Drunken Love -REQUEST- ( Red Hood/Jason Todd x Cookie_Christie)

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"Christie, is it alright if I invite some people over?" Jason called from my bedroom doorway.

I didn't mind if he had people over, as long as they didn't disturb me. Or, I'd just join whoever he invited. We've been friends for a long time, but I wanted more out of him. I wanted a relationship, but I didn't know how Jason felt about me so I kept the feelings to myself.

"I guess," I answered.

Jason was a good friend; helpful, caring, and sweet, but at times, he could be a little cocky. Which I didn't mind, it brought out his personality. I was an anti-hero, like him, I guess. But I started way before he became the Red Hood. I started when he became Batman's second Boy Wonder, Robin. I couldn't handle it when he died, but luckily, he was revived by the Larzarus Pit.

"Okay, um, you can join if you want. Anytime," he gave a smirk, then left.

I desperately wanted to let Jason know how I felt, but I just couldn't. It'll ruin everything. I slumped down on my bed. Jason's friends were probably going to be here soon, it would usually take them ten minutes.

Our apartment wasn't big, but it was okay. Perfect for the both of us. Two bedrooms, a small kitchen that merged with the living room, and one bathroom. We've decided to move in together when he became Red Hood, when he became older.

Soon getting bored of just laying around, I went to my dresser, which had a mirror over it.

"Jason, I like you. I have for awhile now and I was-- Damn it, no," I practiced. Maybe if I told him, he'd understand. Maybe he'd like me back. "Ugh, forget it. Stop dreaming, Christie!" I soon heard male voices and I knew his friends had arrived.

So, I decided to say hello. While making my way out, I made eye contact with one of them. He had green eyes, they were bright. Brown hair that was styled nicely, and very casual clothes. He flashed a smile and showed his white teeth.

Smiling back, I felt my cheeks heat up. I didn't know why, maybe it was because I was also in front of Jason. My long-time crush.

"Christie, meet Troy. Troy, meet Christie," Jason introduced us and I felt his eyes on me.

His other friend had blonde hair, just a bit longer than a buzz cut, and blue eyes. He was dressed in a blue T-shirt and dark pants. Casual, like Troy.

"And this is Brian, say hi."

"Hi," I gave a small smile.

Maybe I'd join them.


"What's up?"

They both spoke after the other, greeting me. I nodded in return, heading to the kitchen. I wanted a glass of water.

My eye caught a glimpse of what Brian was holding onto. A box of canned beer. So, they were drinking. And I was definitely joining them.


I was drunk, I knew that. But, I didn't know where Brian and Troy were, they said something about it getting too late.

So, it was just me and Jason. We were laughing about stupid things, cheesy jokes, memories. Anything really.

"Man, this is why I love you," I laughed.

Realizing what I said, I stared at Jason, eyes wide.

"I mean-- No, I didn't mean-- "

"You love me?" He asked. He wasn't as drunk as I was. But I wasn't hammered either.

"I--" I didn't know what to say. Love as in Oh buddy, I love you or Jason, I love you?

"Christie, I love you too," He grabbed ahold of my hand, and squeezed it.

"I-- What?!"

A small chuckle came from him. "I mean it, I do. For awhile now."

"What do you mean, for awhile now?" I asked, surprised by all this.

"I mean, I like you. You can call it love, or whatever. I just know that I like you. You may find this stupid, dumb, or silly, but I was too scared to tell you about it," he explained.

"I find it all of the above. Jason, I would never reject you. Do you even know who you are? Jason Todd, Robin, The Red Hood. You were freaking resurrected from death!"

"It's not so great, considering I died," a smirk played on his lips.

"I love you," I whispered, finally admitting it. It felt as if a huge weight was lifted off me when I said it. It felt good to say it.

Jason kissed, surprising me. I didn't expect him to do it, kiss me. But I kissed back. His lips were soft, but his mouth tasted and smelled like beer, mine probably did too. A hand went behind me, pushing me closer to Jason. His body heat radiated off of him and warmed me. He stood up, lifting me as I wrapped my legs around his waist to keep myself up. He walked to his bedroom, practically throwing me on his bed.

He climbed above me and said: "I love you too," before kissing me.
Thanks to @Cookie_Christie for requesting.

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