Finally (The Riddler/Edward Nygma x Reader)

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This is in Eddie's POV and also based off the Arkham Knight Eddie.

Ever since Arkham City I've always wanted to see Batman dead, before that even. His stupid motives and his exceedingly droll actions made me want to see him suffer, instead. I didn't even want to hear him speak.

He was idiotic, ignorant, and stupid over all.

But with him dead my life has gotten boring and pointless. Sure, I had challenged the police force but they were dumber than the Dark Knight.

So, I've given up. I was alone and played chess with the robots I've specially made to defeat Batman, for awhile. Of course, I'd beat them every time. Over the last few months I had met a girl, named (Y/N).

She was beautiful, kind, and, what made me more interested in her, she was intelligent.

She could solve every one of my riddles, complete every riddle room, - after requesting to - and she could beat me at chess. I hadn't even thought of calculating what she was capable of. I knew what she could do. She could take over Gotham. For once, I could say someone was smarter, more quick-minded than me.

I loved that.

I loved the way her (H/C) hair complimented her face, her (E/C) sparkled in the darkness of night, the way her body stood tall like she knew how she beautiful she was. She didn't though. Which made me wonder how smart she really was. She never acknowledged her looks, always put herself down and never thought she looked pretty.

I've argued with her about this too many times that you'd think she would have given up and just accepted it. But no. She continued to disagree with me, laughing it off and shaking her head. I loved when she did that. Her (H/L) hair always moved along with her head, so soft and elegant.

The way (Y/N)'s body looked under clothes too big for her made her look small and, oh, so adorable. She'd even wear my clothes for the heck of it. It made me fall for her more.

Had I finally found someone perfect for me? Someone who was just as intelligent as me? Someone so beautiful that you'd think wouldn't dare to look at me? Someone who was so perfect that you'd think, if you get involved, you'd ruin them?

Someone whose eyes and hair wouldn't look good on anyone else but so perfect on them? Someone whose touch could give you chills?

Someone who could love me? As much as I loved them?

"Edward?" (Y/N) looked at me, softly.

I loved the way she said my name. It was always in a soft, sweet voice. It made me want to hear it over and over again just so I could know someone cared about me.

Clearly, if she hadn't cared about me, she would have left me by now. I calculated it.

"(Y/N)," I responded.

"What do you want to do today?"

'To finally say I love you.'

We were at (Y/N)'s house, in her living area. It was small, but cozy. With the fireplace on the other side of the room, it was warm but all I wanted to do was cuddle (Y/N). She was small compared to me, which I loved. I could easily pick her up, carry her.

I wanted to finally have her in my arms. I wanted to finally say I loved her. I wanted to finally have someone care about me.

All my life I was hated, bullied, and uncared for. I wanted that to change. I wanted to have someone who could say they loved me, and mean it. I wanted to have someone to heal my wounds, to fix my mistakes, to tell me I was doing wrong.

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