Tease (The Riddler/Edward Nygma x Reader)

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"Ed, do you do anything else than try to defeat Batman?" You ask, as a joke.

His eyebrows furrow as if he had to think about it for a while. "No."

He smirks. He should really stick to telling riddles instead of trying to be funny. You gave a sarcastic smile, which he obviously didn't see through.

"I might be funnier than The Joker, you know," he states, actually believing in himself.

"Yeah, because you're a joke."

"HA! GOOD ONE, (Y/N)!" Joker cackles in the other room.

"Pfft, whatever," Edward shakes his head, ignoring the laughter of the Clown Prince.

It stays silent for a while. There's some obvious tension between you two, but you don't know why. Then, you decide to tease him with some extra flirting.

"Hey Ed, do you know my favourite letters?" You suddenly ask him. He seems confused with the question, continuing to work on his project.

"Um, no?"

"U. R. A. Q. T," you gave a slight giggle.

Edward drops his pencil, his cheeks turning pink. The sound of it rolling on the floor and your small giggles were the only sounds to be heard in the short amount of time. You continued with the pick up lines.

"Your lips look kinda lonely. . . Would they like to meet mine?"

Again, he blushes again. He tries to ignore you by focusing on his project. He keeps blinking, his hands keep shaking. And it also seems like he has trouble breathing.

"I -" he starts but stops himself. "Maybe they would," he mumbles.


"Nothing," he shakes his head, finally going to pick up his pencil off the floor. He writes down more things, only trying to distract himself. With his shaky hands, he has to press hard on the pencil to make straight lines; this causes the led to break.

"Your hands look heavy, mind if I hold them for you?" You go again, which makes Edward cough. His brings his shaky hands up to his face, covering it so you wouldn't see his bright pink cheeks.

"Y'know, your lips won't kiss themselves. Would be a shame to see them go to waste," you place your chin on the heel on your hand, while your arm rests on the table.

He finally looks at you, his green eyes capturing your (E/C) ones. It was your turn to blush, have trouble breathing, and your heart beat had sped up.

"(Y/N), as much as I'd like to keep this professional, you're making it difficult for me," you are almost saddened by this. "Even with the cheesy pick up lines, you still make me fall in love with you more."

This shocks you. But why? All you've done is make corny jokes and say some cheesy things. This should be easy for you, right? Well, no. You've always had a crush on Eddie. And because you have such a laid back and cool personality, whatever you said seems as if it were a joke. But everything you say to Edward, you mean it - except the thing where you said he was a joke.

"What're you saying?" You ask.

"I'm saying I like you. Actually, I love you. Ever since you started working for me, I knew I liked you," he explains. This makes you blush, giving a small smile to Edward.

"Well, I guess I could say the same. I mean, even before I started working for you, I liked you. So, I guess it works out," you finally admit to him. It felt. . .nice, to finally say what you've been keeping to yourself for a long time.

Unexpectedly, Edward leans down, cupping your face in his hands - they weren't shaky anymore. He presses his lips onto yours. You're surprised by this but still kiss back. Both lips moved in sync. You get pulled closer to Edward, one of his hands touching the small of your back.

When you pull away, Edward's smiling at you. Of course, with him being taller, he is looking down at you.

"So, when's our first date?" You teasingly ask.


"Harley, you owe me forty dollars," Selena says to the blonde girl in pigtails.

"Hold on," she says, running to another room. "Puddin! I need forty bucks!"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2018 ⏰

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