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Me and my friend Maria was at this new nightclub in town it was super popular we thought we would try it out see what the hype was about and when I tell you it's hard to please Maria I'm not joking but to my surprise she actually was very pleased with this club it had everything she wanted in a club it had top tier booze and top tier entertainment and music, we had just finished our last drink of the night I had a blue lagoon and Maria had a pinky pie the drinks came with a funky style it had straws and accessories to match the drink aesthetic.

We had just drank the last drop when we made our way over to the exit it was pitch black outside and bitter I forgot to bring my jacket with me and so did Maria we crossed our arms using our hair to try cover our arms a bit but it was a tad bit windy, we walked down the street as there was no more taxis running this late nor no buses. We sighed as we still had another block to go so we tried to push through it when a car had pulled up beside us a man had just got out tall skinny and black hair I couldn't see his face but he grabbed my arm and pulled me close pushing me into his car as Maria screamed he slammed the door and drove of as Maria screamed and cried for help.

I tried to unlock the door demanding who this guy was and what do they want with me, I felt my cheeks burn from anger and tears fall from my cheek from fear but also anger the only thing which is keeping me angry rather than scared is the adrenaline pumping through me, I felt the car come to a halt as it flung me forward into the seat I front of me making me groan at the pain.

The door opened and the man grabbed me he wouldn't show me his face I tried to rip myself free from his grip it was to tight he dragged me along as I tried to halt us but I failed miserably I was using all the strength I had , he took us through the woods I really thought I was about to die he took me deeper into the woods and behind the trees was a warehouse it looked old and abandoned he took me through the entrance into a dark room he flung me onto the floor it was cold and dark I was scared I tried to feel my way around looking for something to help me out do this place a door or a bar anything.

The door opened slowly I look up to see bill "bill" I gasped my eyes widen he comes down and takes my arm guiding me upstairs "what's going on " I cried out he looked at me and blanked me he had this look it was hard to read him, he took me into a room and dropped me of and stood at the door a guy was stood at the window he turned around and it was Tom "Tom " I yelled "what's going on " I screamed as tears fell from my eyes down my cheeks he was cold his eyes dark and a look which could kill anyone, he approached me as I fell to the floor on my knees he bent down using his finger under my chin to lift my head.

"Don't cry princess " he whispered into my ear "your safe with me " he said standing up he walked away over to bill "don't let her leave " he said placing a hand on his shoulder "I'll get the guard right away " he said leaving the room locking  it behind him, I stood up confused as to what's going on bills my best friend and tom was my boyfriend so why was they being so cold to me that's when I heard talking I ran over to the door and pressed my ear against it I heard them faintly "listen I don't want her to know "  "they are after her and I won't go down without a fight bill" it was Tom and bill talking I listened more trying to make out more.

That's when I heard shouting and some commotion the door was twisting  I backed up from the door as I heard a gun shot I ducked down in fear that's when I looked up and saw the door swing open slowly with a broken handle, a man in black stood there I stood up and backed up slowly but he grabbed my arm and pulled me close to his body as he wrapped an arm around my neck holding me a gun point I felt tears fall I was to scared to dare try move I saw Tom race through the door with his gun held to the man "let her go " Tom yelled as bill came next to him also holding a gun what is happening I thought to myself.

"You best power your guns or I'll blow her brains out" the man yelled my heart sunk I couldn't even cry the twins lowered there guns and had no choice but to let me pass, I was frightened as he dragged me through the warehouse out to his car he through me into the back and I tried to stop the door closing but again I couldn't. The whole ride felt like an eternity a true nightmare, the car had came to a halt he dragged me out and threw me to the cold hard ground the tiny pebbles wedged into my hands and I used them to stop my fall.

I took them out my hands I looked around it was an empty parking lot I stood up while he was not looking I ran but to my supervisor I was on the top level of a car park I looked over the edge at how high we was which made me queasy I stepped back slowly turning as the man said "no escape darling, now sane patient while I use you as bait "   I was shocked "what" I barely managed to get out "oh you don't know " he sad getting closer as I backed up "your beloved boyfriend is in a gang and he and I's gang is at war he killed one of mine so I'll kill one of his" he growled "but I'm not apart of the gang"  I sobbed "ah I know sweetheart but your the closet thing he's got and I want to ruin him" he snapped clenching his fist.

I was full of range at this point as I heard some cars wheel spinning and screeching just then I was blinded by car lights I couldn't see I put my hands over my face to block the light from shining in my eyes, the lights switched of I lowered my arms as two men approached with guns I took my chance to run I tried to run but he grabbed me again I screamed, "last chance roe "   Tom snapped. "No way you stole everything from me " roe screamed he let me go without realising he raised his gun to the twins "say goodbye " he yelled without thinking I jumped onto the man's back which made him shoot up instead of at the twins and that gave Tom and bill the chance to strike "I can't get a shot " he yelled "neither " bill yelled.

I realised it was because we was moving so I pulled his hair making him raise his arms to stop me he grabbed my arm and threw me to the floor that's when tom got a shot in shooting his chest, I lied on the floor as tears fell seeing the blood weep from his body tom came over to me and bent down holding me on his lap "your ok " he cried as bill took care of the body tom helped me to my feet carrying me bridal style. I cried hard and long at that moment.

I felt someone shaking me and calling my name I was  confused "tara " I looked around "tara wake up" what is happening I look forward and see Tom has disappeared as had bill along with the car park I was scared "tara get up come on" I heard "wake up" "tara wake up".

I shot upright panting trying to catch my breath as I felt tears fall down my face still I was hot and sweating I look around I'm in my bedroom everything is normal Tom is sat next to me holding my hand shouting my name as bill runs through and stand at the door "what's going on " I asked "you was dreaming Tara you scared us when you started shouting and crying " Tom said exhaling he had a look of relief  on his face bill bent down slightly and put his hands on his thighs "I thought you was in danger " bill said walking over "it was a dream" I asked "yes " Tom said with a smile "thank god" I said with a sigh of relief.

I got up and held tone hand as we all started walking downstairs "what was the dream " Tom asked "it doesn't matter " I said with a smile as we walked downstairs .

✮𝓑𝓲𝓵𝓵 & 𝓽𝓸𝓶 𝓸𝓷𝓮 𝓼𝓱𝓸𝓽𝓼✮Where stories live. Discover now