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" I still think we shouldn't have let khushi go. Bhaiya was kind of angry ." Aashika said while cutting vegetables.

" Don't think much I'm happy at least khushi is not pregnant. Incomplete knowledge is really dangerous." Ayaan said aashika nodded her head.

" Good thing but you sure daksh was not serious about belt."

" Shut up don't think much. Where is ayushi ." Ayaan ask looking around.

" I don't know must be playing somewhere with her dolls. What do you want for dinner by the way ". Aashika said and get up from couche with her plate .

" Anything is fine if you make something sweet then don't make it too sweet go and find me my baby".

" Yeah your baby you forget me after ayushi I'm so jealous ". Aashika said they both hear little foot steps ayushi was coming down stairs while jumping.

" This girl is just you good habit of falling." He said mocking  at aashika.

" Don't jump ayushi you will fall down". Aashika said ayushi quickly run to her and show her doll.

" Mumma her hand is broken fix it". Ayushi said cutely aashika point towards ayaan.

" Give it to doctor mummy can't fix it ". She said and went to kitchen.

" Papa you don't help mumma at all fix my doll I'm going to help mumma. " She said and throw her doll in ayaan's hand.


They will kill me together.
I went to kitchen finding ayushi sitting on island while aashika was taking out something from freeze.

" Good old day in past I was the one cooking and aashika keep sitting on island swinging her legs probably eating something." I thought and went towards ayushi sending her out of the kitchen.

" What are you doing " I whisper in aashika ears from behind.

" Cooking alone since you don't like helping me anymore ". Aashika said rolling her eyes.

" It's not like I don't like helping you it's just... Someone has to stay with ayushi right ". I said a lie because it's not at all because of ayushi.

" Don't lie Mr I know you very well. It's all because of my work right because I stop working I know it so no need to make lie ". She said not at all looking at me. Yeah it's a reason of course.

" If you know then why did you stop " I ask she roll her eyes concentrating in her cooking.

" I don't have to explain so you better shut up moreover my husband earn the way too much money and leaving my daughter alone at house was not a good option for me ". She said ok valid point but she never like working.

" Ok step aside if you are done I can cook rice ". I said taking pressure cooker.

" No need you were so disappointed right I don't need your help what did you said if you are choosing to stay at home then do all the works I can do it". She said still not looking at me.

I make her look at me and find her eyes gloosy.

" What happen " I said immediately hugging her. She push me away.

" Why are you here go and watch TV with ayushi while I'm cooking. Since you do it everyday. You can't even come and sit here with ayushi you just simply choose to watch TV rather than me ".

" Is my baby angry " I said and turn her to face me. I lean down towards her lips.

" Don't bite it " I said and put my lips over her.

" You know we have pregnancy test kit at home ". I said she look at me confused.

" So "

" So you know it will be waste why don't  we do something so it will not be waste ". I said she still look at me confused.

" You want me to return it they will not take it back. Are you mad I'm not going to return it . It's so embarrassing". She said and turn herself.
When will you start taking hints.

" Aashi " I said and again connect my lips on her. Forgetting what we were actually doing I make her sit on island while still kissing her. Suddenly she yelp and move away from kiss.

" Ayaan my finger ". She said and show me her finger.

" How this happen " I said and quickly keep her hand under the water.

" You put my hand inside the pan in hot oil why". She said glaring towards me.

" I was just kissing you I don't realize that sorry is it hurting ".

" Ayaan go and put your hand in hot oil then you will understand ". She shouted.
I quickly put ice water in bowl and put her hand in it.

" You stay here and sit I will just quickly make something ". I said making her sit in chair.

" Just order something and stay here " She said and put her head on table.

" Ok then go and sit in living room with ayushi I'm coming ". I said turning off stove and move towards her.

" Mumma why are you putting your hand in it . It's so cold ". Ayushi said putting her hand too inside bowl but immediately taking it out.

" Don't disturb mumma ayushi. Mumma get hurt ". Ayaan said ayuhi pull aashika little towards herself.

" Mumma why did you tell papa he will again take out his medicine bag you know that ". Ayushi whisper in aashika ear making her chuckle.

" Papa...

Ayushi said but ayaan cut her in between.

" Baby lower the volume of tv mumma is in pain right go draw something food will be delivered in some minute ". He said ayushi look at aashika pouting.

" Can i play game in your phone ". She said to aashika. Ayaan look at her then at ayushi.

" No ayushi go and draw what is this...

" Papa phone please..... Mumma give it to me in free time i even completed my homework "  She said pouting and looking towards ayaan.

" When did you start giving your phone to her ". He said but hand over aashika phone to her.

She take phone and run to her room.

" I told you not to give her phone and I don't trust your phone at all your watch history is too much colour full what if she start exploring these things let me check your phone today if I find something colourful then no one will be worst then me ". Ayaan said glaring at her.

" Aahh ayaan my hand " Aashika said holding her hand.

" Take it out from water " He said Worriedly and wipe her hand with towel  .

" Don't you realize your hands are going in pan" He scold while again dipping her hand in water again.

" I don't you distract me I was cooking peacefully." She said and put her head on his chest.

" Wait here let me bring burn cream ". He said she nodded her head.

In a minute he come back and apply cream on her hand.

𝙶𝚒𝚏𝚝 𝙾𝚏 𝙻𝚘𝚟𝚎 (𝚂𝚎𝚚𝚞𝚎𝚕) Where stories live. Discover now