Crapola (Red Hood/Jason Todd x Reader)

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Okay, to start it off, Jason and I are close friends. Really close. But we're not a thing. And Jason, sadly, has had many girlfriends throughout our friendship. It's starting to upset me. It's never happened before and I'm sure I like him.

  Why else would I be angry that he has girlfriends?

  Maybe it's because I keep thinking he likes me and he does things that make me think he does. Being close means that we can do things and not feel awkward about it. But things are starting to change for me. I'm usually pretty comfortable when watching movies and cuddling with him on the couch. I stopped myself from getting too close.

  So now we're not as close as I'd like to be. We barely spend as much time together like before. We don't even sit on the same couch while watching movies. And when we go to the cinema, I sit one seat away from him. I keep saying that I'm sick. But how can I be sick for almost a month?

  Right now, I'm at his apartment. We're eating breakfast he made. I slept over - but on the couch. It was a rough sleep but I didn't want to be close to Jason.

  "How was your sleep, (Y/N)?" Jason asks.

  I want to say that my back will hurt for the rest of my life and you need to get new furniture, but I smile and say, "it was okay."

  He nods, finishing his last bite of pancake and goes to put his dish in his sink. Before I even dig into my second pancake, he takes my plate.

  "Hey-- what the heck?"

  "I want to show you something," he says while taking a hold of my forearm and pulling me with him.

  "Well, you could have just asked," I scoff at him. "You have just wasted a pancake and I don't think I'll ever forgive you, Jason."

  He pulls me inside his room and sets me on his bed. Everything smells like him but, like, a million times more. I eye Jason, like I was actually mad that he wasted a pancake.

  "I can always make more. I know you love my pancakes."

  He stands in front of me, I have to look up to see his face. This is true. He makes the best pancakes in Gotham. He should start a store. Surprisingly, Jason is a great cook but I don't think a lot of people know. I doubt his last girlfriends knew, he didn't have them for that long.

  "Uh, what do you want to show me?"

  "I have this new video game," he says then pulls out a game case from his TV stand. I smile, happy that he's considered me to show his new video game with. Usually, we played until three in the morning before I end up falling asleep on his bed with a controller in my hand.

  "Aw, sick dude," I exclaim, basically ripping the game from Jason's grip. I examine the game; it's some sort of choices game. My favourite. I get the chance to play as all the characters, see their personalities, and choose their actions. "Nice. Very nice."

  "I find it really cool, and also really creepy at the same time. I've already beaten it, but I think you might like it," Jason sits next to me, placing a firm hand on my knee. Why did I think wearing shorts to bed was a good idea? I know he means nothing by it, but my breathing feels as if it stops and I might have an asthma attack. I don't even have asthma. But no, I only feel this way because he's touching me and I have grown some sort of weird thing for him. It's weird. And I don't know how to deal with weirdo crapola.

  "Wh- Yeah, it seems cool. Thanks for showing me, man," I play it off cool, somehow, and quickly move to enter the game into his console. My breathing, I think, goes back to normal but my cheeks feel hot and I know I'm blushing. My head is down for most of the time while messing with the game disc and entering it in the disc slot.

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