Sneaky Studying (Scarecrow/Jonathan Crane x Reader)

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Half text-format and half paragraphs. You'll know when it'll switch. This is the second part to Studying Distraction (Scarecrow/Jonathan Crane x Reader). Um. . .enjoy? Bold is you, non-bold is Jonathan.


Jonathan, it's late. Your test is tomorrow!

I know. I wrote it.

What do you want?

I'm here.

What? Where?

Just look outside your window.


(Y/N), getting up from her bed, walks over to her dorm window. Being on the second floor, she looks down to see Jonathan. He's in a dark suit, which makes (Y/N) wonder why he's dressed so nicely for. She sighs.

"Go away!" She whisper-yells to her professor and best friend. Jonathan's older than her, but not by much. He had finished university to become a professor. Well, that and to spend time with (Y/N). Knowing each other throughout their whole highschool life, they've become best friends. Now, in university and with Jonathan being a professor, they had spent less time together and. . .Jonathan didn't like that very much.

If he were able to admit it, he'd tell the girl that he liked her. Enough to start a relationship.

"Let me up, I didn't come all this way for nothing," he says, crossing his arms.

"You live a block away from campus," (Y/N) deadpans, then narrows her eyes at her friend.

"Whatever," he shakes his head. "Let me up!"


"I'll wake up the whole campus, maybe even a few blocks too."

(Y/N) paused. Would Jonathan be that reckless to do such a thing? He'd get fired! Would anyone even know it was him? Her thoughts made her silent, she doesn't even notice Jonathan staring at her. She doesn't notice the small smirk on his face. She doesn't notice the awe and love he has for her.

Breaking from her thoughts, she huffs when she sees Jonathan still standing on the cobblestone steps of the entrance. She closes her window. It shocks Jonathan for a bit, but then he hears a short buzzing sound which signals that the entrance door has unlocked. He walks in quickly, almost running his way up to her room. He's excited. He doesn't know what they're going to do, but just being in the same room with her is enough for him. He doesn't even knock when the door opens. (Y/N) stands in front of him, her (H/C) hair in a messy bun, she wears her pajamas as well. Jonathan notices pink bunny slippers in her feet and he smiles a bit.

"I have to study," she says, crossing her arms.

"Can I be your distraction?" He smiles, to brighten the mood.

"It seems that you're always my distraction, lately," she moves aside to let Jonathan enter her room. It's the first time since he's become a professor that he's been inside her dorm room. It's changed, since last time.

The walls are a dark blue, pictures and one calendar are hanging in it. She still has pictures of her and Jonathan, and a few other friends. There's a desk next to her window, and a bed near the door. A small end table with a lamp upon it is set next to her small bed.

"It's changed."

"I know. I needed it," (Y/N) says as she sits on her bed, which has thick books opened and papers spread out on it. She kicks off her slippers and sits in a criss-cross-apple-sause kind of way. Jonathan smiles at the image. He finds her cute in her pajamas, surrounded by books he loved to read.

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