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Ayaan and aashika look at each other with shocked fill eyes.

They both stop their activitie and look at khushi who was still crying.

" What did you said just now ". Ayaan said while aashika put her hand on ayaan hand to calm him down.

" I'm sorry please don't tell this to anyone papa will kill me." Khushi said still crying she look at them who were already looking at her shocked.

" Khushi first we need to inform him sorry so sorry but i can't hide it second why do you think that when did this happen". Ayaan ask khushi hug aashika now shaking her head

" Chachi tell him not to say anything to papa " She said aashika look at ayaan.

" Khushi talk clearly stop crying " Ayaan said little strictly.

Khushi wipe her eyes and look at them pleading.

" We can't hide it and I'm calling daksh right now " Ayaan said khushi joint her both hand together in front of him.

Aashika hold her both hand and shake her head biting her lips.

" Khushi calm down let's get you some drink. " Aashika said herself she was controlling herself from crying out loud because of seeing khushi like this.

Ayaan hold aashika hand softly making her look at him.

" Khushi you have to inform him" Ayaan said softly this time khushi shake her head.

" Can't you just do something . I can't tell him. I had a little argument at home already papa is already upset about that things. In first time in my life he is ignoring me. " Khushi said looking up at them.

" Why he is ignoring you because I know according to him you are his little princess he still sit with you and make you sit on his lap like you are still his little baby I have seen him feeding you by his own hand, Whenever you get upset about something he will just let you do anything no matter what. If roshni is not agreeing with something then he will make her agree. He will not just ignore you. What happen". Ayaan ask while khushi was listening to his every word.

" I..... Actually i came home late so mom keep asking me where I was and why don't I inform her so.... I said some inappropriate words to her " Khushi said looking down.

" What did you said khushi". Ayaan ask khushi continue after a pause.

" Don't fucking ask me this question every fucking time. What will you do after knowing ok let me tell you I was fucking someone ". Khushi  repeated the same thing and remember how daksh hear everything.

Ayaan and aashika look at each other not at all expecting this.

" Why do you think you are pregnant " Ayaan ask now not giving any emotions.

" I went to my friends party it was her birthday and other student from my class was also present. We all were just enjoying but a boy on whom I have crush come and sit besides me and suddenly he kiss me and I don't stop him". Khushi confess ayaan nodded his head telling her to continue.

" Then we went to room " Khushi continue aashika hold ayaan hand preparing herself for what will be coming next.

" Don't ask " Aashika whisper to ayaan who don't listen to her.

" In room his.... Hand travel...on my body......and...please I'm sorry..." Khushi start crying again .

Ayaan keep looking at her calmly.

" Continue " He said looking at her like he was expecting something.

" I'm sorry " Khushi said still crying.

Aashika look at him confuse.

" How do you know you are pregnant " Ayaan ask little coldly.

" I'm vomiting from that day ". She said wiping her eyes again and look at them.

" Don't tell dad " She said ayaan look at his phone on whom he was on call and whatever just now khushi said he listen to her every word.

" We have to sorry". He said turning his face.

" Khushi stop crying your pregnancy is not confirmed right. Go and wash your face ". Aashika said wiping her tears.

Khushi look at her for minutes and went to bathroom for Washing her face.

" Ayaan  just leave it ok don't tell this to bhaiya you can handle it alone . He will be super angry ". Aashika said ayaan show his phone screen to her where call was going on.

Ayaan put call on his ears.

" Daksh "

" Huh yeah I hear everything we will pick her up ". Daksh said on call.

" Take your time daksh.. I know it's her mistake and teen kid sometimes do things like that handle her calmly ".

" Ayaan I never yell on her in those fifteen years whatever happen I just let it slid because roshni think we only have one daughter she is our only kid. We should spoil her I can't scold her punish her no nothing but I think we were wrong I should have slapped her for her mistake . Now I regret not scolding her for her mistake. I'm coming with roshni". Daksh said calmly and cut their call.

" Why did you tell him ayaan it's so wrong she come to you for help ". Aashika said glaring at him.

" Aashi parents should know about their kids right. If it was ayushi then what you don't want to know everything about her". Ayaan ask aashika bite her lips sadly while a tear escape from her eyes.

" She is in trouble Bhaiya babhi must be upset about this too ." Aashika said and sit besides ayaan putting her head on his shoulder while khushi come out of bathroom.

They quickly make distance between Them and signal khushi to sit between them.

" You won't tell him right " Khushi said aashika pull khushi to herself lightly pating her head.

" Don't worry you know we all love you right and you also know what you did was wrong right khushi. You parents should know about you and they will pick you up". Ayaan said softly but still he was angry with the fact of what khushi did.

" I'm going home ". Khushi said angrily standing up. Ayaan hold her hand making her sit again.

" Don't move from here understand ". Ayaan said aashika shake her head telling him not to say anything.

" Leave me I hate you. I shared it to you but you just simply inform papa. I fucking hate you leave me ". Khushi said trying to free from his hold . She went quit when ayaan palm connect with her cheeks she put her hand on his cheeks looking at him innocently.

Still not able to believe her favorite chachu just slapped her.

" Ayaan " Aashika said loudly holding his hand

" Aashika I told you not to support anyone when they do wrong right leave my hand ". He said sternly she leave his hand.

" Stop cursing when did you start doing this. " He said again sternly making khushi eyes full of tears.

" Don't inform dad please ". Khushi said crying

" Aashika go and buy pregnancy test kit". Ayaan said coldly. Aashika nodded her head and left the room not before whispering in ayaan's ear.

" Cool down ayaan don't scold her she is just kid". She said and went out of room.

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