Crush (Red Hood/Jason Todd x Reader)

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  I shouldn't be upset. I mean, a barely knew the guy. It's not like I'd ever see him again. But the night we spent together was great. It was. . . magical. We didn't. . .y'know. We walked around Gotham, as dangerous as it is at night. It was great. Then when he walked me to my home, I had already missed him by the time I walked inside.

  The thoughts you have made you miss him even more. You missed his dark blue eyes, you missed his low voice that would laugh anytime you'd make a joke. And you missed the light hairs on his bangs.

  Jason was shy, and you found that cute. He didn't seem like a shy person, but once you both got to know each other, he got more comfortable. It's been a few days since this had happened, and yet, you still missed him.

  You went on with your life but you didn't forget Jason. There was something so . . .so. . .nice about him. You liked his company. You'd never be bothered by him if he called you at four in the morning. Though, after just one encounter, you should've been thinking this way. You hadn't even known his last name! But, you guessed this is how your usual crushes go. You'd speak once, you'd like seeing them everyday, and you missed them when they weren't around – even if you both hadn't spoke ever again.

  Finishing your bath, you shook off the thoughts of Jason - thinking you'd never ever even see him in the same store. You dried and dress yourself quickly, leaving your (H/C) hair out to air-dry naturally. You needed food for your pet. They hadn't run out, but it was soon to come. It was best that you bought food before it was all gone. Your pet was your best companion.

  So, with your hair almost fully dry, you slipped on your shoes and coat. As it was late, Gotham often got cold. With winter soon to come you'd know how cold it'll be.  You had gotten used to it after living here your whole life. Sometimes, you'd see tourists wearing layers and layers of clothing just to keep themselves warm during the winter. They were usually here to spot Batman or just for family visits.

  Gotham's days were mostly cloudy and cold, much like England's weather. But tonight, there were clear skies and a small breeze. It was nice, you thought.

  The local grocery store wasn't very far away, a mere ten minutes. It didn't take long to go in and find your pets most preferred food – the one they liked the most. You quickly hurried in and out the store to get home. You hadn't liked being out at night much. Gotham wasn't safe, you knew that.

  Everyone knew that.

  Even Jason.

  You didn't want to think of him again, but you simply couldn't help it. You smiled at the concrete sidewalk – not because you admired the work. You smiled because you remembered the time you spent with Jason. The smile on your face stayed like a tree holds on to leaves.

  The plastic bag in your hand made sounds when the wind blew against it, and you hurried your pace. Still smiling, you reminded yourself you'd never see him again and the crush was hopeless, much like your previous crushes. You never had much luck in finding someone to date, which is why you had gotten a pet. It was sad, but kept you company.

  As you approached your apartment, you see someone near the door. Probably someone asking for change, you think. But as you get closer you recognize the light bangs, and the facial features.


  He was wearing a dark red hoodie, with the hood on, hands in his pockets, and he squinted at the floor numbers and names. He didn't notice you at first, until you spoke.

  "Jason?" Your voice was filled with confusion. He was either here for you, or had the wrong address. You hoped for the first, but it was probably the second.

  When he heard his name, he straightened his back, hesitated then turned his head to you. From the apartment light, you could tell he blushed. Adorable.

  "(Y/N)," he said, smiling.

  "I thought you were homeless. I would've given you money."

  "You still can, I'm open to offers," he joked. You can tell he lightened up to you since the last time. This made you laugh, along with his joke.

  "Hm," you spoke, "how is two dollars?"

  "Enough to buy us coffee," he put on a small smirk. This is what you missed so much.


  "I'm sorry. That was. . .unnecessary."

  "No! I mean, it's okay. It was smooth," you lightened up.

  "I mean, if you want. . .we can go get coffee sometime," his eyes focused on the concrete sidewalk, his cheeks getting more pink.



  "Wait, actually?"

  "Yeah. If it's cool with you," you nodded your head, biting your lip.

  "Sometime," there was a short moment of silence. When Jason reached in his hoodie pocket, he started to speak again. "I think. .you left this- or dropped it. I mean, I didn't want to wait too long but I didn't want to come too quick. I'm not stalking you, I just- Because I had walked you home I- Y'know, I know where you live. I hope that doesn't sound stalk-ish. I mean, I'm not. I just-"

  His sighing interrupted himself and you could tell he was embarrassed already. You found it even more cute. You looked at what had been in his hand. A charm bracelet. It was yours, you had made it. But it was too big so it'd always fall off.

  "A-and I had fixed it. So it doesn't slip off as easily," Jason stated. "I had seen you always push it up when we first met. It didn't take me long. I knew how to fix it, and I added another charm."

  Jason's voice got more appealing everytime he spoke and you smiled. You grabbed the bracelet, your warm hand touching his cold hand for less than a second. The charm was a red rose. You smiled.

  "Thank you," you said, smiling wider before.

  "So," he hesitated, "how about that coffee?"
Cuter than anything that'll happen in my own life, to be honest. I know I said I'd update every week, but I just can't. And please, don't send in anymore requests. School started on Sept. 6th and it's going good so far. I've been busy with things at home, school, and personal life. But, I think with everything finally going back to normal, my updating will be back too. I don't know though. I sure hope so. I have huge writers block.

And 200k????? How????? I can't be anything but grateful. I'm so happy. I'd never believe I'd get this far.

I watched Suicide Squad. Let me just say, expect SS oneshots.

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