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Tom and the guys have their tour today and they invited me to tag along which of course I said yes but still haven't spoke to my parents about it so I decided to do it last minute so I packed my stuff what I needed and got ready racing downstairs, "where are you going eve " my mum shouted "on tour with tokio hotel " I replied smiling "like hell You are " she screamed pointing all up in my face "fine leave this house and ur not coming back " she yelled throwing her towel down.

I arrive at the guys house and knock on with Gustav answering "Here you are" Gustav said smiling "where's bill?" I asked looking around "he takes the longest of us all" tom replied with a shake of his head. Bill came down the stairs showing his outfit of and we all clapped and left for the tour bus which their assistant had parked outside waiting for them to get in, we got in and chose our rooms then headed back to the main room but I chose to stay in my room to process what my mother said I just payed there in a hall thinking when I heard a knock at the door "eve can I come in?" Bill said softly "yes" I replied as he came in shutting the door behind him "how come your not in the main room ?" He asked sitting on the end of my bed "I'm just tired I might later " I replied curling up more "you seem upset?" He questions " you alright " he asks "yes just family drama " I replied smiling "want to talk about it " he asked scooting closer now hand on my arm "just my mother she didn't want me to come with you guys and screamed at me in my face saying I'm not welcome back " I replied my voice now cracking with every word "oh eve I'm sure she didn't mean it it was probably a shock to her that's why " he replied as I sat up and jumped to hug him he jumped in shock but eased in to it hugging back I could feel him smiling against my shoulder "thank you bill" I replied letting him go so he could breath "want to come to main room" he asked sitting up I nodded yes and followed behind then jumping onto the sofa taking up both seats "moveee" I heard Tom whining "no " I replied sticking my tongue out as he lifted me up and placed me onto his lap "tommm" I half yelled siting upright moving over to the other free seat "get a room lover birds " bill Shouted as Gustav and Georg laughed I just blushed and Tom did too but tried to hide it.

It's been a week on tour with the guys and it's been amazing I've grew really close to Tom heck I may even like him but it's time to head home, "hey eve we will Drop you of at yours ?" Bill asked "yeah please " I replied as I gave him my address. We arrived at my address as I tried the door but it was locked luckily I had a key so I unlocked the door and saw all the furniture was gone nothing left I ran round the whole house but nothing till I saw a note on the floor in my room "sorry I told you not to leave but I've left and moved " I ripped the letter up and scream cried I left the empty house and sat on the front 'I wonder where she put my stuff ' I thought to myself so I stood up and searched the perimeter and once I was on the back I saw all my stuff in black bags I took everything to the front and sat there crying head in my hands on my knees. When I saw a car driving by slowing  down and stopping outside where I was I didn't care at that point so I put my head back down when I heard a voice say "omg eve what's happens why are you out here it's cold" bill said as I looked up with puffy red eyes as he pulled me up bringing me into a hug "she left bill" I cried out into his neck "oh my god " he sad with such a sad expression "I'm alone bill I'm homeless " I yelled crying falling to the floor as bill tried to hoist me back up but failed so sat bedside me on the phone speaking German which I didn't understand. He stood up and grabbed my hand I took it "grab your stuff your coming with me " he said with a smile I couldn't help but cry some more as we both loaded the boot of his car , once we was done loading we headed to his place once we arrived he let me in first guiding me too his room and once he left I lay on his bed curled in a ball.

"Bill what happened why is she crying "  Gustav asked "well she was abandoned her mother left and moved without telling her" bill said with sadness in his eyes as he walked down the stairs to the sofa "oh my is she living with us " Georg asked "yes" bill replied "she will stay with us " bill said sternly "who she gonna stay with" Tom asked siting down joining the conversation "who ever she decides " bill said looking at me as i walked down the stairs to the sofa  "can I stay with you bill" I asked playing with my fingers "yes of course " bill said with a big smile. We headed back upstairs to his room as we both lay on his bed as he put on the tv , I snuggled up to bills chest as he wrapped his arms around me to comfort me "I won't leave you at all eve" bill said as he planted a kiss on my forehead.

✮𝓑𝓲𝓵𝓵 & 𝓽𝓸𝓶 𝓸𝓷𝓮 𝓼𝓱𝓸𝓽𝓼✮Where stories live. Discover now