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Everyone in the room was sleeping cuddling to each other while I was busy on my phone. Because that damn police officer words keep ringing in my ears.

I left them on school gate. How can they go to that place By walking. My hands are itching to slap them.

I silently leave the bed and dial daksh's number.

" What's wrong? Something happened why are you calling me this late? " Daksh asked, I looked at the watch and rolled his eyes.

" It's twelve. You know what my two little one did? " I said and started filling him with the information.

" I'm telling you. They will not let me leave peacefully. I'm not upset because that police officer scolded me. I'm upset with them. Do you think if I send them to boarding it will be a good choice. Because they both are dancing on my head. They don't understand the danger. They just act up . " I took a deep breath to calm myself down.

" You know I have to take my blood pressure medicine. It wasn't high it was getting low. And the reason is sleeping peacefully. "

" Calm down Ayaan. Look don't think about boarding and all. You are upset right now. I know they should be careful but in the end they are kids. So calm down."

Don't think about boarding? Dude I'm done thinking. They are dancing on my head but it doesn't mean I can send them away.

" This calm down word doesn't suit you. Ok I'm hanging up. " I said and hang up the call coming back to my room again.

Look at them sleeping so peacefully. And here i can't sleep at all.

I moved toward Aashi I was about to scoop her in my arms but found Aryan hands holding her tightly and his hand rested on Aashi's waist.

" You need to stop touching my wife Mr big guy " I mumble and remove Aryan hands from Aashi's chest and waist then turn Aashi to myself.

" Aashi " I whisper she hmn making me smile.

" Get up I can't sleep. " I whisper again. And for my surprise Aashika open her eyes. She sleep like a dead person. How can she wake up just by my whisper.

" Me too even I can't sleep. " Aashi mumble opening her arms.

I pick her up adjusting pillow on side.

" Should we go down stairs? " I ask she nodded her head and rested it on my shoulder snuggle Into my neck.

Coming down stairs I lay down on the couch pulling Aashi over me.

" What did the police said you seems upset. By the way you know I have seen that house in news some years ago. Someone out that house on fire or something like over some property argument. The whole house got burned and the whole family died they have a daughter who got saved but loose her arms and legs. " Aashi mumble and I can feel she isn't going to say something useful right now.

" Ayaan "

I hmm caressing her hair.

" Go ahead "

" Do you think that family ghost actually leave there? Because their daughter died too after some day. So what if whole family live there and hunt that house. And what if that ghost family follow our Ayushi and Aryan and they are here right now. " She said and slip her hand inside my tshirt.

What I can expect from her.

" I'm scared I don't want to be over you. Can i come under you. " She said and look back at her.

" Aashi no one is flying over you alright."

" Please... That's why I can't sleep in room. " She said I sigh and shift her from me to the secure side.

" Now it's good. " I mumble giving her teasing look . My hands slip in her lower with a wink I was about to proceed but we hear crying sound from my room which make us stop.

" How did they wake up " I mumble going towards room. Aashi hold my hand from behind following me.

"Can you come with me in bathroom? '

" Aashi no ghost is interested in watching you naked you said ghost has family . So the ghost wife will beat her husband if he peek inside bathroom. " I mumble craps and enter the room.

Both Aryan and Ayushi was crying and I see the wet sheet under Aryan.

" Make his use the bathroom before he sleep. " I whisper to Aashi who deny to leave my hand.

Am I the only one who isn't scared of ghost?

" What happen Aryan. "

" Papa there was a ghost. " Aryan replied Ayushi nodded her head agreeing with him.

" Really? " Aashi said making me glare at her.

" There is no ghost. Aashi, go and brings his pants from his room . " I mumbled and started removing the wet bedsheet and wipe the mattress with it .

I'm so thankful we have a waterproof mattress otherwise I would have to sleep on this wet thing everyday.

I change the sheet and look back at them.

" Aashi go" I said but she shook her head.

" Aashi "

Again she shook her head.

" Aryan takes off your pants and if your tshirt is wet then take it off too
Ayushi takes off your clothes too if it's wet. And come to bed you can sleep in your under clothes or you can go to your room and bring your clothes. " I said and none of them moved from their place.

" I'm going to sleep do whatever you want. " I mumble and cover myself in a blanket.

Suddenly I felt all of them hugging me. Ayushi and Aashi hug me both both side while Aryan lay over me.

" Oh god "

" Papa good night " Ayushi mumble.

" Ayushi you will fall sick. "

" Then bring my clothes. " She whisper.

I huff leaving the bed but to my surpise she tok stand up with me and start following me.

" What " I almost shouted.

" Papa I will help you. " Aryan said but instead of helping they just hold me making it impossible for me to move.

" Aashi atleast you leave me. I will come back in a minute. "

Aashi shook her head making me more frustrated.

Somehow I reach to kids room with them and take out their clothes.

" Change now. I'm going to the washroom will you all come too? " I said glaring at them.

Aashika rised her hand.

" I wanna come. I need to use it too. "

I look at her with lip tight smile.

" Do one thing sleep on bed you too can wet the bed and no one will follow me in bathroom. " I said sternly at last. And I was about to lock the door but Aashika hold it.

" I actually want to use"

" Then use after me. Do you think they both will stand in this room alone? No right. " I said but still she shook her head.

I close my eyes and said in very sweet and calm tone.

" Aashi please "

" No I've read somewhere. Ghost leaves in bathroom. They possess those who spend long time in bathroom. "

I just look at her blinking my eyes. She has gone mad for sure she has gone mad.

𝙶𝚒𝚏𝚝 𝙾𝚏 𝙻𝚘𝚟𝚎 (𝚂𝚎𝚚𝚞𝚎𝚕) Where stories live. Discover now