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It's a typical Monday morning my alarm rang at 7:30am I groaned leaning over to my bedside table I pushed the button on my alarm clock turning it of then I meant back in bed and stared at the ceiling debating if I can be bothered to get up and got to school , but the only thing that motivates me to come in is bill kaulitz he's a famous singer in tokio hotel with his twin Tom kaulitz and their friends Georg and Gustav.

I gradually slid out of bed and made my bed behind me straightening the sheets and quilt , I then walked over to my wardrobe to choose an outfit . I decided to throw on blue baggy low rise jeans with a white tank top and accessories like a white belt and for shoes I chose white and navy trainers and if it gets chilly I'll throw on my navy baggy jacket.

Once I was dressed I done my hair brushing through my blonde hair straightening it as I got I just got a few brown highlights in the other week so of course I wanted to show it of , I put on some mascara and lipgloss and left my room and headed downstairs. I threw my bag on the couch and sat myself down in the kitchen at the table as my mother prepared me some pancakes and oj"thanks mum " I said with a mouth full of food. "Your welcome now hurry ruby you will be late for school" my mum said washing up I nodded and grabbed my bag of the couch and left closing the door behind me .

I was on my way to school when I saw bill kaulitz walking alone he was so fine his black skinny jeans and his black shirt the top buttons slightly undone sent me feral. His hair was black and spiked up with a few blonde streaks here and there must take him hours to achieve the perfect look, I was to focused on watching bill instead of watching my own footing and I tripped up the curb falling on my face near enough. I groaned at myself when I saw a hand sticking out "need a hand" the voice said calmly I look up and it's bill I take his hand and wipe myself of "thank you " I said with a smile "no problem ?" He paused "it's ruby " I said "I thought so " he smiled as he started to walk of waving back "catch you around " he said .

I could of just melted there and then , I continued into the school gates to the lockers in the hallway putting my bag and books inside the locker . I heard the bell ring and I walked to my first class which was maths I hated maths I could never focus I got that bored. I sat myself at the back of the class that way I don't get caught when I'm not focused , I sat myself down I lay my head on the desk as a guy tapped my shoulder which made me jump "hey sorry didn't mean to scare you but can I sit here the best seats are gone and not many people like me " it was bill he seemed a bit nervous to ask so I moved my stuff and motioned for him to sit so he did .

Half way through the class I was doodling when I saw from the corner of my eye bill was watching me draw "you like them " I asked as he shifted his focus forward "yes " he whispered I giggled slightly trying to cover my giggles with my hand I think he saw because he nudged me slightly and before we knew the lesson was over "bye bill" I said waving, my heart was pounding so fast I thought it was going to leap from my chest and run away or something . I never knew what it exactly was I liked about bill but he stole my heart .

Time skip

I was heading to my locker to grab my bag and head out back home when I saw bill again he had the high lockers so when he stretched I saw his v line his star tattoo drove me wild , I always wanted to ask him to hang out but I'm just too scared he's so fine and well I'm not exactly anything . I saw him twin talking to him then fist bumped him and left this was my chance but I wussed out and went to walk of "hey ruby want to hang after school " I heard bill ask so I spin round and nod "yours around 4 ?" He asked so I replied yes.

It's nearly 4:00pm I had my music blasting and I didn't realise the time when suddenly bill was at my bedroom door I left it open (so he didn't just walk in ) "hey your mum sent me up is that okay " he asked he was so polite I turned down my music "yes of course " I replied with a smile getting of my chair. I sat on my bed gesturing bill to as well he came over and sat down well postured and nervous "so what should we do today " I asked "uhm beach maybe ?" He asked I nodded "yes sure do you have trunks because I can lend you my dads he won't mind " I said getting up "if you don't mind" he smiled slapping his hands on his laps I left to my dads room picked out an old black pair he never wears and walked back through to bill handing them to him. He smiled and said thank you "I'll change in the bathroom and you could change here or main bathroom " I said as I walked into my bathroom in my room.

I threw on my black two piece packing my bag with towels and essentials, I shouted through to bill asking if he's decent . He shouted back and I walked through grabbing my phone and a scrunchy throwing my hair into a messy bun. "Ready" he asked "ready" I replied smiling as I skipped out my room to the living room "bye mum I'll Be back in few hours " I said giving my mum a hug before I left.

We walked down to the beach "so bill how's life" I asked great well smooth I thought to myself "uhm fine I guess" he replied rubbing the back of his neck "sorry I'm not good with conversation " we both said at the same time we just burst out laughing , we continued down the street as we reached the beach we searched for a clear spot we found one by some claimable rocks , we layed out our towels and I put the bag down. I ran into the sea bill running after me I jumped in going under I was living life my chest was pounding my heart racing I thought  I would melt I grabbed bills legs while I was under making him sink under I popped up laughing as bill pulled me down him now laughing we both laughed as we splashed each other for a while .

I decided to climb up the rocks sometimes scratching my skin but I'm not bothers I'm having too much fun to care , bill seemed worried "be careful " he said with a slight giggle I almost couldn't tell if it was sarcasm or not. I got to the very top and jumped of the rocks into the sea earning a shocked expression from bill then I hear him sigh as I popped back up.

We decided to call it a day and head back home he went to his and I went to min I just fell onto my bed I was so in love it physically hurt but what hurt me more is knowing he might never like me back but as only a friend but I want more.

It's been weeks now me and bill have been hanging out everyday now after school and in school he opened up so much to me he came out of his shell a lot he was so outgoing and I loved it he was beautiful in many ways than one, every time I see him or even hear his name my heart skips a beat I feel it physically in my chest. I noticed as well how touchy bill has been he's been hugging me a lot randomly out in the blue I could be sat there and he would hug me but of course I am not complaining I'm melting inside .
He sometimes places his hand on my thigh when we sit in class or at the movies and it sometimes gets very close to my you know , I don't think he realises but I don't mind it just makes me wild .

I really love him I have for so long that it only hurts me physically that I'm not his and he's not mine, I want him to be mine so much but I feel he don't like me maybe he's just really friendly, his way of showing affection.

It's now been two months since we have been hanging out we are inseparable, we have so many laughs he makes me so happy. One day bill asked me to meet him which I of course agreed, I met him at our spot we love so much I saw him sat on a bench his hands intertwined fiddling he had a nervous look plastered across his beautiful face . I walked up to him "everything okay bil" I asked a bit concerned "I'm alright but I need to tell
You something " he said still looking away from me I really though I did something wrong "ruby I'm not good at this but I really like you more than friends and I don't know-" I cut him of my placing my lips onto his soft Cherry lips I pulled back shocked at what I just did his face was the same as mine "I'm sorry " this time he cut me of placing his soft lips back onto mine snaking his hands up to my face pulling me in . He broke the kiss and smiled "I like you to bill" I said with a smile as I'm now a tomato .

My heart was going crazy it was racing so fast pounding every second I could feel it in my chest and in my throat it felt like it was going to escape , he placed his hand on my thigh pushing the hair back behind my ear out of my face "your gorgeous " he said staring into my eyes his eyes was beautiful you could get lost in them.

He stood up holding his hand out for me to take I took his soft hand he helped me to my feet he placed his remaining hand to my lower back , pulling me for a passionate kiss . "I love you" he said as we walked of into the sunset back home.

✮𝓑𝓲𝓵𝓵 & 𝓽𝓸𝓶 𝓸𝓷𝓮 𝓼𝓱𝓸𝓽𝓼✮Where stories live. Discover now