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Ayushi and Aryan, please come and bring your homework too before heading to the living room. Your mom and I will prepare dinner while the two of you focus on your homework." Ayaan's tone was firm as he directed them.

"Papa, I don't feel well... I have a stomach ache," Ayushi lied, biting her tongue.

Ayaan frowned and looked at Aashika.

"Alright, baccha, you can rest in this room or join us in the living room to watch TV," Aashika said, gently cupping Ayushi's cheeks.

Ayushi nodded, and they all went downstairs to begin their work

While watching TV, Ayushi shot glares at Aryan in between.

"Focus on your homework instead of the TV," Ayushi scolded, but when Aryan looked at her with pleading eyes, she averted her gaze.

"Stay away from my mumma. If you hug her again, I will hit you. And keep your distance from my daddy too. They are my parents, not yours," Ayushi warned, showing him her fist.

"Will you hug my mother?" Ayushi asked, and Aryan shook his head.

"I don't want to see you in this house tomorrow... Don't come to my room, or you'll face my wrath," Ayushi threatened, blowing air on her fist.

Aryan nodded in agreement.

"But you can hug me," Ayushi said, playfully tickling him.

Ayaan and Aashika watched them and chuckled.

"They are enjoying themselves," Aashika remarked with a soft smile.

"Yes, now taste this... Is it good?" Ayaan asked, feeding her a piece of paneer.

She moaned in delight at the taste and did a little happy dance.

"Amazing. I love you so much," she expressed.

Ayaan shook his head, pecked her lips, and returned to cooking.

"Hey, help me with the rice... I'm tired too, and I have to tire you out at night, right?" He innocently requested, causing Aashika to blush and hide her face.

Aashika remembered something and said immediately " Ayaan set aside everything and make kheer for Aryan, as it was his favorite." She smiled at him as he placed a spoonful of kheer.

"You are an amazing , Ayaan. No one can be compare to you," she praised.

"Yes, I may be great, but it's my wife who always reminds me to make everyone's favorite dishes. I love my jaan," Ayaan replied.

After an hour, Ayaan finished cooking and they began setting the table. Aryan happily sat on his chair, swinging his legs.

"Why is he sitting like a prince, Mom?" Ayushi complained.

"Why are you sitting like a princess, madam?" Ayaan retorted sarcastically.

"Because my tummy hurts," Ayushi replied, holding her chest.

"He's just a kid. I'm setting the table, so no more questions. Finish your dinner and go to your room," Aashika ordered, taking a seat.

After dinner, the kids went to their room while Aashika and Ayaan stayed behind to clean up.

"You sit, I'll be done in a few minutes," Aashika said as Ayaan rolled his eyes and started picking up plates.

"Let's finish quickly. I can't wait to hold you in my arms and kiss every part of your body," he whispered, biting her earlobe.

After completing their work, they went to their room and locked the door.

"Are you ready, Mrs. Agnihotri?" Ayaan whispered as he began to undress her.

"No talking, just say my name," Ayaan instructed as he started kissing her lips. He gently explored her mouth with his tongue, savoring her taste.

Aashika responded in the same manner. Her fingers work on unbuttoning his shirt.

After their kiss ended, Ayaan's shirt fell to the floor and met Aashika's suit on floor. They exchanged smiles and breathed heavily.

"Let's remove these too," he suggested, pointing to their lower garments. He used his finger to remove them from her body and then his own.

"Ready," Ayaan said, gently caressing her cheeks. She nodded in agreement. He proceeded to kiss her neck and move downwards towards her breasts.

"I love your breasts more than anything else, forgive me for that," he whispered before playfully biting her.

"Yeah, yeah, I know," Aashika replied, receiving a light slap on her one side.

"Don't use that sarcastic tone," he warned, continuing to explore her body.

Before entering her, he gave her a mischievous smile.

"Have you ever felt frustrated because you couldn't release?" he asked with a smirk.

She shook her head. He entered her and began moving, but their intimate moment was interrupted after a few minutes.

Startled, they both turned to the door.

"Mumma, why did you lock this door?" Aryan's voice came from behind the door as he knocked.

"Do you think we can pretend to be asleep?" Ayaan asked Aashika, who gave him a disapproving look.

"We can open the door in five minutes," he suggested, gently pushing her back.

"Don't make any noise," Ayaan whispered, kissing her to muffle any potential sounds.

After five minutes, they got dressed and opened the door.

"Papa, why did you take so long? I want to sleep here," Aryan said as Ayushi also entered the room.

"My stomach hurts, I want to sleep here too," Ayushi complained.

"Why does your stomach hurt so much, Ayushi? Okay, come, let's sleep," Ayaan said, accommodating both children between them. Ayaan's hand reached for Ayushi's stomach.

"Aashika, pass me the hot water bag," Ayaan requested, kissing Ayushi's head.

Aashika handed it to him and looked at Ayushi with concern.

"Is the pain too much, sweetheart?" Aashika asked, but found Ayushi already peacefully asleep.

"He's asleep too," Aashika remarked, observing Aryan who had his arms and legs wrapped around her.

"Do you think we can have another round? I really want to," Aashika said with a pout.

Ayaan couldn't help but chuckle to himself, feeling the desire to do more.

"Let's wait for an hour before we do anything. I don't want the kids to find out. Let them sleep, and then we can go to the guest room," Ayaan whispered with a mischievous wink.

After ensuring that the kids were fast asleep after an hour, they quietly left the room.

They ended up coming back a few hours later, as they had gotten carried away with their conversation after their intimate moment.

"Look at them, they can sleep on their own," Aashika murmured, observing the kids who were peacefully cuddled up to each other.

"It's alright, they're still young," Ayaan reassured, lying down on his side.

"It's almost morning. Let's get some sleep," Ayaan whispered, and soon they both drifted off to sleep as well.

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