Caring (Red Robin/Tim Drake x Reader)

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Hold up, folks! This contains bullying and (maybe) some curse words. Beware!!
"Hey, fatty!" Someone yelled, and tossed a crumpled piece of paper to your head.

You hated school, it was the worst seven hours of your life. All you wanted to do here was lock yourself in a bathroom stall and never leave. Because, in those stalls, no one had bothered or called you names.

To be honest, you weren't even fat. Maybe you weighed more than the popular girl in school. But everyone knew she didn't eat. But it wasn't like not eating was great either. Everyone has their own problems. Most people didn't care, and you wished no one cared about your weight or looks.

"Hey, leave her alone!" Someone called, and you head perked up in surprise. Maybe, it was just someone talking about something else. Maybe no one even cared about you, but that thought had only saddened you more.

"Oh, yeah? Why should I, Tim? You've got feelings for the freak, do you?" The idiot named Josh had stood up. It was during lunch, and almost everyone was in the cafeteria. You hated it, why today, you thought.

Being in the cafeteria, were everyone was, would only cause more attention to be drawn to you. You had a quick moment of eye contact with Tim, as in Tim Drake. He had sadness in his eyes, as if he was sorry for you.

"Just because I stick up for someone does not mean I have feelings for them. And (Y/N) is not a freak. It's about time you learned that," Tim spoke in a harsh voice, with a hint of disgust. Him saying he didn't have feelings for you had made your hear break in two. But, it wasn't surprising that no one had liked you, even your long-time crush.

"You even know its name!" He laughed, gaining laughs from his, also idiotic, friends. This had gained a few laughs and chuckles from bystanders.

Your eyes had begun to gain tears as you kept your head low, staring at the table that you had sat at with no one else.

"Yes, her name is (Y/N). And it's a beautiful name. What gives you the right to call her names, bully her, when she hadn't done anything to you?" Tim said, anger still in his voice. You cheeks flushed a bright pink, but because of your (H/L) hair, no one had seen your face when your head was dropped down.

"What's it to you? It's not like you care, you said so yourself. She's useless," Josh said and, finally, you had started crying. Those hurtful words had hurt you most than most days, because today, Tim had stuck up for you, bit it only gained you more hurt.

Standing up, you grabbed your bag, and headed to the washrooms. Everyone knew where you were going, even Tim.

"You know, you're a dick!" Tim yelled, throwing a hit to Josh. This has knocked him off his feet and he fell, hitting his head on the tiled floor. Everyone has gasped, yelled, or cheered. But you hadn't seen any of this. You were already in the stall, bawling your eyes out at what had been said today. You hadn't even known Tim had followed you. You kept silent when he enter the washroom, standing in front of your stall.

"(Y/N), I know your in there," Tim said in a soft, quiet tone.

You gave small sniffles and wiped your eyes. Standing up, you unlocked the stall, opening it to see Tim.

He smiled, and pulled you into a hug. This only made you start crying again, it showed that someone cared. And that someone was your crush, Tim Drake.

"I thought you said you didn't like me," you said in a small voice.

"I didn't say that. I just told him that just because someone sticks up for someone, it doesn't mean they like them. I didn't say I didn't like you, (Y/N). Now stop crying," he explained, grabbing ahold of your hand.

You sat down in the toilet, with the top down of course. "What did I do to deserve this?" You had calmed down on crying, only having hiccups and small sniffles.

"Nothing. Absolutely nothing. Josh just wants someone to bully. He thinks of it as entertainment, but I don't see how making someone cry is funny," Tim had came to his knees and he as knelt down in front of you.

"And you. Heh, I didn't ask for you to do that. But, I know if you hadn't, Josh wouldn't have stopped," you said, staring at Tim's bright blue eyes.

"Like I said, I like you. Well, I didn't necessarily say it, but I said that I didn't not like you. Well, what I'm trying to say is-- "

You chuckled at his awkward babbling, and he smiled, chuckling at himself also. You realized your mood went from zero to one hundred. You felt happier.

"I like you, (Y/N)," he finally confessed. This made you stop. You froze. Your cheeks turned a tomato red and you smiled.

"I like you too," you whispered.


By the end of the day, you spent most of your time with Tim, you had most of your classes with him. Josh hadn't picked on you after that, and you were happier. Your grades went up, as well as your self esteem. Life was better, and you actually looked forward to school. You had gained friends with similar interests, and you spend a lot of time helping each other.

And by the end of the year, Tim had asked you to be his girlfriend as well as to be his date for prom.

If Tim hadn't been as caring as he was on that day, life would be very different for you.
Guess who writes cute oneshots? Not me.

Anyway, does anyone else not have a prom? I don't think we have one here, they're just called dances and I don't think we have a huge one like prom.

Photo: 'Tim Drake' by Haining-art on DeviantArt.



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