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" Ayaan ayushi fever is not down ". Aashika said lightly pressing ayushi head.

" I give her pills right it will be down don't worry. You come here why are you so worried ". Ayaan ask aashika look at him still with worried expression.

" What if something happen you know she can't stand cold and fever ".

" I checked her aashika it's just cold normal cold don't worry ". Ayaan said rubbing aashika arm.

Aashika lean her head on ayaan chest pouting.

" I don't like her being sick."

" So should I give her fever reducer ". Ayaan ask aashika shake her head.

After some hour ayushi wake up and look around the room.

" Mummy " Ayushi call her. Aashika come there immediately.

" How are you ayushi are you feeling well now ". Aashika ask ayushi nodded her little and snuggle into her chest.

" Is your fever down " Ayaan said and put thermometer under in her tongue.

She take it between her teeth moving it up and down.

" Don't play with it ayushi " Ayaan said still she move it inside her mouth.

Ayaan take it out from her mouth and change it putting it under her armpit .

" You won't stop troubling us right ". He said pinching her nose lightly.

" Don't do it I already have running nose mummy look papa is troubling me ".

" Ayaan stop this my baby is already sick".

Ayaan roll his eyes and take out thermometer checking the temperature.

" She still have fever ". He mumble and put stethoscope bell on her chest then on her back.

" I'm giving her fever reducer ". Ayaan said taking out injection filling it with medicine.

Ayushi look towards him and try to hide in aashika embrace.

" Mummy see what papa is doing ".

" Ayaan just take out pills ".

" Aashika don't joke I've given her pills two time she is getting fever again and again after it's effect end."

" Papa there is no gurantee i will not get fever after your injection ". Ayushi said turning her face little towards ayaan.

" Then we will see aashi hold her tightly". Ayaan said aashika shake her head.

" Ayaan pills please " Aashika said giving him pleading look.

Ayaan take ayushi from her forcefully because ayushi was not ready to leave aashika.

Ayaan lock her in his hold while aashika was just glaring at him.

Ignoring everyone he hold her waist band and was about to pull it down .

" Papa no no not there some days ago I fall down in school while fighting with my friends my butt got hurt it still hurts and if now you will do this than it will hurt more ". Ayushi said quickly stopping ayaan.

" You got hurt and don't even tell us ". Ayaan said and capping the needle.

" I got hurt every second day papa it's normal ".

" But still ayushi you should have tell me atleast and here you are telling us it's still hurts . From whome you learn hiding things ". Aashika said ayaan give aashika pointed look.

" Ok you got hurt every day and it's so normal so let me inject. I have to talk to your teacher." Ayaan said but ayushi quickly shake her head.

" Papa it's actually hurting I fall on rough surface I swear ". Ayushi said pinching her neck.

Ayaan loose his hold she crawl towards aashika.

" Then come let me see how hard you got hurt ".

" No it's fine now ". Ayushi said hiding herself again in aashika.

Without saying anything he leave the room and come within a minute holding glass of milk.

" Here take this pill with milk of you deny then I still have injection over there I will inject it in your things be aware ". He said to ayushi who put aashika hand on her thighs hiding it. "

She glup down medicine ayaan left the room for minutes to talk on call.

" Mumma i drink half of it can you finish it please " Ayushi said blinking her eyes cutely .

" No drink it fast otherwise your papa will get angry and come let me see how much you got hurt. You should tell us if you got hurt right. How did you got hurt first tell me."

" Actually teacher call me so i went towards her after I come back and when I sit my friend put some sharp object ". Ayushi said pouting.

" Don't tell papa he will complain about my friend then her mummy papa will scold her then she will be upset with me. We were just playing and she just played a prank".

" Is this a prank who played this kind of prank ayushi moreover he already told you he is going to talk to your teacher and he will never just put blam on any of your friends or any kid ". She said slightly angry with what just ayushi said.

" Kids and there prank " Aashika mumble shaking her head.

" Did she take medicine " Ayaan ask aashika entering in room. Aashika nodded her head.

" Ayushi finish this milk. Aashi i have to go there is some emergency I will be back in some hour and check her back for once if it serious then tell me " Ayaan said wearing his shirt fastly.

" Drive carefully I have to tell you something too so come home really fast but if it's too late like after twelve then stay in hospital only don't come too late it's not safe ". Aashika said ayaan nodded his head leaving the house.

" Mummy I can't drink this milk ".

" Will you finish it on your own or after getting slap from me ". Aashika said showing her palm.

Ayushi start drinking milk slowly with teary eyes.

" Stop crying and sleep for sometimes your fever is not coming down ". Aashika said ayushi put her head on aashika lap.

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