face, Poison Ivy, etc. You were all filled with joy from the holiday season. As it was Christmas, everyone wore Santa hats and ugly Christmas sweaters - you hadn't found them ugly, but rather soft and comfortable.

"When can I get back to work?" Jonathan asked. You knew he didn't want to go to work, but sometimes he just liked to annoy people and he'd smirk when they'd groan. Only you never got annoyed by the man. You were close friends, and you could admit that you had some sort of feeling towards him. You weren't sure if he could say the same about you.

"Jonathan, why are you so impatient today?" Ivy asked. She tilted her head to the side, her red hair moving with her head.

"Not so much impatient as I am bored," he replied. You kicked him under the table and he smirked at you.

There was no way he could be bored, or even impatient, on this Christmas day. This was the most happiest day of the year - opening gifts, having a feast, and spending time with the ones you care about. And all those were provided from all of you.

"(Y/N), how has the day been for you so far?" Jonathan asked. And you almost laughed because of how he looked, with his green Christmas sweater and Santa hat but, he looked adorable.

"Oh, it's been great. I'm sure this'll be my best Christmas," you smiled.

"Yeah, I've seen some mistletoe around here somewhere," Edward said, winking at you. Everyone had caught on to your feelings towards Jonathan and teased you nonstop about it.

And so, you blushed a bright red and played with your fingers to distract yourself.

"Turkey's done!" Joker yelled, holding a big plate of a huge turkey that you wouldn't have thought would fit in the oven. But, they somehow managed it to fit and it was cooked.

The tablets were set and all the other foods sat on it, with the turkey in the middle. Dessert was Christmas themed and they looked too cute to eat.

"(Y/N), can I ask you something?" Jonathan said, walking up from behind you. You all had eaten and it was more like a party, now. Everyone was walking around, drinking their fruit punch or other beverages and talking to one another. Soon, you'd open up gifts and it'd be over - as much as you didn't like it to be.

"Sure, Jonathan," you turned to meet him, smiling while doing so.

"Would you mind opening this present? I know we are going to do it soon, but I want you to open it now," Jonathan gave a half-smile. You thought it was cute, opening up the small box. It was wrapped in blue and white wrapping paper. You found a mistletoe and heard 'aw's and 'ooh's from the group.

This made you smile, blush, and hug Jonathan. Even if it was cliché, it was cute.

"Well, uh, it looks like we have to hang that up," he said, and Harley decided to join the conversation.

"Y'know, Jonathan, (Y/N) would have loved it so much more if you had already hung it up," she giggled. This was a lie, because you loved it either way. It was cute, loving, and nonetheless romantic. Harley was only trying to make Jonathan feel bad, but you quickly spoke up.

"Oh, Jonathan. I love it, it's so cute and romantic."

He didn't reply, but instead leaned in and grabbed one of your hands. He was about to kiss you, and you blushed harder than ever. When his lips touched yours, you instantly kissed back and the others shouted and cheered.

You were one hundred percent sure this was your favorite Christmas.
I had to update for Christmas. I was doing one for Thanksgiving but by the time it was done, Thanksgiving was over.

Anyway, this one is done and I am super happy with it. Also noticed how much Jonathan Crane oneshots I have in this book. :^) I have no problem with this because Jonathan is my smol bab.

I might not update until Christmas is over (??). But if I'm able to, I'll take the chance.

Also, check out my Q & A book!



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