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It's been a week since my accident and a week since I saw reed I lay in bed everyday nearly all day thinking about her and ways I could go see her but I was nervous it would be awkward if I just turned up I got so frustrated with myself over a woman I don't know and who most likely don't remember me.

I sat in my bed for a minute or so until I finally decided to go see her I had this boost of confidence in me I ran down those stairs I swung open that door and speed walked all the way to the hospital it's not far at all only about 15 minutes, I arrived at the hospital I swung open the door again not to aggressive of course I asked the receptionist for dr reed "sorry hun she's just left on break " she frowned.

I didn't know what to do that boost of confidence left my body and I slowly walked out the hospital doing the walk of shame until I saw a small bench under a tree outside I sat down on the icy cold bench seeing my breath as I exhaled I was in my own world and didn't realise someone had sat beside me I looked next to me it was dr reed.

"I heard you was looking for me Tom" she smiled "oh you remember me " I asked turning to face her fully "yes " she smiled she had such flirty eyes "I was wondering " I paused to take a deep breath my boost of confidence faded away and I was clearly noticeably awkward "would you maybe want to go for dinner or coffee or not " I said blabbing away "yes " she smiled she got up and handed me a piece of paper and left.

I opened the scrunched up paper and read it

Meet me at ————
Number is ***************
Don't be late

I smiled at the paper and placed it into my pocket securing it afraid to loose it so I kept my hand in my pocket holding the small piece of paper I got up from the bench a smile plastered on my face and suddenly I had that boost of confidence back I felt out of this world happy, anyway I started to make my way back home.

I started to walk home I was near that same spot the accident happened I froze for a solid minute forgetting about it all and how I avoided this path I have been taking the other way to and from my house, I just stood there afraid and over thinking and everything flooded back to me all at once making me feel light headed and hot but I took a deep breath and looked both ways twice to be sure it was safe and I ran across that road faster than I have before.

I had a moment of fear and weakness I rummaged through my pockets to see if the peice of small paper was still in my pocket I turned my pockets inside out it wasn't there I had only let go for a brief minute I let out a massive groan and looked back from where I had just came from I saw the paper on the road I froze once more I wanted nothing more than to grab that paper and run like hell from here.

But no I just froze once again but I took a deep breath looking both ways before sprinting to the paper and running back I didn't even look back I just continued to walk back to my house trying not to think about that awful day and awful place, I took out the peice of paper and opened it smiling at the paper.

I reached my house opening the door to be bombarded by my mother who smotheres me "where have you been " she said grabbing my face looking me over for any sign of injury "no where mom I'm fine " I giggled moving her hands but I still had that small piece of paper in my hand "what's this hun" she asked taking the paper "mom " I wined as she opened it up.

"Ohh who's this then " she smiled "no one " I said going shy "this your date " she smirked "maybe " I smiled taking the paper back "my baby boy is all grown up " she said smothering me again "mom I'm 20 " I giggled as I walked of to my bedroom I opened my door and realised I needed to find a perfect outfit I wanted to impress her but not over do it since it was a dinner date.

I pulled out several outfits not one I liked I though all hope was gone I grunted out throwing myself around like a child, I took a deep breath and got back up from my bed I pulled myself together and picked out another outfit I got a pair of trousers and a shirt nothing to dressy not to casual the trousers was black and the shirt was a navy colour I added a pair of black dressy shoes and a black jacket I put it on added perfume and I done my hair.

Time skip

It was 4:45 I had 15 minutes to get to restaurant I was to busy deciding on outfits and flowers for her I wasn't allowed to drive yet I have to wait 6 weeks or so depending on healing time anyway I started to make my way there flowers in one hand and phone in the other for time, I started to run I didn't want to make a bad impression on the first date.

I got to the restaurant just in time I waited outside for her to show she turned up not long after me roughly five minutes maybe less she looked beautiful her long silky black hair down a beautiful rouge dress and heels she looked perfect and that smile made me feel some type of way I haven't felt before.

I handed her the flowers with a awkward smile she smelled them and thanked me as I took her arm and linked it with mine "shall we " I smiled "we shall" she said I really liked this girl even though I barely knew her I met her at a hospital for a few hours but that's how long it took for the bond to grow a spark to grow.

I guided her into the restaurant up to the stall to book in once the staff had found our reservation he took us to our table which was a small booth in the corner by the window with a perfect view of the gardens, the table had two small candles lit with a beautiful red laced cloth. I handed reed a menu and picked myself one out.

A waiter came over to take our order she ordered first then me and while we waited for our food we got to know each other you know the basics like names birthdays hobby stuff like that it was interesting to know more about her and before we knew it dinner had arrived on a steamy plate and a bottle of wine complimentary of the restaurant.

The waiter outed the wine for us which I thought was really nice of him and when he left we dug in still holding a strong conversation, reed had ordered a lasagna and I had ordered steak. After an hour or so we payed for our meals when I tired to pay for both but she insisted she payed half I couldn't argue she was strong she stood her ground.

Anyway we got up she grabbed her flowers and we left I ordered her a cab the best I could find online it had already arrived "sorry I couldn't drive you home like I hoped I'm still banned from driving " I said awkwardly " I know I'm the one who enforced that and thank you " she smiled giving me a kiss on the cheek before entering the cab she waved bye and was driven of.

I smiled as she left and I had ordered myself a cab shortly after it had arrived so I hopped in the whole drive home all I could think about was her, I arrived outside my home so I payed the driver and left making my way up the drive again bombarded by my mother with hugs and kisses and that worried look "how did it go " she asked "great mum " I smiled pushing her of she smiled and left me be as I went upstairs to get ready for bed and I just laid on my bed thinking of reed until I drifted to sleep.

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