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It's Tuesday morning I wake up at 9:30am , I got up from my bed making it so it's tidy as I then head over to my dresser to pick out an outfit . I picked out some blue baggy low rise jeans and paired it with a white graphic crop tee , I added some white trainers and included some jewellery to spice it up. I walked over to my vanity desk to do my hair and makeup choosing to straighten my hair and do minimum makeup and once I was done getting dressed I made my way downstairs to the kitchen to make myself some pancakes with syrup on , i took my plate and sat at the dining room table eating them while scrolling through my phone.

{Time skip}
It's now afternoon and I got a notification from my friend Skye

Skye : hey girl
Me: hey
Skye:did you hear there's a party being held today at beths place
Me: I didn't know
Skye: wanna come with me ?
Me:yeh sure why not
Skye:that's great , it's at 7:00pm
Me:okay np

I decided to hit the shops to find a new outfit, I found this shop which looked crazy cool so I decided to head in and check it out . I came out ended up buying a few bits , I bought a fit for tonight which was a black dress with rhinestone decor paired with some black platform heels. I head back home to change for the party I threw off my old clothes putting on my new outfit spicing it up with some jewellery and makeup I decided to wave my hair and once I was done I left to meet Skye at her place , once I was there I knocked on her door as she then answered "took ya long enough to get here"she said as I laughed . We both left her place and walked to the party which was 15 mins away from Skye's place and once we was there we saw all the flashy lights and people dancing and already drunk when it's just started , I wander over to the drinks table and pick myself a drink up since Skye already ran of with a boy. I stood around had a few  drinks when I saw the time was now 11:00pm 'we've been here hours "I thought to myself as I went to try find Skye and found her flirting with a guy "hey Skye imma head back "I yelled since the music was so loud "okay"she yelled back continuing to dance I walked to the front door and closed it behind me when it was raining heavily and I didn't even have a jacket or anything and it was cold I stood there for a minute about to leave when I saw a guy approach me he's tall around 6'4 more probably "here take this " he said handing me an umbrella and a jacket "oh it's okay thank you you need it "I said smiling as he insisted "it's alright I have another "he said smiling he seems so sweet "well thank you ?"I paused "bill" he said smiling "well thank you bill , my names liv "  i said smiling back "what a lovely name "he said with a big smile. "Nah I have your number?" He asked a bit shy rubbing the back of his neck "why if course bill" I said getting my phone out showing him my number as he punched it in his phone "well I best go thank you bill" I said giving him a hug . As I walked home I couldn't stop thinking about bill his black spiky hair and his black Smokey eye liner his eye brow piercing that look of pure sweetness in his brown eyes , I arrive home and unlocked the door placing bills umbrella into the stand and headed upstairs I changed into a baggy tee and got ready for bed.

It's now the next day I woke up at 11:00am since I didn't go bed till 1:00am , I got up and got dressed wearing black jeans and black cami top with some black combat boots I also threw on bills jacket he leant me and as I was doing my hair and makeup I got a notification from bill

Bill:did you get home safe ?
Me:yes thank you ,you?
Bill:yes thanks
Me:hood hood
Bill: so I was wondering if we could maybe hang ?
Me: yea sure where ?
Bill:my place ?
Me:okay adress?
Me:thank you be round in 10

I took my phone of charge and grabbed my bag with my purse and keys in and made my way downstairs locking the front door behind me making sure to bring bills umbrella to return it and his jacket I'm currently wearing , I walked for about 10 minutes till I reached the address bill sent me. I go up to the door up the driveway and knock on the door to see a very happy bill answer "omg you made it " he said doing mini jumps "yes I bought your umbrella and jacket back "I said handing him the umbrella and taking his jacket of and placing it on his arm , "thank you " he smiled,he let me inside "take a seat on the couch I'll be back in a sec "he said running upstairs tripping a little as I just giggled . I saw his twin with dreads walk through and sit next to me on the couch I was slightly nervous so i looked around "you must be liv "he asked looking at me "yes "I replied with a smile "bills always going on about this chick he met at a party and I'm guessing that's you ?" I nodded as he smiled and turned the tv on "heads up bill takes forever to get ready " Tom said laughing as did I , I saw bill walk downstairs and lean over the couch i between me and tom and pushed toms head down "BILLL"tom yelled pushing bill of knocking him into me "sorry "they both say "no it's fine it's funny really " I said laughing into my hand "what should we do today " bill asked I shrugged my shoulders as Tom just stared at us "so going out without me bro"Tom said sarcastic me and bill laughed "movies ?" Tom asked "yes let's bill"I said looking to bill for him to agree he nodded yes and we grabbed out stuff and left for the movies. Once we arrived we picked a movie and the staff member told us our seat numbers we entered the room with the number on the door they told us to find and we headed in and looked for our seats we was at the back on the higher stand area. I sat in the middle with either twin aside me. Half way through the movie bill put his hand on my hand without realising I believe I just sat there and didn't move if I'm honest I didn't mind much at all I looked up from my hand to bills eyes who just realise his hands on mine "oh sorry liv " he said removing his hand from mine "it's alright I didn't mind "I replied smiling.

{Time skip}
The movie ended and we all got up and left I can't shake that thought of bills hand on my leg the butterflies I felt , we walked out the cinema and it was raining again "just my luck"I said crossing my eyes staring at the rain "let's go"I said trying to speed walk to avoid getting soaked but the rain was heavier. "It's well heavy rain" Tom said squinting looking up . We made our way back to bills place Tom and bill let me in first I got a sudden burst of shivers "hey want to borrow some clothes you can stay the night?" Bill asked as Tomas's his way to the kitchen , "yes thank you " I replied giving him a little hug.

It's been weeks now me and bill are dating and me and Tom are really good friends we always go everywhere together like the movies and beach bill always sets up romantic dates on the beach with wine and roses, when bills rehearsing Tom always stays with me and we do all sorts like just dance or shopping trips.

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