Kiss Game (Gotham!Edward Nygma x Reader)

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"Kay, so the point of the game is to get a boy to kiss you by the end of this week. If not, I'll make my geeky older brother kiss you," my friend tells us. Us, I mean the small group of friends that we have. Everyone makes a gaging sound except me.

Who made up this game?

Why is it a thing?

Do I have to participate?

I can't answer any of those questions. Maggie Nygma is the younger sister of Edward Nygma himself. Nobody likes him. Not in that way anyway. He has friends, yes, and they're as nerdy as him. To be honest, I don't know how Maggie and Eddie are related, they're complete opposites. Even in college, I still can't figure out how they have the same parents.

"Ed's so gross," Natalie says. She's probably the most judgmental out of all of us. Me, I'm not even close to judgmental. I'm not going to hate you because you like something I don't, or if you have glasses and I don't, or even if your hands seem too abnormally large.

"Yeah, no lie."

Instead of saying have you guys ever looked in the mirror? as a joke, I don't say anything at all.

"I bet (Y/N) won't be able to get a kiss," a friend laughs, and I literally want to punch her.

"You think you're so good with boys? You can't keep a relationship that lasts more than a month," I sass. The others laugh and I have a smirk on my face. Her face, on the other hand, is pure shock; her mouth hangs open and her eyes are wide. I can't help but giggle at her. It's mean, but true. She's one of those girls who like boys, but can never keep herself tied down to one.

But me, I want to settle down. I want to start a family with anyone who is willing to do the same. But nobody else wants to.

"Whatever, I already have a kiss," she shrugged and flicks her hair back. Ugh.

"Okay. Good for you," I reply sarcastically.

"Guys, chill. You all have one week, if not one or any of you have to kiss Eddie."

Everyone nods.
Being Eddie's best friend, I had to tell him about the little game Mag's had set up. He was barely surprised, telling me it wasn't the first time she did this. Even though the past games resulted in him kissing a random girl, he'd usually be nowhere to be found so most of the time he didn't have to kiss anybody.

"Have you ever kissed a boy, (Y/N)?" Eddie asks me.

"Of course, I have Nygma!" It isn't a lie, but it's only happened once. Out of the three relationships I've had, I've only ever kissed one boy.

"What was his name again? Jared? Jake? Ja-"

"It was Jason."

"Right," I see Eddie smile, then fix his glasses. Right now, we're at his house doing a small project. Even in college we still had to do these, like science fair. We both sat on his bed (which has a green comforter, and is very soft), and he's still taller than me. Eddie's abnormally tall and it's weird. I think he's one of the tallest boys I've met.

"So do you have any boys to kiss?" Eddie asks me.

"Are you serious?"

"What- I'm just asking," he smiles at me for a quick second. I hate when he does that, but I like it also. Here's the thing, I like Edward. It's a tiny crush but man. Teeny tiny. I think it's getting bigger. Like, I'm starting to like how he adjusts his glasses, or how he asks me numerous amounts of riddles - it's really something I look forward too.

"If you're actually, legitimately serious then no," I blink, fiddling with a few papers on Ed's bed. "I don't have anyone, right now."

"Guess you'll have to be kissing me," he makes mock kissing noises and I blush. How can a guy this nerdy be such a jerk?

It really isn't that half bad.


"What?" I lift up my head in shock of what I had just said, still blushing. Eddie's face is of confusion but also a small blush on his cheeks.

"What did you say?" He asks.

"I didn't say anything," I try playing it off.

"Yes, you did," he shakes his head. "You said it wouldn't be that half bad."

"Why did you ask if you already knew what I said?"

He doesn't answer, but stares at me for a while and I start getting a weird feeling. I can tell he's getting closer, but I'm leaning back by instinct.

"I- I think we should. . .um, finished the project and then I should-"


I finally meet Edward's gaze and I see how bright his eyes are, for once. They're a nice shade of green and I've never seen anyone with eyes like his.

"Edward, don't-"

"Don't what? I didn't do anything."

"Don't kiss me just because you know I like you. You probably don't like me like I do to you," I finally snap and I stand up from his bed, about to leave.

When I grab the door handle, about the open the door enough so my body can get through it, Eddie suddenly slams it shut, putting his body in front of me. I step back, about to get angry and yell, but Eddie speaks before me.

"You think I'm doing this just because I know you like me? If anything, (Y/N), I think it's reversed. I've liked you since the day we met and I've always had a crush on you. You were too cool, too popular for me to ask you out though. So when I started my internship at GCPD, I met another girl and thought I'd like her instead. I think I got over you," he confessed to me. I blush once again, putting my head down.

Edward grips my chin to lift my head up and make me look at him. Curse him for being so tall. He leans down a bit, getting close to me. I feel his body heat on mine and it warms me. He kisses me lightly, and I kiss back. I put my hands on his shoulders, and go on my toes so I can get a better kiss. I feel Edward's hand's on my lower back, pulling me closer.

When he pushes me back I don't want the kiss to end. "I think we would have kissed either way," I say. I would've lost to Maggie's game, if I even cared about it. But tomorrow is when I can tell her I kissed a boy and I won't have to kiss her bother. But maybe I won't tell her I did, just so I can kiss Edward again.

"I think I like you more than Kristen," Edward smiles at me.

Who the heck is Kristen?

Woah there, Eddie, you're getting a lot of action. Um, yeah. I know people wanted a Gotham Riddler oneshot so I did it. He's in college, but still works at GCPD. And I've made up some characters for this aka Maggie Nygma, Ed's sister.

See ya.

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