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"Mumma, mumma, mumma," Ayushi sang in a sweet melody. We both looked at her with smiles on our faces.

"What's happen, baccha?" I asked, wiping my hands before placing her on the kitchen counter.

"Mumma, no more blood. I'm finally free. I didn't like it," Ayushi mumbled, leaning against my chest.

"Okay, my little princess, go take a shower. Don't forget to wash your hair and put on your pretty dress," I said. Ayushi hopped off the counter and made her way towards Ayaan.

"Papa, kissi," she said, and Ayaan chuckled, giving her a peck on the cheek.

"Now go and have fun in getting dress. I'll be back from the hospital soon," Ayaan said. Ayushi nodded happily and went to her room.

"Ayaan, go wake Aryan up too," I said, busy making breakfast.

"Let him sleep. It's Sunday," Ayaan mumbled. I shook my head, wanting to finish making breakfast.

Suddenly, we heard crying. We both turned towards Aryan, who was crying with a wet face and shirt.

"What happened?" I kneeled down in front of him and wiped his face.

"What's wrong, babu?"

"Didi poured water on me," he said, still crying and rubbing his eyes.

"Why?" Ayaan asked, holding him in his arms.

"Because I was sleeping," he replied. We both sighed, shaking our heads.

"I'll talk to her. Now go brush your teeth, take a bath, and come downstairs. I've made a delicious breakfast," I said. Aryan smiled, jumped down from Ayaan's arms, and went to his room.

"Ayushi troubles him so much. I'm telling you, this girl will get a slap from me if she keeps doing this," I huffed.

"You stop me every time. I've never stopped you from disciplining our kids. It's always you, saying 'Ayaan, they're kids, they make mistakes. Ayaan, this. Ayaan, that...'" Ayaan mocked me.

" Leave it want to have breakfast or you want to wait for kids. "

"I have a morning surgery scheduled, so give me my breakfast. I'll be back at noon, so wait for me." and started eating.

"Hey Aashi, make sure they drink their milk. You should drink it too. I'll take you all out for lunch later. Don't make something for lunch, okay? I love you," he said and left, kissing my lips.

I smiled, touching my lips. His endless love will be the death of me someday. He doesn't even scold me now I mean he do, but it's not too extreme. And I like it soo much.

Heading upstairs to my babies' room, I found them fighting over who would take a bath first.

"They're such troublemakers," I muttered to myself, stepping in between them.

"You'll both catch a cold and end up crying in my arms when your dad gives you medicine," I said firmly. They both gave me innocent looks.

"Ayushi, why did you throw water on him? Aryan, go take a bath with warm water," I instructed, knowing that as a premature baby, he was more susceptible to getting sick. He had pneumonia at the age of two, and I remembered how heartless the doctors can be they stab my little baby so many times.

Aryan ran into the bathroom but slipped and started crying, holding his elbow.

"God," I muttered, entering the bathroom and pointing at Ayushi.

"Ayushi, you know you can share the bathroom. You're both young," I said, but she looked at me with a disgusted expression.

"Eww," she said, blowing air on her fist.

"I said take a bath right now, not a single word," I said sternly. But I didn't understand why she blew air on her fist

She huffed and left, probably heading to my room.

"Let's get you cleaned up, okay? Don't cry," I said, starting to pour water on him. After a few minutes, I was done dressing him and making him look like a hero.

I told him to go downstairs and sit at the dining table, saying I would come with his sister, but he just shook his head.

"I'm fine, I don't want breakfast," he replied.

"No arguments. If you're not at the table, slap will find you," I warned before leaving the room.

I enter in my room and saw Ayushi struggling to tie her wet hair into a ponytail. She doesn't love her hair too much. She used to cut it to minimal again and again so we had to fix her mind so we come to agreement that her hair will be atleast be at shoulder length.

For now hwe hair it below shoulder and this length is perfect.

"Leave it down, it's still wet," I advised as I clipped her hair back. I smiled at her.

"Come on, my little girl, let's go," I said, but she refused to budge, so I had to carry her.

When I got downstairs, Aryan was nowhere to be found.

"He's actually gone. You two never listen to me. Let him come back, I'll talk to him," I grumbled while making pancakes for Ayushi.

Aashika look at the clock, her eyes filled with worry. She went to the park near the building but couldn't find Aryan. The sound of the doorbell interrupted her thoughts. Opening the door, she expected to see Aryan but found Ayaan instead.

"What's wrong? Why do you look so worried?" he asked. Aashika began to explain everything to him.

"Have you asked his friends?" Ayaan inquired. I nodded in response.

"Alright, stay here. I'll check other parks and possible places where we might find him, okay?" he said before leaving, planting a light kiss on Aashika's forehead.

Meanwhile, Aryan was at Daksh and Roshni's apartment, sitting with puffed cheeks.

"What's the matter? Did mom scold you?" Roshni asked, with Daksh who wanted to ask the same question.

"No, Ayushi didi said she'd punch me if I stayed at home today," he replied, taking it as a joke. They didn't mind and started playing with him, unaware that he had come there without informing anyone.

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