An Idea (ArkhamKnight!Riddler x Reader)

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Might have spoilers, might not. Don't read this if you haven't played the game and don't want any spoilers. Don't get mad at me for spoiling it. I'm telling you, right now, do not read this if you don't want the game to be spoiled.
"Oh how sweet, the idiot and his sidekick are working together," Catwoman's voice came out as calm and smooth.

You began to grow irritated by her. She talked too much - she couldn't keep her mouth shut. You were ready to snap at her.

"Just so you know, Edward has a higher IQ than anyone in Gotham. For a cat, I thought you'd be smart, silent, and pretty. Guess I thought wrong," you smirked at her face.

It was mixed with rage and disgust. You thought it was funny to see her like that. She was strapped to a chair and had an electric collar around her neck.

Batman wouldn't get through this time.

"Alright, I informed Batman about Ms. Kyle here, he should be here soon," Edward spoke.

"Okay, you should go to your office - stay safe," you kissed him on the cheek and he smiled.

"Ah, young love," Selina spoke.

"Would you shut up? I don't understand why you talk so much - no one here is talking to you," you snapped.

"From what I'm hearing, you're talking to me right now," she said sarcastically.

"Oh, har har. Look, I'm Catwoman and I'm sarcastic," you mocked. Her face became angry and she was about to yell.

"(Y/N), can you come to my office?" Edward spoke through the orphanage's speakers.

You eyed Selina before you headed to Edward's office. Green colours were splattered everywhere and question marks were drawn on the walls.

You thought this place was a masterpiece. You did all this with Edward and you were proud. You loved his riddles and him in general. You loved how his mind came up with such great riddles and questions. With his new race tracks, Batman wouldn't be able to beat him. You knew that for sure. The Riddler would get his pay back for what the vigilante did to him.

- Flashback -

"Get down, Nygma!" You heard Aaron Cash yell.

"I am, you idiot!" The man yelled back.

You peeked from a corner and saw a man in green clothes with a grey helmet over his head, along with a pulley of some sort that pulled him in small train tracks.

He had those things taken off of him and he started getting punched. Cops around him and Aaron were cheering and laughing at the poor man.

You couldn't watch it any longer. So, finding a close vantage point, you prepared to attack them. Sitting in an air vent, you stared at the green-clothed man and he spotted you. You sent a smile his way and attacked the police men. Grunts and groans came from them as they hit the ground and you retreated to the man. His light brown hair was messy and had spots of his own blood in it. He had a busted lip and a swollen eye. You felt sorry for him, and wished you attacked earlier. He was almost gone, but you lifted him on his legs and let him stand.

He stood for a while, maybe only a few seconds, before staggering and falling on you.

"W-Whoa," you pushed him up, putting his arm around your shoulders for support.

You began to walk out with him, he limped his way out with you.

"W-What is your name?" He managed to ask.


"Thank y-you, (Y/N).

"You're welcome, do you have a place to stay?" You asked.

He shook his head.

"I guess you're staying with me for awhile then," you smiled and he looked at you with his bright green eyes. A small smile appeared on his face and you knew you were going to like this man.

"My name is Edward."

"It's nice to officially meet you, Eddie," you came up with the nickname quick, and walked him to your house.

After a month, Edward had healed successfully and was right back into action. He challenged you with riddles and puzzles, which you solved very easily. Some had stumped you and Edward laughed at the victory. You hadn't mind, it was all fun and games for you both. You became smarter, and quicker because of him.

And that's when you began to have feelings for him, right before Scarecrow had made that announcement to Gotham.


Giving a knock to Edward's office door, it almost opened immediately after you knocked.

"(Y/N)," Edward greeted you.

"Hi, Eddie. Is there a reason why you need me?" You stepped in his office, smiling.

"Actually, yes," he took off his suit jacket.

"Uh, Edward..." You mumbled. He'd been acting strange lately. But, you never asked why.

"Hm?" He gazed over you with lazy eyes, but he didn't look tired or lazy. He looked normal, wide-awake, and as handsome as always.

"Is something wrong? What if Batman-- "

"Batman isn't coming."

"Oh. And, why is that?"

"I gave him the wrong address."

"And, why would you do that? We've been preparing all year for this, Eddie. What-- you just want to give up?"

"And here I thought you'd be happy on stumping the bat," Edward smirked and you realized what he did.

He tricked Batman.

Edward smiled, and stepped closer to you. His green dress shirt had its sleeves up to his elbows and he looked calm, relaxed, and care-free.

"Then what do we plan to do in the meantime?" You smirked.

"Oh, I've got an idea."

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