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3 years later...

"Ayaan I have a interesting news you know daksh bhaiya is sending khushi out of india for her studies"

" Really... Why... Wait let's call him ". Ayaan dial daksh number.

" Hello bhaiya are you sending someone out of india ". Ayaan ask in teasing tone.

" Don't talk about this khushi and roshni is ignoring me for this and who told you this".

" Aashika did roshni must have told her. Why are you doing this by the way ".

" Because she got selected of course khushi is troubling me soo much convince her "

" Bhaiya she will not be able to stay away from you and she want to do engineering right then send her chennai Or Bangaluru why do you want her out of india i will take her side only ". Ayaan said daksh sigh on call loudly.

" Ok then bangaluru ok tell your babhi and khushi they are avoiding me completely. " Saying that he hang up the call.

" I will talk to roshni babhI don't worry".

" Now tell me how are you is your knees ok now do you still take support while walking because you don't do it in front of me ". Ayaan ask rising his eyebrows.

" No but you see I was actually seeing reality in my dream oh my baby thank god I'm alive I don't want to imagine what you must have done with my aryan and ayushi". Aashika said wiping her imaginary tears.

" Yeah don't talk about it ".

" Why not look let me be clear ayaan I don't even die still your slap my daughter what if I would have been dead".

" Aashiks stop this I will not let something happen to you and I slap her because even after you push her away from road and when she can clearly see you get into accident and she might get hurt too still she was so ready to run on road."

" Dreams are sometime real huh I don't trust you that's why I have to be alive so I can keep my eyes on you ". Aashika said glaring towards him.

" Stop this dream end you are ok I'm not beating the shit out of our kid in your language . "

" Yeah but where are they. "

" Must be playing house game leave it " Ayaan said rolling his eyes.

" Ayushi behave so protective towards him I sometimes thought that ayushi is boy and out little aryan is a girl." Aashika said laughing holding her stomach.

" Listen if you ever see some dream which keep repeating themselves then tell me and remind me what happened when I once ignore it because if something like this happen again I will take you to temple can't risk any life ".

" Wait is this the reason I'm wearing there many holy thread in ny hand " She said showing her wrist to ayaan who nodded his head.

" Yeah when I first made you wear then you open your eyes after like five months do you even know after that I have kept all fast whichever comes and I start going to temple regular first thread was given by mom and all other is by me so wear it life time ". Ayaan said kissing her head.

" Ok I will belive you since I believe in Ghost then I will believe in God too ". Aashika said and hug ayaan putting her head on his chest.

" Put yourself first but I think a parent can never do it in their life time there kids became their first priority they can die for them. So I won't say anything about you pushing ayushi putting yourself in danger at that time " Ayaan said himself encircle his arm around her body .

" Leave it I'm here alive fit walking ok ok with support but soon it will be gone too and not to forget with my cute face which make my lovely husband love ne even after his real bride run away ".

" Oh then not to forget her tantrum like ayaan you know I'm not scared of anyone but I have to use washroom and I can't go alone ". Ayaan said teasing her .

" Yeah wait let me think of something...... Haha your bride run away because she don't find you enough attractive "

" Ayaan I'm save me from mumma don't share my results with her ayaan I want baby even though I'm baby too but still I want baby because I'm sick of studying. " Ayaan said mimicking her.

" I won't talk to you ".

" Ayaan I won't talk to you but this don't matter while sleeping I will sleeping only hugging you. Ayaan the things you know the kiss I like it . Ayaan you don't do the things which couple doo when we will do it don't you love me. Ayaan I don't wanna take off ny clothes I'm shy ". Ayaan said mimicking her tone and remembering past.

She just glare towards him Angerily..

" Mr ayaan I will kill you if you don't stop copying me "

" Ayaan when we will kiss again I like it ". Ayaan said mimicking her while also acting like her.

Aashika also start laughing after seeing ayaan like this after soo many months.
Because after aashika accident he was just soo quit just used to talk to kids even after aashika wake up he was still quit just feed her give her medicine spend most of the time with her but then again no talk just quietness around them. Like it was ayaan voice who got in accident with truck not aashika.

" I love you " Aashika said and kiss his lips with all love.

" I hate you " Ayaan said and reciprocal the kiss with equal love.

....................... The end....................

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