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" Ay..

" Shut up and fill your tummy. Aren't you tired after standing up the whole day? I will not let you tie any clothes on your leg if it hurts . Ayaan said in a scolding tone.

Aashika start playing with her food instead of eating it after hearing ayaan's tone.

" Eat properly now. And quit being an idiot. " He scolded again folding his hand on his chest.

Aashika look up pouted more.

" I'm not hungry go away. I filled my tummy with all scolding. "

" Really " Ayaan said and pinch her buds making her whine.

" Go away. I'm not talking to you. " She mumbled removing his hand from her.

" Ok I'm not scolding you or anything. Full your tummy. " Ayaan said little calmly.

Aashika look at him then again start devouring her food.

They both turn their face hearing a crying sound of Aryan. Aashika put her spoon down but Ayaan shake his head.

" Finish it first I will check on him ." He said and move to downstairs.

His eyes fall on Ayushi And Aryan. Ayushi was pressing her tshirt sleevee on his forehead making Ayaan confused.

" What happen now " He mumble and move towards them.

" Papa I'm sorry. I didn't know he will trip over my foot and hit his head... " Ayushi said her eyes already filled with tears.

Ayaan replace his hand with Ayushi and see blood coming out of Aryan forehead.

" Ayushi go to mom. Don't stand here. " Ayaan said in soft tone. Ayushi shook her head and run to room and soon stand in front of Ayaan holding a first aid bag.

" I didn't mean it..

" I know. Calm down don't look at Aryan. I will take care of him. " Ayaan said and peck Ayushi nose.

" It's blood "

" And your dad will take care of him. I will bring this little guy in room soon go."

" I'm not little guy I'm a big guy " Aryan said in whining tome stopping his crying session for a minute.

" Look he is fine. I will bring him go to mumma. Be careful don't run on stairs. " Ayaan said Ayushi walk away from there.

" So little guy..

" Papa I'm not little. I'm strong man look I'm not crying too . " He said and wipe his tears.

" It's ok you can cry. Big guy cry too. Let me clean it up. " He said and put Aryan on his lap.

" Hug your dad and if it hurt then hug more tightly ok. " Ayaan said and take cotton and after dipping it in liquid and start dabbing it on his forehead.

Just when he did it Aryan again strat crying and try yo get away from him. Ayaan trap him in his arm and keep doing his work.

" Almost done buddy. " He whisper and look closely and sigh in relief seeing just small cut.

Putting on the bandage Ayaan start walking in room holding him.

" Did it hurt. " Ayaan asked putting on a big guy act Aryan shook his head.

" Mummy " Aryan whisper. Ayaan chuckle and walk to towards his room.

Aashika was holding Ayushi who was hiding her face in her neck.

" How did he got hurt "

" Tripped over Ayushi legs. It's ok it's just a small cut. But he said he want his mummy not daddy so i had to bring him to room. " Ayaan said then look at Aryan.

" Give kissi to papa then you are free to go to mummy. " Ayaan said showing his cheeks to Aryan.

Aryan immediately kiss him them staft clinging to him.

" What no mummy? "

Aryan shook his head and held him more tightly.

" Don't do any black magic on my baby. Aryan come to mumma. Daddy is a bad guy. " Aashika said Aryan look at Aashika and laugh holding Ayaan tightly again just to tease her mother.

" Haww ok I'm going to some mountain to leave. " Aashika said I'm dramatic way and try to stand up but remember Ayushi who was clinging to her.

" Ok i drop the plan. "

" Papa i wanna see snow... Can't we go on some vacation? " Ayushi ask looking at Ayaan. Ayaan shifter on bed besides Aashika.

" Vacation? Snow means cold place. I will think about it. " Ayaan said and look at Aashika remembering the last time when they were in cold place.

" Definitely not " Ayaan said in his mind and start pating Aryan head .

Once both Aryan and Ayushi slept Ayaan hold Ayushi and sign Aashika to bring Aryan in their own room.

After putting the babies to their bed Ayaan bring Aashika back in room and start talking about vacation plan.

" You want to go to vacation ? "

" Vacation really. Yesss should I pack our things. Do you think I should go for shopping too? Of course I should go. I will but cute coat for Ayushi...

" Shhhhh " Ayaan said with a smile and put his finger on her lips.

" But what will i get in return " He smirk and pull Aashika's suit from front peeking inside it.

" Pervert... This man can't be my husband. You only thing about one thing. I'm going to sleep "

Ayaan hovered over her and smirk slipping his hand in her kurti. His thumb start rubbing just below her curves.

" So why did you come to hospital. You got all the privilege to get treated first with best doctor when your husband studied hard day and night. So you will never I repeat never come to hospital without my knowledge. "

" Sorry " Aashika whisper and peck his lips.

" Stop being noise now tell me about the vacation plan. " Aashika said excited.

" We will go by plan. I will ask deepak ,daksh bhaiya and Rahul too. But you Aashika, you will wear warm clothes and i will decide how many layers of clothes you will wear . And if you didn't follow what I said then I will....

Instead of saying anything he slip his hand under her bra and glare at her.

" You know what I will do right? "

Aashika shake her head with a naughty smile on her face.

" If you wouldn't tell me then how will I know. " She said innocently blinking her eyes.

Ayaan bit his lips and smack her back. The innocent eyes true into a glare.

She move away from him and cover herself all while cursing Ayaan.

" What you said show you. "

" Did I said something. I'm not talking to you go away. "

" Aashi baby... I'm serious. Don't fall sick or something. It happen to you everytime we travel so take care of yourself. " Ayaan mumble and cuddle with her.

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