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" Mumma don't go you were mean to teach me for mid exam not papa" . Khushi said holding roshni dupatta.

" I got some work I have to go out don't worry he will not scold you I will tell him".

" No mumma you promised me right ". Khushi said roshni turn towards her. Khushi hug roshni putting her head on roshni chest.

" Bring something for me on your way and come early ". She said smiling showing her all teeth.

" Of course and if you let me go ". Roshni said khushi nodded her head.

" Roshni you are late . Should I drop you". Daksh ask entering in room.

" Khushi go finish your breakfast she run here after knowing you are going to office today ".  Daksh said khushi just hide her face in roshni chest.

" Khushi go I'm joining you too first you wake up late now you are are delaying everything ". Daksh said khushi roll her eyes and left room.

" Don't go today it's weekend roshni what will I do whole day ". Daksh said and hug roshni just like khushi did.

" Teach khushi her mid exams are starting watch TV with khushi and ayushi and give medicine to khushi and at last miss me ". Roshni answer her encircle her arm around him.

" I totally forget about it. We are keeping ayushi with us today right. It's ayaan anniversary. " Daksh said roshni turn towards mirror applying lipstick.

" He will pick khushi and ayushi for dinner. He ask me to join them but i deny it. I'm leaving now". Roshni said and peck his lips quickly.

Daksh pull her towards himself again.

" You have to go really can't you just do it some other day ". Daksh ask roshni shake her head.

" I forget to tell you we have to take khushi hospital too tomorrow for some ultrasound maybe I don't know but I'm busy tomorrow so you have to handle her ".

" Don't remind me . By the way I talk to that boy. He was actually begging me to not tell her parents because when I arrive no was present in his house... But I still talked to his parents " Daksh said roshni nodded her head.

After roshni left daksh enter in kitchen finding khushi still having her breakfast eating it very slowly.

" Khushi do it fast ".

" Papa I'm done now ".

" Khushi finish it fast ". Daksh said still she eat it slowly.

"I'm not liking it's taste papa it's tasteless".

" What do you wanna eat tell me i will make it ". Daksh said and put his phone down.

" Pan cake or burger or pasta or maggie Or egg roll or just roll or dosa or idli Or waffles or aloo paratha ". Khushi said one bh one and push plate little away from her.

" Ok egg roll then " Daksh said and start preparing for it.
After some minutes he was done with it. Cutting roll in pieces he put it in front of her.

She smile looking at plate and start eating it after dipping it in sauce.

" It's tasty you are the great " . Khushi said with her filled mouth.

" Don't speak just finish it bring your books to my room ok".  Daksh said khushi shake her head.

" Papa can't we watch movie for some time we can start studying later too."

" Here is your medicine and here is your milk take it then bring your book." They hear door ringing sound.

Daksh went to open door and come with ayushi.

𝙶𝚒𝚏𝚝 𝙾𝚏 𝙻𝚘𝚟𝚎 (𝚂𝚎𝚚𝚞𝚎𝚕) Where stories live. Discover now