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Fatal marriage with a Tim burton twist -corpse bride

It was a cold Decembers day the snow falling creating a soft white glistening blanket of snow covering the frozen grass and dirt beneath, I stood in the forest waiting for my true love to appear. He and I was wed earlier that day,he had sent me a message which was for me to meet him in the woods after sun down which I did so I made my way down to the woods perched on a frozen log waiting for my love to come. He was ever so handsome he was tall black spiked hair he was sweet and kind souled, I sat there waiting and waiting but he never showed but I soon saw a figure tall but was hard to see so I stood up from the frozen log waiting for my love to come forth.

The man had came closer but I soon realised it was not my love but another man his friend I sighed in relief knowing he was someone I knew not a serial killer or something so I smiled I was about to talk when he pulled out a knife i raised my hands above my head and turned to run when he struck me in the back , I fell to the cold snowy floor the last sight was of him walking away leaving me for dead. As the final tear fell I was surrounded by darkness.

Bills pov

Me and my true love was wed earlier today our honey moon was to be tomorrow in the Bahamas but my wife had not shown since after the wedding I was worried she has had second thoughts and wanted a divorce, no one had saw grace since the wedding I had asked for days weeks even months I looked all over town the villages cottages and other states for my love but no one had found her. I was heart broken.

Years later

I was in my room when mother came in "bill darling your bride to be is here to see you " she said with a smile "yes mother " I said adjusting my tie and hair, I sat up from my desk walking down to see a beautiful woman in my hallway she has gorgeous long brown hair with dark eyes and fair skin, I stood there as she stood shy "my name is grace " she said with a slight curtsy I smiled as we introduced each other. "You are to be married today at noon" my farther said with pride "come now bill you must practice your vows " my farther said "I shall farther I shall " I said as I wandered of into the streets I walked across the roads down just out of town to the forest ahead glistening from frost and snow I was saying the cows over and over to assure I had them correct.

I placed a ring on a branch of a tree saying my vows until I had them perfect but that's when the ground rumbled beneath me the crows squarking above as feathers flew to the ground the moon light shon brightly through the leafless trees as a figure emerged from beneath the ground I stood shocked as a woman grew from the ground her long black hair shining under the moon light , her vail shredding as her dress torn I stood there as she removed her veil from her face revealing her fair cold skin, "you said your vows beautifully " she said with a smile "grace ?.." I hesitated "yes " she said stepping closer "how" I said in shock.

I sat down in a frozen log as did she her pale hand on mine hers cold and lifeless I looked at her full of sorrow, "I have an idea how about you see my mother and farther again " I said with a fake smile "a wonderful idea " she said about to stand up "you wait here I'll be right back " I said as I sprinted of into town reaching my house I wandered into the living room where my future wife stood "bill where was you " she said in a panic "I-" I was cut of by my wife grace walking through the doors "darling-" she paused raising an eyebrow and lowering  her smile "who is she" she scoffed "bill?" My future wife Leah questioned " I'm his wife " grace said showing Leah her wedding ring "no well yes she was once my wife before she " I paused "died" I said "but you don't understand I was practicing my vows when she came from the ground " I sobbed as Leah stood in utter shock and grace was furious she grabbed me as she left into the dark.

She took me to the underground with her where I stood in what appeared to be a bar with a bunch of deceased people drinking beer , I raised my brows in utter shock how could I be here that's when grace came face to face with me "how could you bill you married me " she paused "and now your marrying her " she sobbed "don't you see grace I married you yes but your dead and I have to move on so do you " I replied as my eyes welled up "no " she yelled as tears streamed from her glossy eyes. "I love you grace I really do I still do but we can't be no more " I sobbed "it's all her fault " grace cried "grace you don't understand " I said I said grabbing her arms to pull her close to face me "I'm sorry bill " she said with a soft smile "I guess I'm clearly not over you nor the fact I'm dead " she said with a slight laugh.

"This marriage is fatal bill I get that now " she sobbed "I love you bill " she said "grace I'm sorry what happened to you I truly am but like you say this can't be " I said. "Go go back to her bill " she said with hesitation, "come bill " she said holding her hand out as I grabbed it she took me up some creaky steps into a library where a man stood up on the podium with a gigantic book and all sorts of crafts "can you send him home " she asked the man "I can my dear but are you sure " he questioned "isn't this the man you love " he asked "he is but he doesn't belong down here he's not dead he belongs up there with the living " she sighed "okay my dear " he said gathering his potions.

Grace turned to face me "I'm sorry for all the pain and trouble I caused " she sighed "grace it's okay " I said holding her hands as a tear fell from my eye, "ready my dear " the man asked as she looked at me "ready bill" she asked "yes my love " I said as the man cast his spell I faded away her grip of me loose before I was fully gone . I woke up to be in my room I ran downstairs as Leah was about to leave "Leah " I yelled running into the room "where was you bill I waited all day " she said crossed arms "I'm sorry Leah I had complications " I tried to explain her arms released and her expression calmed. "Oh bill " she giggled "the wedding continues " I asked "oh bill I do love you but I can't be with a man who keeps secrets from me and runs out on me all day " she smiled "I'll be around bill take care" she said before leaving out the front door I stood there in utter shock.

But somehow I felt relieved I didn't have to bare the guilt of marrying another woman so I sighed and walked back upstairs to my room , I lay there on my freshly made bed hoping grace was okay and that all this was just a nightmare.

I woke up in my room I shook my head with confusion "what a nightmare " I said to myself as I got up and walked downstairs to see Leah and her family awaiting me "there he is " my mother said "such a handsome boy " my farther said "don't you agree Leah " her farther asked "I agree " "the wedding shall be today at noon " everyone began cheering and clapping I shook my nightmare aside and forgot it all.

Graces pov

I fell to the floor of the library as I saw my love fade away before me I felt a tear fall from my eye down my cheek and onto the floor "are you ok my dear " the man asked "yes I hope he's happy up there now " I asked as I stood back up on my feet and walked down to the bar taking a seat "he was my love the one and only " I smiled. I frowned and took a drink from the bark keeper, "cheer up my dear" he said I smiled in response as a tear fell into my drink. I knew it was to good to be true but I could not keep him he was not mine to have no more.I smiled and left it at that I do miss him but he's better up there with her not me.

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