Yikes! (Tim Drake x Reader)

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Another texting-format oneshot, because why not? Bold is you, non-bold is Tim.
Yikes, Tim!


Do you know what day is coming up???




How could you not? I mean, almost everyone does SOMETHING for this.

Valentines Day?

Yeah! I'm so excited for it!!

Why? No one even likes you.

I'm not the one who makes onions cry :^)


Anytime, dude.

So, why are you excited??

Well, there's a boy...

Wait a minute, what?

What the crap? When the crap did this happen?

(Y/N), you better answer me before I run over to your house.

I will actually tie you up and interrogate you.

Yikes, Tim! Calm down.

How am I supposed to calm down when my best friend is getting a V date before I even knew?

I don't even know if he likes me back...


Nothing to worry about, then.

What's that supposed to mean?

It means that I already know someone who likes you.

Lol what.

Yep! But I can't say who. He..doesn't know how to tell you in person.

What the crap? Who?

It's a secret.


Okay, you can get defensive about how I thought a boy liked me but I can't even ask who likes me?? Seems fair.


I was being sarcastic.

You see him almost everyday.

I do?


In school?



Idk, man. You could probably see him outside of school. Who knows??

If you don't tell me, I'll send you the rarest of memes.

(Y/N). How could you?

You make the worst out of me.

Wanna hear a joke?

Way to change the subject.

Okay, so why did the tree cross the road?

Because it's a free country???

Because he was LEAFing!!!

Oh god.

C'mon. Admit you laughed.

I cried.

Of happiness?!


It was from the book you bought me.

It's sad that you need a book of jokes.

It's sad that you can't realize who REALLY likes you.

Call me oblivious, but it's probably a joke someone's pulling.

I doubt it.

If it is, will you beat them up?

Sorry, I don't like beating myself up.





Is there a way to delete messages? From everything, ever? Even if I could destroy your phone, that'd be great.

I didn't mean to tell you like that.


I'm such a loser, holy crap.

I'm sorry.


I should probably stop messaging you.

Have you killed yourself?

Had you died?

Have you thrown your phone out your window?


Actually, that'd be great. Do that. That way, you wouldn't see these messages.

I'm sorry.

You're so dorky that it's cute.


YIKES. How long have you liked me?

A few months?


Like, yesterday?

No, you nut! Like when you started to like me. Do you know how much easier my life would have been?

Are you mad?



Yikes! I've been waiting for this since I was out of the womb!

Yikes, we hadn't even known each other then.
This one sucked so bad that it created a black hole. Sorry, not sorry. Sorry that I'm not sorry.

Just sorry.

Ah, my Canadian side is showing. Fun fact; I'm actually Canadian so hit me up Canadian homies.

This one is short but it's cool because it's also cute. Have any of you played Arkham Knight, and where you gotta put Robin in the holding cell? If you talk to him after that, you tell him about Barbara being dead (where Batman believes she's actually dead), Tim gets really upset and it made me regret even pressing A to tell him that. His voice is really sad and I'm just like "NO. BABY TIM DON'T BE CRY!!1!" My brother was like, "Eh." Tim is my absolute favourite but I say that about everything. Tim is actually my smol babe.



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