Diddly Darn (Teenage!Jason Todd x Teenage!Reader)

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Bold is you. Non-bold is Mr. Todd.
r u awake?



Right? I'm actually a comedian in disguise.

u shouldn't have told me. now, i'm going to have to tell everyone in gotham.

Not really. You don't *have* to.

i do actually. it became my duty as gotham city's protector.

Then I guess Bruce will have to tell people you're actually Robin. :/

:/ kinda sucks being a vigilante's sidekick.

Hey, man. I wouldn't know.

of course not.

Okay dude. It's past two in the morning, why are you texting me? And why can't you type probably?

like u said, its past 2am. too tired to actually take the time to type properly. it must be heartbreaking for u.

It is actually.

i'm using my periods correctly tho.

But you hadn't answered why you're messaging me.

oh. i see how it is.


you don't love me anymore.

I didn't say that.


I'll go to your house and throw rocks at your window.


Don't say things like that.

sorry. i meant diddly darn.

No, I mean don't say that I don't love you.

diddly darn, does that mean u love me?

I didn't say that either.


You're a loser.

thanks. :^)

No probs.

so, its 2am.

I'm aware.

why are u up?

Because you're messaging me.


And I was also using my phone so, it's cool.

of course. u never leave that thing.

I gotta do what I gotta do.

i just wish u'd spend that much time with me.

I see you at school everyday.

minus those harse weekends that separate us. :^/

Must be tough, not being able to see me in person.

it is, actually.


what were u doing on ur phone anyway?

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