Closer Than You Think (Batman/Bruce Wayne x Reader)

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"Good morning Gotham. Breaking news, The Joker has broken out of Arkham Asylum, once again. If you happen to hear or see the man, which has green hair, green eyes and has a devilish laugh, you are expected to call the GCPD, immediately. In other news, Batman was spotted last night, taking and putting into custody The Penguin, Oswald Cobblepot. Batman - " That was the only bit you heard from the TV before you stopped listening.

Did citizens of Gotham really care about Batman? Would anyone mourn over him if he died? Did anyone know the man behind that mask?

Your mind filled with questions, as you stared at the cold, wet concrete outside of a TV shop. All TV's in display played one channel, the news. A group of people, including you, would go there in the mornings, afternoon and sometimes at night. To watch the news, hear the news, or maybe even chat with others.

Only, no one talked to you, or even looked your way. You liked it that way. You minded your own business, as they did theirs. Gotham wasn't like any other city. There was too much crime and very little hope to stop it. Most of the cops were dirty, you knew that. From the numerous times you've seen them at strip clubs, bars, or even at drug deals.

You weren't a part of that life, you just saw it. Growing up in that kind of life, you knew your street terms and had the street smarts. Your family was poor, and resorted to selling or giving away valuable items. As long as you had food on the table and a roof over your head, your mother hadn't thought you were poor.

Going to school with ragged clothes, kids always picked on you. But now, you weren't as poor as you were before. You actually had nice clothes, and a steady job. Life was good, and you had warm clothes for Gotham's cold winters.

You decided to leave the group huddled around the screens that had shown the same channels. You were headed to a coffee shop, but were stopped shortly after you left the group.

"Hey!" Someone called out.

You sighed, not really wanting interaction with another human being. Turning around, you found yourself staring at the Prince of Gotham himself; Bruce Wayne.

"May I help you?" You tried not to sound like you could be doing something better than talking.

"You usually don't leave this early. I mean, seven minutes into the news and your already leaving?" He chuckled. His hands were in the pockets of a black coat he had owned, and his black dress pants looked as if they came out of drycleaning just today. His nose and cheeks held a pink glow to them, due to the cold day.

You, for the clothing matter, had on a grey sweater and a black wind breaker. You put on dark jeans, and brown boots for today. A small tooke was on your head, covering your (H/L), (H/C) hair, and a grey scarf was wrapped loosely around your neck. Your nose and cheeks also held the same colour as Bruce's, pink.

"You counted?" You squinted at him. You never liked Bruce Wayne. You thought he cared for no one but himself. Feeling that he only gave charity because he had to, to make him look good.

"I don't think you've noticed me. Nor have I introduced myself. I am-- "

"I know who you are. I'm (Y/N). Is there a reason why you stopped me?" You asked, trying not to seem aggressive.

Most people described you as that; aggressive, mean, unthoughtful. The list went on to horrible things. They were all lies, you knew it. You just didn't let anyone close enough to see the real you. You were generally a happy person, but speaking to a stranger always made you feel uncomfortable. And the only way you thought of talking to them was by scaring them away. Because, you knew that you'd talk to them for only a few minutes and never see them in your life ever again.

It's happened before.

"I just thought... we could maybe get a coffee? Maybe chat a bit?" He bit his lip, afraid you'd say no.

Was the Bruce Wayne afraid of you rejecting him on an invitation for coffee?

It should've been the other way around.

"Sure. But may I ask why?" You couldn't help but smile at his pleasant expression when you accepted his offer.

"Gotham holds many beautiful woman. Yet, I won't be able to meet them all. Luckily for me, I've had the chance to finally meet one," he winked and you found yourself blushing. It was unable to tell if you were blushing or just cold in this freezing weather. You were thankful for that.

You quickly frowned, knowing that Bruce had probably told that to all the woman he met.

"So, you didn't answer my question. Why were you leaving?" He insisted.

"The news gets boring when all they ever talk about is Batman. I mean, c'mon, who cares? He's putting criminals in jail and fighting crime, yet people are still fussing over the man," you ranted while Bruce paid close attention to the words you chose.

"Do you hate Batman?" He asked, tilting his head a bit to the right, like a dog. It gave him a cute, puppy-eyed look.

"No. It just gets tiring when you here about him almost everyday. Today, I was asking myself, would people mourn over him? Do people really care about the Caped Crusader? And, does anyone even know the man behind the mask?" You stated at the ground, once again, as you thought these questions over.

Surely, he knew people, but did people know him? Did the true identity of Batman keep his secret away from friends, even loved ones?

"I'm sure the man is loved, known for loyalty, and respect. Maybe people will mourn over him when he dies or quits, if Gotham is safe enough to do so," he explained.

You chuckled at the thought; Batman quiting. Gotham would never be safe, not now, not even in the next century.

"I mean, who knows, maybe you could be Batman," you laughed, as if you were comfortable with him to do so.

"He may be closer than you think," Bruce gave a smirk, then have out a chuckle.

"Yeah, yeah. That was a good laugh," you realized you became more comfortable with Bruce. "So, about that coffee?"

"Ah yes, who could forget about coffee?" He smirked again, and you had almost liked the way he did it. It showed confidence but also friendliness.

"I guess we should go," you smiled, for the first time. With a stranger anyway.

You knew Bruce was going to be a good friend after this day.
So, Halo 5: Guardians came out. Fallout 4 is soon to be released, same with Black Ops 3. I'm hyped. It'll take up all my writing time.

It's a good thing I stay up two or three hours after I say I'm going to sleep, writing.

Are any of you gamers?

Photo: 'Bruce Wayne' by Haining-art on DeviantArt.



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