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Just when I enter the house Ayushi comes running to me and starts jumping while holding a glass.

" Papa papa " She said with excitement.

" Yes papa ki jaan " I said and picked her up.

" Mumma is making mango shake for everyone and she said she will even make mango ice cream. " She said and hug me with all joy.

Wait Aashika? If she is making it while being in pain then I will make sure something else hurt too.

I walk inside. In kitchen Aryan was eating mango piece while sitting on kitchen counter.

For a minute I actually forget their mischief looking at their Joyfullness.

" Papa mango ice cream " Aryan shoutout  with all excitement. This boy was sick in morning. And he is ready for an ice cream.

Aashika look at me i take in her appearance. No trace of pain was visible on her face which make me feel relief.

I just told doctor today about her fall and that man actually scold me like I make her fall. Because last time when Aashika fell down I took her to doctor he told me clearly that falling for her is dangerous. Her bone will get injured if it happen again.

Even after scolding me atleast he gave me medicine what I wasn't expecting was him giving me tone of medicine to increase bone strength.

" Ayushi let me change beta. " I said Ayushi nodded her head and jump down.

" Aryan, Ayushi, I want both of you quietly sitting on couch when I come back and no extra drama today like last time. No whining no back talking no crying. " I said their face fall. Aryan pouted his lips and look at Aashika. Who look at me.

Suddenly she grab her phone and begins typing something.

Just when she put her phone down my phn buzz with message.

Aashi❤- Can't you wait a little longer let them enjoy their mango shake.

Ayaan - Put it in freez they will need some things to boost their mood later.

I put my phone down and went upstairs.

Today I spend some time in shower . Washing away my thoughts. I hate watching news. And what I hate more is my friend discussing about rape case with me.

First that police man then that news then that freaking doctor who can casually discuss about rape case while eating lunch. Even though she was seeking for suggestion just don't do it on my table.

I step out of the shower and exit the bathroom.

I was welcome by Aashika who was holding a glass tray. Putting it on table she grab the towel from my hand and start wiping my body.

" You are tired " She mumble I nodded ny head simple and sat on the edge of bed.

" Rest sometimes. I turn on TV for them since they were getting scared and didn't want me to leave. "

" It's ok are you in pain " I ask and pull her on my lap.

" Stop thinking about other. You seems upset. Something happen today " She ask and softly peck my lips.

" Nothing happen. " I said not wanting her to worry unnecessarily. Because I'm sure if I tell her about police words she will freak out.

I'm actually very upset with Aryan and Ayushi. That house is far away from the school they must have to walk for more than an hour to reach there. Their feet didn't hurt walking for that long?

" Forgive me " I whisper knowing very well we will not be sitting like this after my talk with Aryan and Ayushi.

" I'm going to talk to them. If you want you can stay here. " I said and tuck her hair behind.

"They are sorry for real.... I know they have said they will not skip class but.... Maybe they mean it this time. "

" I'm going to make sure they mean it this time. " I said she peck my lips.

" You seems upset. Do you want to rest for sometimes. " She ask and take my hand and put it over her chest.

" Let me talk to them they are waiting. " I said and left the room but I felt her following me.

" Why? "

" Kitchen, dinner. " She mumble each words. I also walk to kitchen and pick up wodden spatula which she actually never used but kept in kitchen because it give classy look I don't know how but according to Aashi it give our kitchen a classy look.

" Where are you taking it. " She ask holding my hand.

" Putting it to some use. " I mumble and free my hand . Her face tells me she knows where it is going to put into use but she didn't say a single word.

I made my way to living room. Both of them were lost in tv. I turn it off taking their attention.

" Stand up " I said they silently stand up. I saw Ayushi eying Spatula she take step closer and said with little shaky voice.

" I.. I.. I t.. Took A..aryan " She said standing infont of Aryan. I nodded my head acknowledging it.

" Why did you go to that house where no people leave? Why did went to that quiet place? " I ask my question would have been different if she would have just skipped the class and wandered around somewhere.

" I... Wanted to stay there until.... Papa sorry. " She said and sob out not exactly telling me why she went there.

I forwarded my hand, she shook her head hiding her hand behind.

I have never done this but if she wants me to change it then it's going to change. I've given her enough warning.

" Papa this is scary don't punish me. I'm sorry " Aryan said his eyes were looking at the spatula while his hands were behind like he was trying to hide his back.

I moved my attention to Ayushi who was still shaking her head.

" If I have to get up from my seat then I will double everything. " I said she took a baby step towards me . I held her hand when she was within my reach.

Flipping her palm backwards . A very first strike fell on the back of her palm. She immediately started trying to free her hand .

" I will not skip. I will not " She mumbles her tears freely making it's way out of her eyes.

" You walked that long just to go to that shabby place.(strike)There is no ghost in this world but strange are more dangerous than ghost.(strike) You went to that place what if something happen to you just all the time think about mischief. (Strike) Nothing other than that. " 

She make a fist making me stop.

" Ayushi open it "

" It's hurts " She started crying more loudly.

" Ayushi last chance "

Still she didn't listen just shook her head. I rise the spatula but when still she didn't open her fist it fall over her fist making her cry harder.

" Papa sorry " She said and suddenly hugged me.

" Will you keep your promise of not skipping school or not " I ask she nodded her head wiping her tears with one hand.

In all these I totally forget about Aashika. I look at her direction. She had put on headphones and was just looking down concentrated In cooking.

" You will sleep alone . You both will sleep alone. In a separate room.


𝙶𝚒𝚏𝚝 𝙾𝚏 𝙻𝚘𝚟𝚎 (𝚂𝚎𝚚𝚞𝚎𝚕) Where stories live. Discover now