Finding Alice (Mad Hatter/Jervis Tetch x Reader)

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"Cheshire! Would you like to help me find Alice today, maybe even have tea with her?!" Jervis smiled, slipping on his green top hat.

You sighed. You hated Alice, whoever that was. She took away Jervis from you. You wanted Jervis, more than a friend. And you wanted Alice gone. But you couldn't have both, you knew that. Jervis was obsessed with the girl. No one knew about your feelings towards the man, not even the man himself.

"Why do you call me that, Jervis?" You asked, staring at the glass cup you held in your hands. You both were seated at a small table, that had cards laid upon them. The were being used, until you had gotten distracted by your thoughts, once again.

"Cheshire? Why, (Y/N), you smile as wide as the mad cat! You're both deceiving and smart," his smile hadn't gone away.

In your opinion, he should've been the one who was called Cheshire. Your smile always faded away, usually when thinking about Jervis, while his smile was always present.

"On a search for Alice then?" You stood up, almost gaining height over Jervis. You weren't tall, another thing you knew. Then again, Jervis wasn't tall himself. But, you were still shorter than him.

Everyone, all your friends, had thought you two were a couple when they first laid eyes on the both of you. Only, you wished Jervis would confirm it. You'd get shy, smile, and hide your face. As for Jervis, he'd laugh at the statement, and simply say that you weren't ever going to be together. He'd say that he had Alice and needed nobody else. That was a lie, you saw right through it. Every time Jervis lost his Alice, he'd come crying on your shoulder, asking himself why he had let her go. Most times, you'd comfort him, but now you were just getting annoyed. Alice was never going to come, Jervis should know that by now. You knew what he did to get her. Finding some girl who fit the description; blonde hair, blue eyes, small body. The list went on, it was fit for the perfect girl. If such a thing were real.

No one was perfect, not you, not Jervis, not even Batman. Even though everyone thought Batman was perfect, he really wasn't.

"I saw her, Cheshire! She was here, somewhere. Let's go!" He grabbed onto your wrist, almost dragging you outside the small house you lived in.

"Jervis, I really don't think she'd be here," you sighed, once again. You hated how determined he was to find the missing girl. But it was a thing he loved to do, find her, and you couldn't just push him away.

"I'm sure she is, Cheshire."

Jervis turned his head to look in every direction possible. You just stood there, hoping he'd give up, realizing Alice was never going to come. Not willingly, anyway.

"You think Edward, Jonathan, or maybe even The Joker would help?" You asked, to yourself and Jervis. You sat on a small bench in front of a brick wall.

"I think not. They think of Alice as a thought. Like she's just made up. I know she's not, I see her right now," Jervis explained, looking at you with a soft look.

"She's here?" Jumping up, looking behind you to only find the wall you had been seated in front of.

"She's been here all along," Jervis smiled.

"Jervis, there is no one here," you stated, getting irritated because you thought he was teasing you. You thought you'd actually meet the girl who had taken Jervis.

"Maybe you haven't noticed yet. It took me a while to, but now I realized it. Alice was here all along," he reached in his pocket, pulling out a small, dried rose that could crumple from a rough touch.

"Jervis-- !"

"(Y/N), you've been my Alice. I didn't know it at first. I thought Alice had to be someone I hadn't known. I thought it had to be a girl from a different world, a different way of life."

"I thought Alice had to have blonde hair, blue eyes, and to be the most beautiful girl ever to live. Jervis, look at me, I don't fit the role," you spoke, your voice almost cracking.

"You say it as if you're auditioning for a movie," he smirked. It was the first time you've seen him smirk like that, Jervis was the one who gave full smiles and hugs, not jokes and smirks. "And, who said Alice had to have blonde hair and blue eyes? You do seem to fit with beautiful."

It hit you like a wall. Jervis thought of you as Alice. But, why had it taken him this long? Three years into this friendship and only now? When you had grown tired and irritated from his searches for Alice?

Smiling, you replied, "You've really gone mad, now, huh? Had Caterpillar given you something?"

"Oh, Alice, I've only gone mad for you. They call me The Mad Hatter for a reason," he chuckled before he gave you the dried rose, blushing slightly.

You smiled, quickly grasping him into a tight hug. You've waited long enough for this.

Finally, Jervis had his Alice. And you had Jervis.


And you both lived happily every after.

*snaps neck*

This was just showing Jervis some love. I rarely see fanfics or oneshots about the Mad man (*wink wink*), or maybe I just don't read them.

It's one of those times where I get a burst of motivation when laying in bed, eating a burrito, at two AM. This was made up at the top of my head.

Also, I think I'm going to start putting pictures with the chapters. With credit given. The art attached is supposed to be Jervis, as a kid. It was cute, I used it. Just imagine him as an adult in the photo. :))))

Photo: 'childhood crush' by Nikka-doodle on DeviantArt.

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