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I woke up in the middle of the night feeling sick I sat up right in bed my hair all in my face I felt my heart pound and my mouth water I knew instantly what was about to happen, I tossed the covers aside and ran to the bathroom luckily our room has a built in bathroom so I ran straight over to the toilet not having time to shut the door I was throwing up. It lasted a few minutes I sunk down the bowl after flushing and sat on the cold floor with tears falling down my face I wiped my face and washed it with ice cold water.

The bathroom door swung open more as tom came through he bent down beside me rubbing my back and wrapping his arms around me "Evie are you alright " he asked in his soft sympathetic voice , "no I feel so sick" I cried he pulled me back so I'm lying on his lap "come on let's get to bed" he said helping me to my feet. He held my hand and arm helping me into bed putting the covers over me tucking me inside as he climbed in himself cuddling up to me.

He planted a kiss on my forehead while I drifted of to sleep shortly after he did also, when I woke up again in the morning I was going to be sick again I sprinted to the bathroom and hovered over the bowl as Tom came in again rubbing my back then tying my hair up out the way making sure it wasn't to tight nor to loose. I sat back on the floor groaning as I felt so sick my back was hurting and my legs while my feet was slightly swollen.

The sickness and pain has been lasting for about a week which concerned Tom "come on your going to the hospital " he said helping me up, he grabbed his coat and mine and a blanket to keep me warm he also grabbed his phone and car keys also grabbing my hand he guided me downstairs out the door locking up behind him. He opened the door for me helping me in handing me a sick bowl for emergencies then getting in the car himself turning the engine on winding the window down a tad so I won't be to hot and fresh air can get to me.

After a roughly 20 minute drive we pulled into the hospital car park near the door which was lucky as that's rare to get a space outside the doors, he came round to my side helping me out the car wrapping his hands around me walking me inside to the front desk. He told the nurse the issues and concerns he has for me, he was told for us to take a seat in the waiting area until our names are called which we did .

We waited roughly 30 minutes before being called in to a consultation room the nurse was asking me questions and doing the usual observations like blood pressure and temperature , "ok we are going to do more scans if you'd like to follow me " the nurse said showing us the way she had taken us to the consultation room then told me to wait back in the waiting room, another nurse came and called for me taking me down the halls into the maternity ward which I didn't get, she took us into a empty room and shut the door telling me to lie on the table so I did, "lift your top " she asked I saw Tom panicked slightly.

She put some gel on my belly and had a remote looking thing she rolled it around and I saw blobs on the screen we didn't know what it was, "well " she paused putting away the equipment "good news is your healthy and no concerns " she continued "you are also pregnant and it's a girl" she smiled my face went pale and tom was in shock he looked at me I couldn't read his reaction he came rushing over picking me up hugging me "we're having a girl " he said with happy tears.

"But how and when did we" I paused "I don't know " he said "oh my I think it must have been the club" I chuckled "what will we name our baby girl" I said "I like Haley " he smiled "it's perfect " I cried , we left the room he wrapped his arms around me taking me back to the car "come on babe let's rest" he smiled as we drove of back home.

✮𝓑𝓲𝓵𝓵 & 𝓽𝓸𝓶 𝓸𝓷𝓮 𝓼𝓱𝓸𝓽𝓼✮Where stories live. Discover now