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Katie's pov

I've loved Tom for a while now he just doesn't know each day since primary I've felt these feelings for him his style in clothing was amazing his hair was gorgeous his beautiful siren shaped eyes and his smile oh his warm smile made my heart flutter and skip beats, we have grew up together we first met in nursery since then our bond grew however he got a girlfriend which made my heart shatter into a million pieces.

But I refused to let my feelings get in the way of our friendship so I acted as though everything was fine but as their relationship grew I began to notice things as did bill Amy would spend his money pretend she had nothing or pull the I forgot my purse trick, me and bill kept close eye on her and we noticed more and more each passing minute.

Her smile was fake as can be it would droop soon as no one was watching her big doe eyes would fade into evil lust filled eyes behind our backs and poor Tom was manipulated without knowing and I wanted to tell him like a good friend would but I didn't want to risk ruining our friendship and I know it was selfish but I didn't know what to do.

Anyway when bill called and explained what was going on I soon rushed over I slid into the booth with them as Tom looked around like a lost puppy he soon got up and wandered of but when he came back he was crying and my heart sunk for him so I followed him out the restaurant stopping him from going further I held his hands I hugged him tight hoping he would let it all out and he did he sobbed in the tight hug.

Bill ran over to us hugging Tom also as we stood still for a moment allowing Tom to process and gather himself, I didn't want to ask what happened I didn't want to be rude or upset him further but we decided to head home to Tom and bills place where we set up a small area for us to watch films and snack hoping to cheer Tom up a smidge.

After a few movies bill fell asleep first followed by me I felt sleepy but I wanted to stay up as long as I could for Tom who was in a daze I wanted to help him feel better but soon enough I gave in falling into his lap asleep.

Toms Pov

I fell asleep after a while of staying up I just stroked Katie's hair she was beautiful I pulled the blanket over her and me and I watched the end of the film before drifting asleep, I woke up the next day feeling a tad bit refreshed Katie was still asleep I just left her be so it reached Dover for my phone trying not to disturb her as she slept.

I checked my phone to see I was spammed by Amy's messages and missed calls over 20 missed calls and over 30 text messages I sighed and out the phone down screen first I didn't want to even see that name it just brought back a sting in my chest when I read the name.

After a few minutes Katie woke up she stretched and yawned she asked me if I was alright I just nodded yes even though that was a lie but she wasn't daft she saw straight through me she questioned me again making me spill she called and messaged me I sighed, bill woke up messy haired asking what's up.

Katie catches him up to speed which isn't much she takes my phone she deleted everything of her for me she blocked her on everything for me I felt some relief I formed a small smile which made both bill and Katie smile forget her forget it all we are here for you let's go out Katie said standing up followed by bill I looked at them both and stood up which made bill cheer doing small claps.

Bill and Katie ran upstairs to change I walked up it was a nice day today quite warm and Katie didn't have any clothes so I handed her one of my tops it was long enough to be a dress so she wore that and a pair of shorts once she was dressed I went in to change myself she and bill waited for me wouldn't leave the door waiting for me.

I came out and Katie grabbed my arm and we ran downstairs straight out the door so where are we going I asked confused as both bill and Katie are dragging me outside they don't say a word they just drag me along like a child they pulled me onto this field where there was a park I was confused but Katie let me go she laid down on the green grass looking up bill looked at her and joined she grabbed my hand and yanked me down to join them.

We look up what can you see Katie asked I don't get it I said you can see shapes in the clouds if you focus bill said so we went quiet and looked up pointing out shapes it was beautiful the birds was chirping smelled like summer if you know you know.

Katie got up and ran to the park acting like a child again on the roundabout I gave in shoving this icky feeling and this dark depressing feeling aside and I wanted to have fun so I ran to Katie as bill followed like a lost sheep we ran to join her I pushed Katie around as bill tried to hop on but failed making me laugh.

I was having fun again which I haven't felt like this in a long time we was playing like children on the roundabout on the swings we took turns pushing each other bill and I pushed each other I stood up nearly falling but it was freeing.

We stayed out for hours until it was pitch black we watched the sun set together we took selfies posing it was beautiful we looked at the stars looking for shooting ones I saw one and yelled which made bill laugh at how excited I was it was a good day I had fun but the day ended and it was time to go home.

We got home we sat down with each other leaning on one another as we skipped through films once Katie had her head on me I felt a weird feeling again my heart raced skipping beats my palms began to sweat and my body heating up I wasn't sure what I was feeling I've never felt like this before never with amy.

I peeked to see Katie asleep bill was awake bill I whispered yes ? He asked turning to face me how do I know if I love someone I asked making bill look surprised oh uhm you have a feeling in your stomach or chest you get hot sweat your heart skips beats he said why he asked I think I love Katie .

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