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Ayushi was standing in front of ayaan while playing with her fingers.

" You did it right. " He said stenly she look towards aashika who give her helpless look .

" Papa it was not me it was mumma ". Ayushi said last time trying her luck. Ayaan sigh and pull ayushi towards him and hold her both hand in his.

" I know you are lying now you want to tell me the truth or not." Ayaan said lightly slapping her arms she start crying loudly and look towards aashika even it don't hurt her even little bit but still she have to cry.

" It was coke which spill on your laptop not me dad ". Ayushi said still crying.

" Stop drama queen now otherwise you will be getting harder slap now. Tell me did you ask for my permission ". Ayaan said she shake her head.

" Will you ever lie again" This time ayaan said stenly. Ayushi shake her head.

" If you do it then I will make you do sit ups understand now go and do your homework mumma will help you". Ayaans said and open his laptop which was not working he again close it and look towards them.

" Since I have nothing to do now thanks to you ayushi come I will help you in homework ". Ayaan said aashika look at him with sparkling eyes .

" So can i go to our room i was watching a good show I will miss it completely just because of you damn let me go". She said excitedly but bite her tongue.

" Good how many times do i have to tell you not to curse huh but you don't understand she was using the exact word you use let me come to room tonight. God will save you". He whisper in aashika ears pinching her waist.

" I also don't like this damn homework " Ayushi mumble aashika close her eyes and feel like she just now sign her death note.

" Ayushi i can hear you and if you use these kind of word then no one will be wrost then me ". Ayaan said ayushi look at them innocently.

" But mumma use it " She said pointing towards aashika.
Aashika cursed herself under her breath and look towards ayaan.

" Beta good girl don't use that kind of word ok ". Ayaan said softly ayushi look at aashika.

" Mumma you are a bad girl." Ayushi said but hug aashika from front.

" Ayushi let get your homework done so we can have fun". Ayaan said softly.

Ayushi nodded her head. Aashika leave the room cursing herself all way.

" Why can't I control this mouth of mine. Oh my god ayaan will kill me this time . For what fucking reason I can't control it. It happen just because of kanak and kajal. But they don't use it in front of their husband why I'm the only one ". Aashika said and turn on TV again watching her show.

After some hours aashika room door open she look towards door finding ayushi who was climbing on her bed now.

" Done with homework " Aashika ask ayushi nodded her head.

" Done and papatold me many stories while doing homework . Can i go out to play now ". Ayushi ask ayaan suddenly take her up and put her on his shoulder.

Ayushi keep giggling.

" Come back quickly and have fun with friends and most important don't play fighting game ". Ayaan said ayushi nodded her head and run out of the house taking her ball.

" Aashi when will you stop cursing in front of her is this a joke to you". Ayaan said twisting her ears she put her hand on his hand slightly getting up.

" Sorry it was a slip of tongue " She said biting her lips he leave her ears while still glaring at her.

" Sorry " This time she said cutely while holding her hand and just then she hear someone yelling sound from tv she again turn her attention towards tv and start watching it.

" Aashi leave this show why are you so engrossed in watching it ." Ayaan said and take remote from her hand.

" Oh yes I remember something you know some days ago I went to daksh bhaiya house because I have to give some clients file to babhi. you know something seems off daksh bhaiya was in very weird mood like he was very angry plus upset while roshni babhi was upset . Do you think something happen". Aashika ask looking up at him.

Ayaan shrugged his shoulder and hug aashika from side.

" Don't poke your nose everywhere now tell me what did you eat in lunch. " He said and lay down on her lap.

" No ayaan i was just worried because you know every time i go to there place. I feel kind of peace and joy but this time it was so weird ". Aashika said thinking.

Ayaan kiss her stomach making her come out of her thought.

" You know I saw khushi with her friends some day ago and......... Her friends were kind of.... Like you know you can feel vibes of person and they were not giving me good vibes and you know she saw me there but she just ignore me when I wave my hand towards her direction she turn her face so i think it's something about it.... So leave it.

" By the way you know yourself at some age every kid tend to get distracted and find themselves going in wrong path but its ok she will be back to track and your babhi will be as happy as always." Ayaan completed while his finger were drawing pattern on her belly.

" She is just fifteen " Aashika mumble and push ayaan hand.

" Don't touch my belly it's tickling " Aashika said and again grab remote .

Ayaan pull aashika closer to him and attach his lips with her tasting her lips.
After the kiss he put his head on her shoulder and mumble " Coke ".

" Ayushi get the habit of drinking coke just because of you". Ayaan said slapping her thights make aashika glare towards him.

" What does it hurts let me see" He said and pull up her pants she quickly move her legs.

" No it doesn't hurt ". She said ayaan sigh and look at her.

" Why are you still so shy baby ".

" I.... I'm not " She said and give her attention to show.

There door bell ring ..

" Let me see who is at the door it can't be ayushi because I'm sure as hell we have to go to park to take her home". Aashika said and lazily stand up from bed.

She went down stairs towards the door. She open it and find khushi standing there she was looking kind of worried.

" Chachi... Is chachi at home". She asked holding her bag not meeting aashika eyes.

Aashika put her hand on her shoulder her pull her inside in friendly manner.

" Yes he is but before going to him why don't you pick some favorite cookies from kitchen because your chachu won't let you have it". Aashika said smiling khushi shake her head.

" I just want to meet him ". She said aashika finding something strange take her towards their room.

" Ayaan your niece want to meet you " . Aashika said entering in room followed by khushi .

" Chachu" Khushi said her voice become heavy she quickly jump on bed hugging him and start crying.

" What happen did daksh scold you. You wait here let me talk to her how can he scold my baby". He said and take out his phone.

" No.. He don't know I'm here. It's time of my classes I skip them don't call him. He is already very upset with me ". She said still hugging him.

Ayaan put his phone side and start rubbing her back.

Aashika sit besides her. Khushi look at aashika still crying.

" You both won't tell him right". Khushi said they nodded their head.

" It's no big deal just don't do it every day ok now tell me do you want something ". Ayaan ask she shake her head.

" Chachu will you be angry if I tell you something ". She asked ayaan shake his head .

" I think I'm.............. Pregnant " . Khushi whisper last part.

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