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After thirty minutes of searching, they eventually located them near the frozen lake. Breathing a sigh of relief, they approached. Divya and Ayushi dropped the snowball they were holding and rushed towards their dad.

"Papa," Ayushi exclaimed, showing him a snowball. Without saying a word, Ayaan wrapped his arm tightly around her and began kissing her all over her face.

"You scared me," Ayaan muttered, then look at deepak, who was holding Divya in his arms as if his life depended on it. Which might actually be true.

"Alright, guys, let's head home," Daksh suggested, but he frowned when Ayaan just started walking ahead, leaving Ayushi behind.

Ayushi pouted and opened her arms, wanting to be held by her dad like Divya.

Daksh picked Ayushi up and pinched her cheeks. "Why can't you stay out of trouble?" Daksh muttered as they made their way back to the resort.

"Ayaan, calm down, it's okay," Daksh reassured, his voice filled with concern and authority.

Ayaan smiled and walked through the door. His eyes widened when he saw Aashika holding Roshni's hand tightly, blood dripping from her feet.

Aashika's eyes met theirs, and she smiled at Ayushi. She opened her arms for Ayushi, who immediately ran into them.

"What happened here?" Deepak inquired, but Roshni pointed towards the door.

"Bhavya was scared seeing all this blood, so I asked her to take care of the kids in that room while I tended to Aashika. Deepak, go to her, she's really worried about Kavi," Roshni explained, cutting off any further questions.

Deepak nodded in understanding and headed to the room.

"What happened here?" Daksh asked Roshni.

Instead of using any word, Ayaan gently removed Roshni's hand from Aashika's feet and started examining her thumb.

"I'll take care of her. Can you please explain how this happened?" Ayaan asked.

"Ayaan, your son Aryan has anger issues. He got angry at Aashika because she didn't let him go out and play in the snow. Out of anger, he threw a glass cup at her feet. I can understand if he was a teenager, but he's only five. How can he get so angry at such a young age?" Roshni explained, while Aashika looked down and bit her lips.

For almost fifteen minutes, Aashika tried to convince Roshni that it wasn't necessary to tell Ayaan the real cause of her wound. But all her efforts went in vain.

"Go ahead and follow today's plan. Get Ayushi and Divya ready and have fun. I'll take care of Aashika," Ayaan mumbled, picking Aashika up in his arms.

"Ayaan, we don't have to go separately. We can all go together," Daksh suggested, but Ayaan shook his head.

"Don't spoil the fun for the kids. Take them. I also need some quiet time," Ayaan replied.

Without saying another word, Ayaan made his way to his assigned room.

He carefully placed Aashika on the bed.

"Does it hurt?" Ayaan asked. Aashika nodded and held his hand.

"Why are you upset?"

"I know I can never have a peaceful trip, but I didn't imagine my daughter going out alone with her sister... in this environment... without proper protective clothing. She's just... too much sometimes," he mumbled, placing her feet on his lap.

"Now you might feel a little pain since there's a piece of glass stuck. Take a deep breath," Ayaan instructed. Aashika followed his advice and closed her eyes tightly.

"Ahh," she exclaimed.

"Don't 'ahh' or It'll bring up last night though ," Ayaan teased, making Aashika chuckle and playfully try to hit him.

"Now shh, the most painful part is over. Let me clean it." Just as the wet cotton made contact with her thumb, she pulled her legs back and shook her head.

Ayaan watched as Aashika cautiously moved her feet closer to him.

"Slowly, please. It's hurting," she whispered, clutching a pillow with closed eyes. Ayaan tightened his grip on her ankle and continued cleaning her thumb.

"It's a deep cut," he muttered, glancing at the blood oozing out.

"Just two stitches. Make yourself comfortable and lie down," Aashika said, but Ayaan gently pushed her down.

"Do you want another doctor? I'll hold you while the doctor works," Ayaan said calmly. Aashika shook her head and lay still.

"Just a pinch," he mumbled, but she winced as he injected around her thumb.

"It's done. You did well," Ayaan said before a knock interrupted them.

"I'm busy. I can't open the door," Ayaan shouted.

"We're leaving, but we'll be back soon. The kids really want to go," Deepak replied.

"Take care of Aashika. I'll bring her some hot chocolate," he added before leaving. Ayaan resumed his work.

"Done," he announced.

"No water means don't touch water , no walking for a few days. This might be uncomfortable, but it's necessary to prevent infection," Ayaan explained showing syringe as Aashika wiped her tears and held his hand.

"Why? I don't need painkillers. Just give me pills if necessary," she pleaded.

"Aashi, it's for your own good. It'll feel like an ant bite," Ayaan reassured her.

"Ant bites hurt," she whispered, lying on her stomach.

"It won't be that bad," he said, pulling down her trousers. Aashika glanced back at him, pouting.

"Your hands are cold," she remarked.

"I just washed them. I like your warm hands," Ayaan replied, starting to rub her back.

" I like your warm hand " She expressed her appreciation for his warm hand and relaxed as Ayaan began to massage her back.

"Will you scold Aryan and Ayushi?" she whispered, closing her eyes again as she felt his cold hand lower her trousers slightly.

She flinched a little when he inserted the needle into her skin. Ayaan quickly took out the needle and disposed of it in the dustbin and handed her a pill.

"These are painkillers, take two because it will hurt later. If the pain becomes unbearable, I can give you a shot like I do with other times. For now You're safe," he reassured her.

Aashika swallowed the medicine and extended her arm.

"I want to go out too," she pouted, resting her head on his chest.

"Don't worry, I'll take you by car," he promised.

"Aryan hit me," Aashika confessed, snuggling closer to him.

"He's done it before. He throws objects when he's angry or when I don't listen to him... You're a good dad, but I'm not a good mom," she mumbled. Ayaan made her look at him.

"I'll pretend I didn't hear the last part, and what about the first part? Are you actually complaining about him as if he's your sweetheart? Are you actually confiding me about his actions?"

Aashika nodded and hid her face once again.

"Forget what I said. They're just kids," Aashika mumbled, her eyes growing heavy.

"I love you for not scolding them on this trip."

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