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it's your birthday today and you've just turned 18 . Your alarm rang as you groaned and turned to your bed side table where the alarm clock is and slammed your hand on the button as you got up and made your bed , you made your way to your wardrobe and picked out an outfit you decided to wear black baggy jeans with a black tank top and some platforms. Once you have got dressed and done your hair and makeup you checked your phone to see if anyone remembers your birthday sadly you got no messages you shook it of and thought they might be asleep still or busy so you head downstairs and make some pancakes. You decide to message bill too see if he's busy today and if he wanted to hang with you :

You: hey
You: do you want to hang today ?
Bill: sorry vi I'm a bit busy
You :oh okay

Bill left you on read 'he really forgot my birthday hasn't he ' you thought to yourself so you decide to message Tom see if he's busy too

You : hey
Tom: hey
You: wanna hang ?
Tom: sorry vi I'm out right now
You: okay

It's been hours now and just then you hear a knock at the door you walk downstairs and open the door to see Tom and bill with flowers and chocolates "happy birthday vi "they both shout together "thank you guys "you said hugging them " so we have something planned for you which is why we told you we was busy I hope you didn't think we forgot your birthday" bill said "to be honest guys I did"you said embarrassed "we'll follow us we have loads planned "Tom said

{Time skip}
You all went to the movies , arcades , shopping and last on the list was a picnic on the bill watching the sunset, we made our way up to the hill we got to the top when i saw the beautiful view the guys set up the perfect birthday date there was roses,wine, chocolate and all sorts it was a magical looking scene from a movie . You all sat down had some wine and what ever the guys fancied and you watch the sun set the beautiful lights of the town light up , once you all finished you took a slow walk back home it was dark and there was minimum light from lampposts " thanks guys for the perfect birthday" you said " you welcome vi " they both said smiling , just then you realised a car had been following you for about 5 minutes "hey guys that car has been following us "you whispered "I'm sure it's nothing vi " bill said smiling just then the car was driving beside us and we was walking I turned to see a masked person pull out a gun without thinking I pushed the guys over out the way just in time they landed on the floor on the grass just as shots was being fired , they got up "who the hell was that is everyone okay " Tom asked "yeh I'm good"bill replied looking around"vi?" I looked up as they looked down at my hand on my stomach I remove my hand to see blood dripping from my hand and stomach I start  to feel dizzy "guys "I cried out as they was freaking out "VI"they both shout as I fall down onto my back feeling weak everything's starting to go blurry the last thing I saw was bill on the floor with me talking to me trying to keep me awake reassuring me that I'll be okay and Tom was on the phone pacing and gesturing with his hands just then I closed my eyes . I heard beeping all around I heard faint voices as I opens my eyes I tried sitting up I groaned out in pain , "you need to lie back down vi " I looks up too see bill and Tom, bill sat next to me and Tom pacing around "omg vi why would you push us away you got yourself hurt "Tom said tearing up as did bill , "I'm alright see" I said smiling.

We was talking for a while when suddenly the beeping on the machine was getting louder and we looked at the screen I was hooked too one line was going really high and the other really low I looked back to the guys who asked if I was alright with such a concerned look "guys I'm fin-"suddenly my eyes rolled back and everything was blank I can  hear the guys yelling to the nurse and after a few mins  I came back around after a few minutes "holy shit your scared us" bill said hugging me and so did Tom after bill, "I'm sorry guy I truly am but I  couldn't stand to see you both hurt I had to push you away" I said crying at this point "oh vi " they said crying too.

{Time skip}
It's been a week since the shooting and me being discharged I'm doing so much better now with the help of Tom and bill , they never let me out of their sight and never let me walk in the dark again without them at least . Since the accident though I've been emotional all drained there's a feeling of guilt paining me the feeling it's all my fault that the guys was upset and this whole thing even happens , but I push that aside and learn to enjoy the little things I have. So me and the guys have been watching movies together and all sorts I may even be falling for them both.

✮𝓑𝓲𝓵𝓵 & 𝓽𝓸𝓶 𝓸𝓷𝓮 𝓼𝓱𝓸𝓽𝓼✮Where stories live. Discover now