Game (Batman/Bruce Wayne vs. Reader)

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You were a villain. Proud of it, too. But, you were different from the other crazies in Gotham City.

You didn't kill.

Not civilians, not Gotham's policemen, not even Batman. And you worked alone. The others thought you were mindless for not wanting to kill Batman. But, he didn't do anything to you. So, why should you do anything to him? You've never encountered him, not yet. But tonight, you were sure you'd meet him. You had it all set up.

You planned to rob a bank, maybe taking a few hostages. It was all fun and games for you, but not for them. But, they didn't know you weren't going to kill them. You weren't going to tell them either, because if you did, they wouldn't fear you. They wouldn't count on anyone to save them because, they'd know they'd be getting away, no harm done.

Right now, you were at your hideout; preparing for the heist. You called Scarecrow, Catwoman, even The Joker to help you out. But none of them took the opportunity.

'Their loss,' you thought.

Putting on your outfit, which had your favorite colours, you grabbed small weapons that would do a lot of damage.

You were ready as you could be. Hyped at the thought of finally getting the chance to meet your, soon to be, archenemy. You wanted to fight Batman. You were skilled, you knew that. This was your chance to see what kind of skills Batman had. You knew he was extremely skilled, like you, as he hadn't been killed yet, and he defeated every threat to Gotham. But, he also had some help with his sidekicks, Robin, Batgirl, and even Batwoman. You knew about the whole Bat-Family.

You thought of it as that, a family. They worked together, fought together, and they probably loved each other too. Like an actual family. You didn't doubt they they knew each other when not being crime fighters.

Heading to the one of the many banks in Gotham, you became more hyped and excited. In the small van, that could hold as much money as it wanted, you had all the wanted weapons as you wished. Though, you knew you weren't going to use them. It was just for show.

Parking at the back of the bank, you jumped out. Not without weapons, of course. You grabbed guns, knives, even grenades. And, lest you forget the glorious grenade launcher that you loved to show off.

This was all packed in a duffle bag, hanging from your shoulders. Small handguns wielded onto your legs and rib cage, all hidden. You came from the back door, shooting at the ceiling.

Screams erupted almost instantly. Civilians running around, trying to find cover.

"People of Gotham, don't move. I'm here for the money. But, if any of you try anything...well, lets just say it won't end very good. For you anyway," you gave a wicked smiled, almost laughing at their faces. They were scared, as if they were actually going to die.

Heading to the front desk, you dropped the bag, demanding for money.

"Money. Now," you said, pointed your assault rifle at the lady who sat at the front desk.

She was crying, and you sent a smile her way. It only made her more scared. You weren't the most comforting face right now. You were the feared, the unwanted and the wanted dead.

"I said now!" Shooting at her feet, you yelled.

"The police will get you, for what you've done. If not them, Batman will," she shoved money in the bag, after coming from the small vault.

This was a small bank, but you knew it still held a lot of money.

"Oh, I'm counting on Batman coming here."

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