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I open my eyes hearing the alarm clock ringing.

To my surprise everyone was cuddling  to me. Aryan was near my feet hugging it while both my girls were cuddling to me from the side.

" Aashi wake up " I said in sleepy tone but she snuggle into me. I slowly tried to free myself but they all whined making me still.

But somehow I free myself from their hold.

" Aashi kids will get late. " I said and shook her she open her eyes and look around in sleepy state.

" But Aryan is warm " Aashika whisper with her half open eyes.

I frown and put my palm on Aryan forehead.

" Who told him to skip class and go to that shady place then get sick because of being scared and all the crying. " I scolded and my palm landed on his back not hard enough to wake him up.

But Aashi eyes wide open and she started Rubbing Aryan's back.

" He is sick. " She said glaring at me.

" Go get ready or you want me to come with you since you all are scared. "

She rolled her eyes and pick her clothes . She entered in bathroom but again peek out.

" Don't go out. I'm not locking the door. I'm scared. " She mumble and shut the door not completely.

I shift on bed again putting Aryan head on my lap. He started turning his body here and there to find comfortable position.

To give him that I made him lay over me. He immediately snuggle to my neck sleeping soundly.

" How did my bub fall sick " I ask and peck his cute nose. Still he keep sleeping with him mouth little open.

Pecking his lips I pull him more closer to me. Afterall he is my baccha . I'm upset because they skip school and I'm angry because they go to that burn house to hide. Police said there was a murderer . I don't want to think about if. I love them they are my life. How will I leave if something happen to my jaan.

And this girl when will she stop her stupidity. Isn't getting punishment enough for her.

" Ayushi don't you get tired of getting punished? " I asked to her sleeping figure.

I was talking to them while they were sleeping but a very loud thud sound followed by Aashi scream took my attention.

I immediately put Aryan on bed and made him cuddle to the pillow before running to bathroom.

Here Aashi was sitting with close eyes while hissing. Her body was covered with body wash.

She look at my direction and shake her head.

" Nothing happen you can go back " She mumble and try to stand up.

I walk near her carefully since body wash was spread all over the floor.

I stopped near her cleaning the floor with water because I don't want us to fall down.

" How did you fell down? "

" I don't know. I was just trying to hurry up. " She said making me angry. She doesn't understand at all. Her all these falling will give her a lot of pain in future.

" You were scared ? " I asked in angry tone. She shook her head completely lying.

I twist her ear which make her immediately nod her head.

" I was scared. I'm sorry. It's embarrassing. " She said I look down at her body which I have seen countless time and I know she mean the falling part as embarrassment not her body.

" Wrap yourself in towel let me check your waist. " I mumble but she shook her head.

" Kids are in room. I'm fine. " She whisper and I can see tears in her eyes which she is trying to hide. And this tears can only make me angry. For the damn sake I don't like this freaking tears in her eyes.

Quickly pouring water over her to wash the body soap. I put her in bathrobe. She hold the shower door. I fisted my hand and pick her up.

" Ayaan kids...

" If they are wake up then they will know we should take care of our love one nothing more than that. Me taking care of you can't have bad effect on her. And I'm talking you to other room so shut this damn mouth. "

We come out of the bathroom and both our angel were sleeping. Aashi sigh in relief. I make my way towards the guest room.

Locking the door from inside I put her on bed slowly.

I proceeds to remove  her bathrobe but she hold my hand with pout.

" Bring me my clothes I will wear my pants at least. " She said looking all cute.

Not focusing on her cute face I push her back.

" Aashi where did you get hurt more specifically. " I ask she pointed her finger in the middle.

Someone please kill me.

" I will put heat pack on it. Tell me if pain increase ok. " I said in a baby tone which make her nod immediately.

" Why can't you be careful. I'm telling you. This fall will leave bad impact on your waist. " I said and scoop her in my arms.

She try to take bathrobe but I turn her to other side.

" Are we getting shy baby "

She paas me a death glare making me chuckle.

" It hurt and you are troubling me. Your wife will not forgive you. " She said turning her face. I dip my head between her breast.

She wiggle little but again yelp .

" Don't move. I'm applying some ointment. I will apply it then I will wrap a cloth around it ok just don't move a lot today. " I said pecking her head.

She nodded her head and lay down on bed again.

I gently apply ointment on her back covering her lower side completely.

" Pervert "

" Thanks for the compliment. " I smiled tieing a cloth around her waist.

" Give me a kiss "

" I will not you scold me a minute ago and twist my ear. My ear hurt more than my waist. " She pouted and start rubbing her ear.

She is baby Aashi right now she will be mommy Aashi once kids are around. 

𝙶𝚒𝚏𝚝 𝙾𝚏 𝙻𝚘𝚟𝚎 (𝚂𝚎𝚚𝚞𝚎𝚕) Where stories live. Discover now