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" There is no need, Aashi " I whisper even though I can feel my body burning and it actually hurts so much but I'm not going to let her worry in the middle of the night.

I tried getting up but she pushed me back.

" Ayaan I swear to God I will call daksh bhaiya right now and tell him to smack you on my behalf. " She said in a furious tone.

Aryan snuggles to Aashika. This little guy is making me worried.

I sit up and take Aryan from Aashika.

" Give me the thermometer let me check his fever. " I said but she again shot me glare.

" I can check his fever...

" Aashi babe try to understand. My fever isn't concerning in front of Aryan. He had a cold I can feel it by the way he is breathing. Please baby bring me my equipment. " I pleaded she stood up and pick thermometer and sit in front of me.

" Baby your fever will be down. " Aashi whisper and put thermometer under his arms.

" Papa mimi "

" Mimi is checking her baccha let her do it. " I said and plant a kiss on his forehead. I'm sure he has a same temperature as mine.

" Look now papa will hear his favorite person's heartbeat and you will let papa do it. " I said and taking out thermometer.

Before I can check it Aashika snatched it from me. Her eyes widen she show it to me.

" It's same as yours... Bring his fever down. Bub mumma give you medicine then how did you get fever sona. " Aashika started talking to him.

Finding him distracted I slip my hand under his tshirt and press the bell of stethoscope on his back.

He winch and before he can throw feet over it Aashi press her lips on his cheeks.

" Let papa do his work, mumma will give you yummy chocolate. "

Aryan puff his cheeks but follow my direction .

" Good boy " I mumble ruffling his hair.

" Aashi hug him to your chest. " I whisper standing up. But I stop feeling dizziness.

Shaking my head I pull out the syringe hiding it from Aryan eyes. I quickly filled it with medicine and walk towards him.

I sat in front of him and started my acting.

" Aryan there is something. Wait it's an ant. " I said and quickly lowered his pants. He tried to look back but Aashika pushed his face in her chest again.

" Let papa catch this ant. How dare she get into my Aryan pants. " I said playfully.

" She? Papa ant is a girl? takes her out quickly. Mumma Ant's mumma doesn't teach her manners. " Aryan said but he giggled when I lightly pinched him.

" Papa it's tickling. Take out this ant. " He said his adorable laugh echo in room.

I quickly push the needle into his skin.

" Ouch daddy Ant is biting me. " Aryan said and his lips started wobbling but Aashika quickly pecked his cheeks making him smile again.

" Mummy ant bite me. " He said adorably. I pull out the needle quickly and pull him to me after throwing needle in Dustbin.

" Papa ant bite me. Punish that ant . " He said I started rubbing his back to ease the pain.

" My brave baccha. " I mumbled and started pating his head to put him to sleep. But Aashi take him from me and soon he fell asleep in Aashi's lap with his mouth little open.

𝙶𝚒𝚏𝚝 𝙾𝚏 𝙻𝚘𝚟𝚎 (𝚂𝚎𝚚𝚞𝚎𝚕) Where stories live. Discover now