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"Did you do what I asked "
"Yes boss"
"Good it's all going to plan "

I woke up in a dark cold empty room the room was huge a slight sound would echo throughout, I got a sudden stinging pain in my chest I grab my chest feeling a bandage and stitches I look down I was shot . I heard voices outside the door as keys jangled the door clicking and footsteps heading to me on the cold wet floor , "ah you awake good"  I turned to see the boss who I thought Gustav had killed I stared at him wide eyed "ah yes you see I didn't die clearly your friend skimmed my arm he was too focused on you to see if he finished the job so I crawled away when no one was looking I ordered my men to pose as doctors and pronounce you dead it's all part of my plan to take out your gang" he said laughing "your a monster " I spat at him "yeh I've heard it all before my dear so your gonna work for me now or I will kill your precious Tom and friends " I had no choice but to agree I can't let Tom die or his brother and friends what kind of person would that make me "okay" I said looking down he held his hand out for me to grab so I obliged he guided me to a spare room it was bare a dress was layed out on the bed it was a black skin tight foot length dress and black heels was paired beside it with a note which read 'this is what you shall wear to our dinner '.

What a jackass I thought to myself I put it on anyway because I have to remember I'm doing this for Tom and the guys not myself , I put the dress on and the shoes and waited for orders I felt like such a child or a prisoner which technically I am but the thing I want to know is why , why did he have to keep me why not let me die it would be so much easier . I heard the door unlock and open I stood up straight "come on my love time for dinner " the boss said he was tall B-road shoulders black slicked back hair and brown eyes with a stubble growing through . He linked my arm to his and we walked to his dining room which was gigantic one of them long tables he sat opposite me , making small talk trying to aggravate me I just bit down on my lip making it bleed ever so slightly I wiped it away to avoid him questioning . "Today my love we have an assassination later on so head to your room"  he took me to my room and locked the door behind him I wanted to cry but I didn't want to show my weakness he had his butlers lay my mission outfits out it was black jeans with a black top tucked in my jeans with black combat boots a pouch on the leg for my gun on one leg and one for my knife on the other I had an ear piece as well that will be hidden in my ear.

It's been hours he came for me and dragged me along and threw me in the van and drove of and once we arrived at the location he dragged me outside the van "your going to assassinate Tom kaulitz " he spoke "no way am I you said if I did what you want he will live " I spat "yeh well about that don't trust strangers hunny " he spat as he struck me on my cheek I kicked him in the balls and ran of as fast as I could however he sent his men on me which was a mistake to send them all because little did he know the gang was already here when the boss wasn't looking I turned a note into a plane and tossed it over to bill who showed Tom explaining everything so just then Tom and the gang had a chance to finally wipe the boss away dispose of him for good, he was defenceless and alone so Tom grabbed him from behind in a choke hold gun at his head "any last words you son of a bitch" Tom spat "never " he spat back  I heard the gun fire from a mile away I stood and turned "your boss is dead " I laughed as they all ran back to back up .

I walked back to an open arms Tom whilst bill shot one guy in the stomach Gustav shot one in the head and Georg broke one's neck the bodies layed on the floor lifeless as I ran to toms arms he hoisted me up holding me tight "I thought I lost you my love " he hummed "never my love " I said giving him a passionate kiss , "come on let's go home " Tom said holding his arm around my waist as we walked to his car .

It's been four years later we dropped the assassination job and we eventually got married bought a house on a hill a little cottage , it had a beautiful oak tree with a tire swing on a picnic layed out beautifully with champagne and chocolate strawberries . I wore my favourite summer dress and sat with Tom eating chocolate strawberries, I saw my beautiful daughter emerald on the fire swing her beautiful locks swaying in the wind as her gorgeous green eyes gleamed in the light I called her over as we all sat down for our lunch "I love you mummy and daddy" she said hand held out " we love you too pumpkin " I replied planting a kiss on her forehead "when do I get a baby brother mummy and daddy" emerald asked clapping "okay time for bed " I said laughing as we grabbed our picnic basket and walked to our house in the sunset .

✮𝓑𝓲𝓵𝓵 & 𝓽𝓸𝓶 𝓸𝓷𝓮 𝓼𝓱𝓸𝓽𝓼✮Where stories live. Discover now