Beginning Of Friendship (Gotham!Jonathan Crane x Reader)

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His name was Jonathan Crane. He was all over the news, how his father experimented on him. His father left him scared, hopeless, helpless. His father practiced on fears. And he did to his only son, almost scaring him to death.

Being in the same homeroom at Gotham High, you knew him. Though you didn't talk, or even work together, you still felt sorry for him. The football players would pick in him, beat him up. And Jonathan couldn't do anything because he was too scared, the effect that his fathers experiments left him. Jonathan had a fear, a Scarecrow. He'd see it almost every night before going to bed, maybe even after waking up. He could never get rid of it. It scared him.

You tried to get close, but being too shy and not wanting to scare him, you backed off. His hair was always a mess and he tried to look nice, covering up anything that gave a hint to people who didn't know what happened. You'd always see him with a cop, sometimes two of them. You'd sometimes hear their conversations and you've learned their names.

Detectives James Gordon and Harvey Bullock. They worked for the GCPD and you learned that they took down Jonathan's father.

You thought James had caught on to your eavesdropping and, right now, he was walking towards you. You tried to act casual. As it was lunch, you nibbled on your sandwich.

"Detective Jim Gordon," he pulled out his badge. It didn't need to be shown, you already knew who he was.

You looked up at him with a questioning look. He sat across from you in the picnic table-like seats. You swallowed your bite of sandwich and looked at him again.

"Is there something you need, detective?" You managed to speak.

Surely you weren't in trouble. All you did was read books and do homework.

"You know that kid?" He shifted his head toward Jonathan.

You nodded. "He's in the same homeroom as me. But, we don't talk. Why?"

"Well, would you mind being friends with him?"


"You know what he's been through, right? Almost all of Gotham High knows. He needs someone who's having the same amount of troubles as him."

You jerked your head back. "How do you know I'm going through something?"

"I see you, walking around. Alone. I see the way people treat you, with disrespect. You also get bullied, right?"

Your eyes began to burn. "Why would you just watch? If you know I'm getting bullied, thrown around like dirt. You're supposed to protect citizens, not watch and observe someone wishing they were dead!" You spoke in a low voice but it still held power.

"I-- "

"You know what? I'll be Jonathan's friend, not because you told me to, but because I want to. He's too scared, too hopeless. He needs someone. And, if he doesn't want to be friends, then I'll stop right there, and never bother him ever again."


"I mean it. If he tells me, straight up, that he doesn't want to be friends, I'll walk away."

"I get it. He just needs someone, like you said. I can't watch over him all the time," Jim, or James, began to walk back to Jonathan.

You stared at him as he talked with Jonathan. Jonathan gave you a quick look and you smiled, showing that you were friendly. Jonathan nodded to whatever James was saying and began to walk towards you.

"Hi," you smiled.

He just gave a nod. He was shy and scared.

You gave a frown. "You don't have to worry, I'm friendly," you felt suddenly brave enough to talk to him like he was your all-time-best-friend.

"What's your name?" He asked, his voice deep and shaky.

"(Y/N), we have homeroom together," you smiled at him.

'Ya know, this boy is actually pretty cute,' you thought to yourself.

"Oh," he nodded again.

"I'm sure we'll be good friends - if that's what you want."

"Um, yeah. That would be nice, thank you," he gave a small smile.

You gave a bright smile back and got to know him all throughout lunch.

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