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I was asleep in my warm cosy bed wrapped up warm since the weather here has been atrocious heavy rainfall and high winds blowing over everything so all I could hear during the night would be bins banging on to the floor or kids blowing open and rain fall hitting my window coming inside so I had to close that up to avoid having a soaking bedroom plus it was freezing outside but I finally fell asleep anyway.

I was woken up to my phone bleeping loudly so I turned over in my bed and reached for my phone and checked the notification it was a red triangle with a "!" Inside so I clicked it and it read that the town will be evacuated immediately due to flood warnings, I sighed and slid out from under the covers and over to my wardrobe where I grabbed my giant camping bag I have I haven't really used it much but anyway I grabbed as much I could and shoved it all into the bag folding it fast as I could but also small as I could to fit everything in.

It was a giant bag anyway but I wanted to make sure I had all I need so I packed jumpers, joggers, leggings, jeans, long sleeve and short sleeve tops basically everything I had in my wardrobe, I threw in all my socks and underwear plus my bras and I moved onto other things such as my charger for my phone, hair brush, toothbrush and paste and my valuables I was not about to loose those.

After I packed all I needed and wanted I got my shoes on I couldn't be bothered to change it was the early hours of the morning I'm tired and we have an evacuation notice so I just put my trainers on and grabbed my bag I closed my door hoping my room will be fine praying for it and then I started to run downstairs in the dark I reached the bottom of the stairs greeted by a puddle of water splashing me.

Shit I thought to myself I turned the light on by the door and saw there was a thin layer of water across my floors I groaned at the thought of having to clean this all when I return anyway I went around the house switching of all electrical appliances and switches locking the back door and windows then I was ready to leave I left the house locking up shoving the key into my bag.

I took a last look at my house and made my way down the driveway where a mini bus was parked waiting it travels house to house to pick up those of the town to take us all to a safe space, the doors to the bus opened I felt the stares of people on the bus it made me feel very uncomfortable I looked around side to side for a empty space but it looked full so I wondered why they picked me up on a full bus.

I went to turn around to get off and wait for another but someone tapped my arm making me look down a guy with black hair moved over to let me sit with him he looked shy he couldn't hold eye contact or even spoke much but I smiled and thanked him as I sat myself down beside him, the journey to the shelter was an hour or two tops.

I shoved my bag on my lap trying to avoid it hitting the boy beside me it was a giant bag though so it was difficult it covered me near enough head to toe "I'm so sorry for my bag " I smiled nervous incase I made him upset or angry with me, "no problem at all " he smiled he had a warm beautiful smile I noticed how he closed his eyes when he was smiling it was cute .

I loved his hair it was fluffy and spiked it must take him at least two full cans of hair spray he had a beautiful eye colour and I love show he did his makeup I looked at his hands he had adorable nail design and his outfit was amazing made me feel shame for being in my pjs I looked up and saw he was looking back "oh I'm sorry I didn't mean to stare " I said really nervous I could feel myself get hot and start to sweat "it's alright everything okay " he smiled I nodded yes trying to keep myself together.

"My names bill what yours " he asked turning to face me who was slightly hiding behind my bag "ivy " I smiled "nice to meet you ivy " he said holding out his hand for me to shake so I took his hand and shook his hands was warm and so soft to touch I didn't want to let go but that would be strange so I let go giving him a warm smile.

Half way through the journey I was looking at my phone and the warning I sighed and put it away still waiting for my parents response hoping they are alright, I moved out of home a year ago I'm now 20 but they still won't answer I remember how they aren't the best at devices so I presume that's why they won't reply. I put my phone away into a pocket of my bag safe and zipped it away as is at fiddling with my bag straps really nervous.

I've never been evacuated before and I don't know where I'm going I don't know anyone here besides bil, I took a deep breath and closed my eyes for a minute but that turned into minutes I fell asleep. I felt myself jerking as my head fell forward a lot I tried to avoid hitting bill I threw my head back again as I drifted into sleep my head slowly falling to the side I lifted myself back up so sleepy.

I kept sliding to the side backwards and forwards it was frustrating but I was in such a deep sleep at this point I didn't feel the face I started to fall again but bill gently placed his hand on the back of my head and gently laid me down on him making sure I was comfortable as my head was in his lap he held me gently but firmly in place making sure I wasn't to fall, he placed my bag down on the floor not bothered by the fact he had hardly any leg room since he was tall.

I woke up as the bus came to a halt I slowly lifted myself up not releasing for a start that I was on bills lap, I looked around and then at bill who was looking down at me "you sleep well " he asked as I sat up "I'm so sorry I " "no I put you there you looked uncomfortable so I thought that would help " he said nervous as he had cut me of. I looked out over at the window we had arrived at a shelter out of town away from the flooding areas.

I sighed and sat back down waiting as people was being called of one by one me and bill was next so we grabbed our bags and we walked to the front of the bus and exited following the crowd of sleepy people to the entrance of the building it was gigantic inside an open space with mattresses sleeping bags and pillows in lines on the floor. Me and bill went to find an empty space on the outer edge I had a fear of being trapped.

"May I " he asked wondering if he was able to stay with me "of course " I smiled happy to have company with me we both picked a mattress and placed all belongings next to us "the only good outcome of all of this was meeting you " I smiled as I snuggled up in the sleeping bag beside bill "agreed " he smiled

✮𝓑𝓲𝓵𝓵 & 𝓽𝓸𝓶 𝓸𝓷𝓮 𝓼𝓱𝓸𝓽𝓼✮Where stories live. Discover now