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Ayaan look towards his baby who was attach with so many machines.
He look towards the doctor when she come out of that room.

" How is he, do you think he will survive". Ayaan ask doctor stay silent for minutes.

" Ayaan let's hope for best "

"How is aashika why can't I meet her."

Doctor sigh heavily " Look ayaan be strong they both will be fine I think you should rest for some time ".

" I'm asking you something why can't I meet aashika be clear and specific don't make puzzles..

" Ayaan calm down, doctor it's ok I will handle him you can go back to your work but do inform us when they both are ok I too wanna meet her ". Daksh said holding ayaan by his arm.

" You sit here I'm coming in a minute ". Daksh said and leave ayaan for some minute.

He enter in doctor's cabin who was dealing with aashika.

" I just wated to know how is she. You are telling us anything ".

" Sir ayaan is my good friend and i know he will not take this news calmly but i will be very straightforward with you both are in danger. Aashika is having excessive bleeding her blood pressure is high too. We can't say anything for now. I was expecting early delivery but not this early. " She said slowly

" And baby how is he ".

" His organs are not completely developed he is having problem in breathing. We will do our best to save both of them ". She said daksh nodded his head before saying thanku and leave her cabin.

" Ayaan let's eat something ". Daksh said putting his hand on ayaan shoulder. Ayaan push his hand away shaking his head.

" Ayaan don't be stubborn go home take shower eat something I will inform roshni to make something good for you". Daksh said ayaan Angilry grab his collar.

" My wife and baby is in danger and you are just thinking about some fucking food eat it go take shower and have some nice food I don't want it get out from here ". Ayaan shouted daksh hold his hand pulling him in hug.

" Nothing will happen to them come with me ". He said and pull ayaan with him.

"I don't wanna go anywhere you go home". Ayaan said and sit back on his seat. Daksh also sit besides him taking out his phone messaging roshni.

After some hours ayaan saw some doctor rushing in aashika room. Just after doctor come out of room ayaan held one of them.

" What happens what's going on atleast inform me I'm her husband " 

Doctor look into his eyes but immediately look down.

" Sorry " She said in sad tone and pat his shoulder to comfort him.

𝙶𝚒𝚏𝚝 𝙾𝚏 𝙻𝚘𝚟𝚎 (𝚂𝚎𝚚𝚞𝚎𝚕) Where stories live. Discover now