Always There (Scarecrow/Jonathan Crane x Reader)

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You were currently watching TV as your boyfriend, Jonathan Crane, was in your shared bedroom. He was "working" and you weren't allowed in. You didn't mind though. As long as he supported you and loved you, you felt as if everything was good between the both of you. It wasn't though. Nothing about tonight was okay. Jonathan had never told you, but people were going to get their revenge. Revenge on Jonathan, for him taking them and experimenting on them. Most of them ended up in asylum's, scared of everything and anything. But others. . .had gotten angry. Angry that they had been tested without knowing and they knew about you.

And their revenge was taking you away from Jonathan.

So, Jonathan was currently making very deadly fear toxin. Deadly enough to kill them, and he found it difficult. Getting stressed about not making it dangerous enough and worrying about you was not helping.

"God damned, stupid, piece of - !! Ow! Why won't it work?!" You heard Jonathan yell then a sound of glass breaking had followed after.

Your mind wondered as you thought of what could be happening inside there.

'What's going on in there? Had he dropped something?' You thought, slightly chewing on the fingernail of your thumb.

Having enough of wondering and hearing of Jonathan's cursing and screaming, you had headed to the bedroom.

"Jonathan?? Oh my god," you opened the door to find Jonathan tightly holding his hand, that was covered in newly spilled blood.

"(Y/N), I told you to stay in the living room! Don't you listen?" He groaned as more pain and blood came from his hand.

"What'd you do? Wait, I'll be right back," you kept repeating 'He's gonna be okay' over and over as you sped to the nearest washroom.

Luckily, you and Jonathan had decided to keep medicine cabinet's in every bathroom of the house. They were rarely used but, they were filled with everything needed. Stitching thread, bandages, gauze, pain pills, mostly things for emergency.

You ran back with stitching thread, a needle, rubbing alcohol, and some gauze. You had known your medical purposes, just in case something happened. And now, you could put them into good use.

"Okay, okay. I'm back," you said, worry plain in your face and voice.

You grabbed Jonathan's hand and seen how deep the cut was. "What in the world did you do? Did you purposely do this or somethin'?"

"It's not even that deep. A-And I held a beaker too tight."

You carefully cleaned the cut and did a neat stitch, wrapped it in gauze then, when finished, you looked around the room. It was a mess! You gasped as you spotted spilled chemicals and broken beakers on the clean rug.

"You're pushing yourself too hard with your work. What do you even do when your in here?"

"I told you, I work at Ace Chemicals," he never told you that he worked at Arkham Asylum, so you never knew where he really worked. And, he never let you near the chemicals that he used for fear toxin.

"I'll clean it up later, don't worry."

"Pfft, yeah right. You never clean up anyway. Even when I'm sick, and plus, doesn't Ace make their own chemicals? Isn't that why it's called Ace Chemicals?" You scoffed as you stared at his newly stitched hand.

"I do too clean!" He scoffed back. "Why do you need to know about my job? You've never cared before."

"Because, you're hurting yourself, staying up late, never getting any sleep. When's the last time you slept?"

"A couple days ago. I'm fine," he rubbed his eyes. That clearly didnt help in his defense.

"See what I mean? If you tell me what you've been doing, I'll give you something in return," you flirted.

Jonathan stared at you with a suspicious look, it was odd for you to flirt like that. You both never had sex yet, and Jonathan was one-hundred percent sure you were a virgin, like him.

"You're lying. But fine, if you must know, I am making my own chemicals. And I work at Arkham Asylum," he explained as you became speechless. "(Y/N), I don't. . .know how to tell you this without scaring you but, people are coming after you out of revenge to me."

You backed away from him slightly. "W-What?!"

"The chemicals I make and mix, creates what I call fear toxin. It makes their fears come to life. For them, anyway, they hallucinate it."

"Oh. I guess. . .I understand. I mean, your doing this out of love, right?" Jonathan nodded. "But, why lie about your job?"

"Don't know. I didn't think you'd be okay with me working at an asylum. I'm usually the one to make them insane. And, yes, all this is out of love. I love you, (Y/N)," he smiled a little and you found it cute.

"Aw, Jonathan. I didn't think you'd ever say that," you blushed as you wrapped your arms around his neck and he had his hand on your back.

"Me neither," he mumbled, but you ignored it.

"I'm happy to say that I love you too."

"What would I do without you?" He stared at his wrapped hand.

"Crash and burn," you giggled. "No, just kidding. I'll always be there for you."

"Thank you," he adjusted his blue famed glasses and gave you a quick kiss.

It had made you blush and left him in the room, to work on his fear toxin, and went to watch a movie.

You were okay with his making of fear toxin, as long as he didn't hurt you or go completely insane. Because aren't we all a little insane?

Jonathan had been staring at the rug floor in the bedroom before he picked up a broken picture of you and him. He stared at that and he knew how much you loved him. With making this fear toxin it was going to show you how much he loved you.

And he was always going to be there, for you, with everything.

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