Hide (Gotham!James Gordon x Reader)

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Third person, again.
(Y/N) had been alone all day, reading. Her boyfriend, James, had been to work all day and only gotten home a few hours ago. She was sure he went to sleep as fast as he came home. James would usually do that.

But he was looking for her. He wanted to see her, hold her, kiss her like he had never before. This wasn't a want to James, it was a need. He felt like he hadn't seen (Y/N) in two years. He wanted to let her know how much he loved her, in so many ways that he couldn't keep track.

He wanted to do this everyday. (Y/N) was always insecure, shy, and self-doubtful. As her work as a small writer, she never actually published anything; too ashamed and shy of her writing.

(Y/N)'s writing was simply beautiful. The way her choice of words put together a story and how the dialogue created the characters, she could be considered Gotham's best - if she had published.

Lately, (Y/N) hadn't done anything besides read. Reading and have cups of tea. She hadn't been writing, hadn't broken out her laptop that had her files, she hadn't even tried to think of how her next chapters would be written. (Y/N) felt like she had given up on writing, but she hadn't. She only lacked creativity. Of course, every writer goes through this; not wanting to write, the lack of imagination, the self-doubt, the thought that nothing they had written was good enough.

James loved reading her stories. He loved how she used descriptive words to describe anything, making it realistic. He loved how she put a small lipstick print on the very last page if the stories she's written and printed. Most of all, he loved the way (Y/N) looked when she wrote. Her face made up of dedication and focus, it made him want to kiss her a thousand times.

James had finally found her.

She sat in the small storage room that was changed into a library. It was small, but perfect for (Y/N). She loved going here when stressed or just bored.

Almost all the books had been surrounding her, taken from their shelves. James stared at (Y/N) for awhile, admiring her focus she had when she read. She hadn't even noticed James walking it. (Y/N) sat on a beanbag chair that was two sizes too big for her, it made her look small. James wanted to climb on beside her and just cuddle.

He knew it was her favourite to cuddle. She liked to be warm, safe, and happy in James' arms.

"So, this is where you've been hiding," James said, making (Y/N) look up to him.


"I said; So, this is-- " he was interrupted.

"I know what you said. But why?" She tilted her head, to the left a little bit.

"I've missed you, haven't seen you all day. Is that so bad? It's like you've been hiding," he went down, going where her legs had parted, his head lay on (Y/N)'s stomach. Her legs were on both sides of James.

"Not hiding, reading."

James kissed her stomach, moving up after every kiss.

"Jim," she was going to push him away but he had done it himself.

"I don't like when you call me Jim," he gave her a kiss on the lips this time.

(Y/N) had blushed.

"Everyone else calls you Jim."

"Only people I don't like," another kiss.

This time, the book she was reading had fallen out of her hands and James took this opportunity to take her hands. Her hands went behind his neck as James kissed her. James felt like he hadn't done this in years, he was hungry for this. He bit (Y/N)'s lower lip as she tried to keep up with his kissing. (Y/N) had forgotten what she was reading about and focused on James. His hands had taken place on her sides, caressing them so softly that if he did it any harder, she'd break. His gentle moves had made (Y/N) irritated. She didn't want him to act like she was fine china, she wanted him to kiss her like he would die if he didn't. She wanted him to touch him in such ways that she'd crave more.

She wanted him.

After so long, they've both missed each others touch. She missed how he smelled, he missed how she felt. Her smooth skin rubbed against his when they moved, almost in sync. Their lips never parted, only for short breathes, their bodies never separated. (Y/N)'s light sounds had made James want to give more than what he could. He wanted to make her forget how to function by the touch of his fingers. He wanted to make sure she'd never get hurt. He wanted to keep her save in his arms.

He wanted her.

They wanted each other like two people fighting over the last place to sit. They both wanted to spend the rest of their lives together. They both wanted to have a family, be a family, and be known as a family.

"James," (Y/N) parted from him, finally.

His small groan made (Y/N) know that he wanted more, to keep going. To this, (Y/N) had given out a giggle before pushing James away so she could breathe. Her breath was heavy and uneven, like she had run a marathon.

"What?" James asked, a confused look on his face.

"Look at us, on a beanbag chair," she had blushed then hid her face with her hands.

"Ah, ah - please don't hide. I don't know what I'd do if I wasn't able to see your beautiful face," James said, so sweetly that it almost gave (Y/N) a cavity.

And then, (Y/N) had given another kiss to James. He instantly kissed back, moving above her like he had before. He tapped her knee, signaling to wrap her legs around him. (Y/N) did this without hesitation, quickly.

"Why do you hide from me?" He whispered to (Y/N), with a voice that sent chills down her spine. She hadn't seen him behave like this before, she was shocked, surprised.

She let out a short laugh, then went to cover her face with her hands. Before actually reaching her face, James had grabbed her wrists and put her hands above her head. It was outstanding how they managed to do this on a beanbag chair.

"Why?" His face looked so soft that (Y/N) wanted to pet it. She tried not to do anything to embarrass herself, only staying still and looking into James' eyes.

"I...don't know," (Y/N) bit her lower lip. That made James want to kiss it, bite it, do anything to show he loved her.

"Promise you won't hide from me, anymore," James said before taking her to their shared bedroom.
Man, where has my innocence gone? I mean, this isn't too bad. But, like, for me to write this crazy whiz is pretty...crazy...whiz.

Oh how my eyes deceive me why I try to avoid these kind of chapters in books. I mean, it's just a little make out but WOWWIE.

Anyway, I hope you like this. I've started liking the third person view instead of second (basically what I've used in my previous chapters).

Ben McKenzie is actually the cutest aw. :^)

(tbh, idk why, but every time I listen to The Killers vs Katy Perry - Somebody Told The Dark Horse I think of this oneshot) It's kinda dumb and its only one of the few songs I like from... like, today's music. I usually listen to The Beatles, Queen, and The Eagles so idk.



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