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"Isla " my mother called from downstairs waking me up, I rubbed my eyes and stretched my arms and legs yawning in the process slowly sliding out from under my covers slipping on my fluffy slippers next to my bed. I stood up and walked over to my door opening it slightly as my farther ran past in a hurry hands full with bags and a suitcase "yes" I shouted from the top of the stairs.

"We are leaving now and we will be back in a few days a week tops " she smiled but I was confused "what" I mumbled tired "remember we have our business meeting " soon as she said that it clicked I remember now "oh yes " I smiled "ok so keep doors locked and windows and don't open-" I cut her off "doors to strangers yeah yeah I know " making my mum chuckle as she slowly shook her head from side to side.

I watched her and my farther rush out the door with hands full of bags so I waved and gave them a smile blowing them a kiss as they did back, they shut the door locking up behind themselves it was alright because I have a spare key for situations like this. I walked back into my bedroom getting back into my comfortable warm bed getting comfy finally just for my phone to ring.

I yelled out throwing my sheets aside in a small tantrum leaning over to grab my phone as it rang, I swiped it answering the call "hello" I groaned "it's me tom " he said cheerful "oh hi " i said cheering up "so i heard your home alone from bill and i was wondering if we both could come round " "sure " i said putting the phone down. But this meant I didn't have long to get ready.

So I scrambled out of my bed quickly making the bed so it was neat and presentable to the eye before moving over to my draws to pull out a outfit I chose black joggers and a black long sleeve crop top to show off my belly ring I just brought the other day, then I brushed my long black hair and done a quick straighten to remove any kinks plus it always makes my hair look smoother.

I placed the straighteners on my desk to cool and moved onto makeup but I wasn't a huge makeup person but I do wear mascara and lipgloss, I smacked my lips together to even the gloss out. I chucked all my makeup in my vanity draw to hide the fact I'm not organised at all, I looked at myself in the mirror to check I look alright and then I was satisfied.

I heard the doorbell ring so I ran over to my bedside table and I grabbed the key of the side and my phone then ran out the door and  ran downstairs to open the door little did I know I would be endangering my best friend's life's from a stupid mistake.

I opened the door as they stood open armed so I jumped into their arms giving them a big hug it was as though I never seen them for years but we was just hella close, "hey Isla " bill said in a sweet voice as Tom waved and gave me a warm smile. I gestured for them to come in and I locked up behind them they was immediately jumped on by the cat Milo ton grabbed the cat and gave it a hug and a fuss talking in a baby voice which I thought was funny but cute.

Bill gave a giggle as he also fussed Milo who was rubbing his head on bills arm a letting out an adorable meow, I walked into the kitchen as they both followed me "drinks ?" I asked "no thank you " bill smiled "can I have water please " he smiled I handed him a cold water bottle from the fridge draw.

He thanked me as we made our way into the living room "so did you bring your stuff " .i asked "you know it " they said at the same time holding up their bags I was super excited for a sleepover I haven't had one for a long time, my mum and dad do like the twins however they don't like boys over to sleep.

"I need to get the stuff ready for tonight " I smiled "we will help " bill said jumping up he's always been so sweet quick to help just as Tom is but Tom also takes a while to click on he just zones out in his own world making me giggle, they stood up Tom pulling his jeans up as they keep falling down.

We walked into the conservatory and grabbed the spare bedding and mattresses luckily our living room was big enough for three mattresses so we grabbed one each they was light so it was easy to carry from one room to another, I threw my one on the floor and began to position it where I wanted it followed by Tom then bill they was all next to each other throwing pillows  and blankets.

Time skip

We all chipped in to set up our night we took turns picking out movies to watch I chose nightmare before Christmas bill chose corpse bride and Tom chose elf "pjs time " I said clapping "it's to earlyyy " Tom complained "never " bill said giggling so they both rummaged through their bags to pull out pjs.

I ran upstairs to my bedroom to grab myself my pjs I grabbed my satin set and threw them on chucking my other clothes on they floor in the corner, I ran downstairs not paying attention to my room and went to join the twins who was in their pjs as well laying under the covers waiting for me "sorry I took long " I laughed joining them.

"Ok you put your film on first " I said handing the twins the remote to let them decided between them who goes first after a solid five minutes of debating Tom went first I let him hold the remote  "I'm going to grab the snacks " I said getting up making my way to the kitchen I grabbed popcorn chocolate crisps and sodas for us then made my way back to them handing them things to snack on and drink.

It's been over an hour or so the cat can to sit with us which Milo doesn't do often he usually sleeps on his cat tree anyway I started to feel tired after his then bills movie and half way through mine I fell asleep soon after me the twins also fell asleep we left the tv on by accident and during our sleep we must have knocked the popcorn over because it was all over the floor luckily it was hard wood floor so easy to sweep and mop.

Time skip (sorrry)

It was early hours of the morning I woke up shortly after Tom and bill had "do you smell that " I asked sniffing up "yeah smells like burning " Tom said I stood up and tried to follow the smell "oh no " I said with fear I froze and the boys saw the fear plastered on my face "Isla " bill questioned as Tom had a concerned looks.

I ran upstairs I saw smoke coming from my door leaking out onto the landing making it hard to breath I looked at Tom who looked at me and then bill I opened the door hit by a blast of smoke I coughed and wafted the smoke away with my hand that's when I saw the orange light, flames.

I yelled and ran into my room trying to see where it was coming from but bill grabbed me not letting me in further "quick call the firefighters " bill said as Tom ran for a phone I saw the ceiling start to collapse I screamed as bill pulled me downstairs the fire began to spread across the landing room to room fast. I cried.

Bill dragged me outside away from the burning house as Tom was outside he finally came of the phone "it will be ten minutes tops" Tom said with panic "what happened " Tom asked "my straighteners I left them on " I cried out "SHIT " I screamed "woah what" bill asked trying to keep me in place "milo " I pushed bill away as he tried to body block me.

I pushed him over followed by Tom and ran into the house I couldn't breathe I was coughing staying low to the floor I couldn't see a thing I was touching everything trying to find Milo but I heard him meowing I was in a room the living room I felt the sofa and I felt under and felt Milo's fluff, I dragged him out held him close under my top to help him breath.

I felt my way around for a door but I couldn't the oath I took was blocked as things was falling all around me I herd bill scream and Tom cry for me I felt my way around searching for another path out and I found it I stood up and walked out the house coughing holding Milo close.

Bill grabbed me and held me close hugging me tight Tom took Milo for me as I hugged him back seeing them cry like that made me cry. "I'm alright " I smiled and soon the firebregade pulled up and rushed to get the hose we all hugged and watched them put out the fire leaving behind a burnt black ashy remains of a house structure. "My place " Tom asked "yep " I said as we followed Tom home he still held the cat close.
I rang my mother and told her what happened she of course screamed at me but she came home early.

✮𝓑𝓲𝓵𝓵 & 𝓽𝓸𝓶 𝓸𝓷𝓮 𝓼𝓱𝓸𝓽𝓼✮Where stories live. Discover now