Think (Damian Wayne x Reader)

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  Damian has been acting. . .odd lately. Starting off his conversations with cheesy pick up lines, then acting like he didn't say anything remotely cheesy after.

  "I didn't know angels flew so low," he crashes down on the couch next to you. He smiles, even more odd. He messes with his dark hair, somehow making it messy but look good at the same time. He looks at you, and you stare back - confused once again. Was it even worth questioning? Most times he wasn't playful, or talkative. So what's the big idea?

  If you had to admit, you did have a crush on him. Most times Bruce let you sleep over at the Manor, so you got close to Damian. And Alfred. Mostly Alfred.

  "Didn't know losers aimed so high," you shoot back, putting your attention back to the video game you had been playing. You hear a soft scoff and give a short laugh at his reaction.

  "Rude. I'm tryna be nice."

  You pause the game, about to throw the controller at him. You couldn't tell if he was being serious or not. You sigh, deciding to play along.

"You know, you're actually quite attractive. Handsome, some would say." His eye brows rise and he smiles. "For a Wayne."

  This time, Bruce gasps. He was sipping his coffee and reading a newspaper, sitting across from the both of you.

  "I let you into my house and you insult me like that? How dare you!" His sarcasm went through the roof and you can't help but laugh.

  "Hey! What about me?" Damian exclaims, pretending to be hurt.

  "She's not wrong, Master Damian."

  "I can't believe-"

  "I'll be in my room, have fun with Bruce," you interrupt, talking mainly to Alfred more than Damian. You laugh as you walk away. You stayed in one of the many guest rooms. The Manor was big, as were the rooms. Bruce insisted that you weren't a hassle and repeated that he'd like you to stay. Not to go too much into it, but you had problems with your family.

  Before you can relax on your bed Damian bursts through the door acting frantic.

  "Uh, there's something called knocking. Try it next time."

  "Do you just ignore me on purpose or does that come easily?" He asked. Now he seemed a bit upset. You didn't know it he was faking it or not.

  "It's a bit difficult with you, but it comes easy. What's your problem?"

  Damian sighs. He steps back to close your door and he crosses his arms, looking at you. You raise an eyebrow in confusion.

  "What?" You shrug.

  "What do you mean what?"

  "What do you think what means? You're dumber than I thought."

  "Haven't you got idea of what I've been trying to tell you?" Damian steps a bit closer, despite knowing you liked your personal space.

  "Like what? Cryptic messages? Do I have to decode all your weird, cheesy pick up lines?"

  At this point, you knew he was being serious. He gave out slightly annoyed sighs from time to time, but kept his cool. If he had any.

  "I'd hope so, yes."

  You chuckled. "What, does Mr. Damian Wayne have a crush on me?" Instead of being shocked, you were sarcastic. But in reality, you hoped he wouldn't say yes. It was weird. You liked him, a lot. But the friendship seemed closer than you'd ever get if you were together.

  "Ehhh. Some would call it that. A crush."

  "Damian, stop trying to play it off cool. It isn't working." He was serious, but he was still annoying. So, he sighed. Again?

  "Yeah, okay. Fine. I like you. I can't believe it's taken you this long."

  "Why are you blaming me for not knowing?," You kinda give a short laugh. "You're the one who couldn't just say, hey I like you, wanna go out to eat?"

  Damian paused. He gave a quick stink-eye and smirked. "Hey I like you. Wanna go out to eat?"

  You smiled, and nodded. "Why, I thought you'd never ask." You spoke in a bad southern accent, adding some humour to what you said.

  Damian gave a pfft and grabbed your hand. You almost screamed. But instead, you blushed and smiled. Finally, he'd made the move. He made his way downstairs, with you tagging along. With his hand still on yours, you both walked passed Bruce and Alfred, and out the door.

  Bruce noticed you walk by and also noticed the hand holding.

  "Alfred. . . were they-"

  "Yes, master Bruce. They were." Alfred smiled while talking. He knew you wanted this. He's happy for you.

  "Well it's about time," Bruce clears his throat and goes back to reading the newspaper.


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