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"Mummy, do you think my project will be successful?" Ayushi asked as she placed the car, which was made out of cardboard, on the road.

"Yes, baby, you will. Here, take a bite," Aashika said, feeding Ayushi a bite. After taking a bite, Ayushi proceeded to place a handmade tree on the side.

"Aryan, baby, stop jumping around and take it. It's in the name of Ayushi didi here," Aashika offered a bite to Aryan with a spoon.

Aryan took a bite and made a disgusted face.

"Eww, Mumma, it's bitter," Aryan teased Ayushi and started running in circles around his mother.

"Ayushi, it's your turn," Aashika said, but Ayushi turned her face away.

"Mumma, later. I want to win the prize," Ayushi mumbled. Aashika sighed and continued to feed Aryan.

"Here, Aryan, it's Mumma's bite."

Aryan took it and made a happy face, hugging his mumma.

"Sweet mumma," he said, snuggling into her chest, but soon stepped back and continued running around.

"Last bite... it's papa's bite," Aryan said, taking the last bite and looking for water.

"Mumma, chilli!" Aashika chuckled, pulling him closer.

"Chilli? Huh?" she said, starting to tickle him.

He started laughing loudly, but Ayushi came from behind and put her colored palm on Aryan's cheeks, laughing an evil laugh.

"Now I will do the same to your butt," she said, putting paint on her palm again.

She took a step closer to him, still smirking.

He started running away from Ayushi.

"Mumma, save me!" Aryan shouted, but Aashika was busy capturing the moment on her phone with a soft smile.

Aryan hid behind his mother, holding onto her saree.

"Mom, step aside. No one will save him from me. I'm bitter, right? Let me show you what bitter means," she said, but at the same time, the door opened and Ayaan walked inside. Aryan looked at his dad, and some confidence came over him.

He let go of his mother's saree and stood in front of Ayushi.

"Now you can't do anything," Aryan said, but Ayushi still laughed and showed him her palm.

" Wrong move " She said and coloured his face with red paint then again she rise her eyebrows. Now your butt turn. " Ayushi said believing his daughter actually can do something like that Aashika put her phone down and tried to stop them but it was too late already she has put her painted hand on his butt cheeks.

Aryan's lips formed a pout as he looked at his dad, who was clearly amused by the situation. He quickly masked his expression when Aryan turned to him. Biting his lips, he managed to control his laughter at Aryan's adorable expression and pointed towards his room.

"Dad needs to take a shower. I'll be back in five minutes," Ayaan said, chuckling as he left. Once in the bathroom, he couldn't help but burst out laughing before turning on the shower.

After wrapping a towel around his waist, he exited the bathroom to find everyone in the room.

"Dad, Mom is messing with my dignity," Aryan said, running to his father.

"Let me get dressed first, beta" Ayaan said, returning to the bed after putting on his clothes. Aryan jumped onto his lap and turned to his dad.

"Dad, she painted me," Aryan complained.

"Yes, sona. Let me wipe it off, okay? Come to Mom, we'll wash it away. It will fade with some oil, then I'll wash it with soap. Come here," Aashika said, but Aryan held onto Ayaan tightly.

"Daddy, push her away. Don't let him sit on your lap," Ayushi said, as Aryan started crying and putting on a show to get his sister in trouble. However, it only made Ayaan chuckle.

"What's wrong, big guy?"

"She painted me. Now Mom wants to take my pants off, but tell her it's about a man's dignity. Ayushi did the same, punish her too," Aryan said, as Ayushi laughed and stuck out her tongue.

"I'll do it again," she said, teasing Aryan.

Aryan cried, prompting Ayaan to hug him. "Okay, okay, we'll punish your sister. Stop crying, buddy. Let Mom help you clean up. Your big guy ego shouldn't be hurt by this," Ayaan said, pecking Aryan's nose.

" No papa tell me do you take off your pants for mumma no right. My man ego will get hurt. " Ayaan look at Aashika who seems to be ready for him. Because it's unusual for Aashika to wear saree at home and if she is wearing it that means she is trying to look more beautiful for Ayaan.

"Looks like dad will be changing soon, baby," Ayaan thought, looking at his little one.

"You can let mumma help, or I can assist you. It's just paint," Ayaan reassured, as Ayushi began to cry.

"Punish didi, she bothers me a lot. You always let her go. She pulled my pants, and it was rude. Don't you teach her manners?" Aryan cried, wiping his eyes.

"We will discipline her. Should I twist her ears?" Ayaan asked lovingly.

Aryan stopped crying and looked at Ayaan happily.

"Give her spaking."

"Spaking?" Ayaan asked, confused.

"He's telling you to punish her the same way you do to Aryan," Aashika whispered, patting Ayushi's backside.

Ayushi stuck her tongue out at Aryan and pulled his hair.

"Ayushi, no," Ayaan and Aashika intervened immediately, making her stop.

"Mumma, he teased me first, right? I'm not being mean," Ayushi said, putting on an innocent act.

Aashika nodded and stroked her hair.

"Baby, let mumma handle it. Let's clean your paint quickly," Ayaan said, kissing Aryan's head.

Aryan pouted and shook his head.

"I want a mummy," Aryan mumbled, crawling towards Aashika. As soon as Ayaan's lap was empty, Ayushi jumped on him, making him wrap his arm around her.

"I made a project. I'll win, right?"

"Yes, baby, you will," Ayaan assured.

Aryan snuggled into his mother's chest, glaring at Ayushi.

"Bedtime, baby. Go to bed and sleep. You have school tomorrow," Ayaan said. Ayushi nodded excitedly for her first day of school.

"Good night, papa," she said, kissing Ayaan's cheeks.

Aryan snuggled closer to Aashika, not wanting to leave his mumma.

" What a mummy's boy. Aryan is a scary cat. He knows how to cry " Ayushi started saying in a singing tone and started dancing in front of Aryan just to tease him .

Aryan pouted and snuggled more into his mother. Ayushi rolled her eyes and held his hand.

" Mumma good night from Aryan side. " Ayushi said and peck her mother's cheeks.

She pulled Aryan out of the room and reaching to her room she throw four soft toys on bed and pat Aryan's head.

" Let's sleep " She mumble Aryan come to bed and they both slept snuggle Into their soft toys.

In the room Ayaan bit his lips and finally started laughing.

" Are you laughing at my baby? Ayushi teases him a lot. " Aashika said and chuckled.

" I will serve dinner. Then you can have some sweets after that. " She whispers the last part.

" I'm waiting for that "

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